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nullus, -a, -um: adj. & subst., not one, no, none

mŭlĭer, -ĕris, f.: woman

tantum . . . quantum: so much . .. as, as much . . . as

vērē: truly, really, in fact

fĭdes, -ĕi, f.: faith, trust; trustworthiness

ullus, -a, -um: any

umquam: adv., ever

foedus, -ĕris, n.: league, treaty, compact, covenant, agreement; any formal agreement or bond, incl. marriage

ămor, -ōris, m.: love; personified, the god of love

pars, partis f.: a part, piece, portion, share; side, party, faction

rĕpĕrĭo, rĕpĕrīre, repperi, rĕpertum: find, discover