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>: derived from

eccl.: words or senses of words peculiar to ecclesiastical or church Latin.

late Lat.: words or senses of words that appear mostly or wholly after ca. AD 150, not in classical Latin.

sc.: scilicet, indicates a word or phrase that must be supplied to complete the sense

Blaise = A. Blaise, Dictionnaire latin-français des auteurs chrétiens (Turnhout: Brepols, 1967).

Fontaine = M. Fontaine, ed. Sulpice Sévère, Vie de Saint Martin, 3 vols. (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1967).

Gildersleeve and Lodge = B.L. Gildersleeve and G. Lodge, Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar, 3rd ed. (London: Macmillan, 1895).

H-S = J.B. Hoffmann and Anton Szantyr, Lateinische Syntax und Stylistik (Munich: Beck, 1965).

Halm = C. Halm, ed. Sulpicii Severi Opera (Vienna: Royal Academy of Letters, 1866), Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum vol. 1.

OLD = The Oxford Latin Dictionary

TLL = Thesaurus Linguae Latinae

White = Carolinne White, Early Christian Lives (London: Penguin, 1998), including a translation of Sulpicius' Life of St. Martin.

Woodcock = E.C. Woodcock, A New Latin Syntax (London: Methuen, 1959).