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mŏror, mŏrārī, morātus sum: delay, wait

ēmŏrĭor, -mŏrī, -mortuus sum: perish, die

sella, -ae, f.: seat; chair of office

cŭrūlis, -e: of high state office: sella curulis

strūma, -ae, f.: a swelling of the lymphatic glands; a person deformed by such swelling

Nonius, -i m.: a Roman official

sĕdeo, sĕdēre, sēdi, sessum: sit

consŭlātus, -ūs, m.: the office of consul, consulship

pēiĕro (1): swear falsely, perjure oneself

Vatinius, -i m.: Publius Vatinius, a partisan of Caesar