consul, -ŭlis, m.: one of two top magistrates in the Roman republic
Pompēïus, -a, -um: Roman nomen gentile, e.g., of Cn. Pompeius Magnus, Caesar's chief rival for power until his death in 48 B.C.
prīmus, -a, -um: first; the tip of
dŭŏ, -ae, -ŏ: two
Cinna, -ae, m.: a family name, e.g., C. Helvius Cinna, Catullus' friend
sŏlĕo, -ēre, -ĭtus: to be accustomed (to); (euphemistic, w/ acc.) to "know," i.e., be sexually intimate with
nunc: adv., now
ĭtĕrum: adv., again; for the second time
mănĕo, -nēre, -nsi, -nsum: remain, stay, wait
cerno, cernĕre, crēvi, crētum: sift; distinguish; decide, determine; make out, perceive
mille, pl. mīlia: a thousand
ūnus, -a, -um: adj., one, alone, only; any, an ordinary
singŭli, -ae, -a: one apiece; taken separately, individual
fēcundus, -a, -um: productive of offspring; fertile, fruitful
sēmen, -ĭnis, n.: seed; semen, sperm
ădultĕrĭum, -ii, n.: an adulterous act; adultery