Global Environmental Treaties
Call for Action: History of International Collaboration
History and International Collaboration
The 18th and 19th Centuries, beginning with the industrial revolution, were marked by un unwavering faith in the trickle-down effect of wealth and prosperity and unprecedented economic growth. However, in the 1960’s, it became increasingly clear that economic growth was coming at a great cost; it was highly stressing the earth leading to environmental degradation, detrimental to both the planet and humans, and climate change. With works published title “the Population bomb” by Paul and Anne Ehrlich, “Limits of Growth” by a group of professors at MIT, and “The Tragedy of the Commons” and the “Lifeboat Ethics” by Garrett Hardin, all in the 1960’s. These works highlighted the inseparable relationship between the economy and the environment. To address these issues that far surpassed national boundaries, there was a general consensus that a space for international dialogue had to be opened to address the possibility for further development and the conservation of natural resources. International cooperation was deemed necessary and from the 1970’s on, the world has seen a proliferation in international discussions, conferences, and treaties.
In 1972, The United National Environmental Program was established at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, this permanent institution was created to serve as a body to organize conferences and collect information of wide ranging natures concerning the environment. In 1983, through the United Nations World Commission on the Environment and Development (WCED), “Our Common Future” otherwise known as the “Brundtland Report”, was drafted and later published in 1987. It called for equity between generations realizing that there were limits to growth. The report defined sustainable developed as “development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Dresner, 35). While this definition would be revised many times in the years following, it has served as a standard basis for understanding the intersection of the environment and development.” In the words of Gro Harlem Brundtland, the commission’s chairman: ‘Environment is where we all live; and development is what we all do in attempting to improve our lot within that abode. The two are inseparable” (UNEP)
In 1987, the Montreal Protocol, a revision of the 1885 Vienna Convention on the Depletion of the Ozone Layer, successfully passed a binding agreement to limit and even remove substances in the production of goods that deplete the ozone layer. It was extremely successful, was ratified by 196 states, and served as a basis for future negotiations on climate related issues.
In 1988, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was founded. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the IPCC reviews research from scientists around the world studying the impact of humans on the environment and solutions for the prevention, adaptation, mitigation, and resiliency to climate change. It does not conduct its own research but rather collects and asses research that scientists submit on a voluntary basis. The panel holds a prominent role today in international climate change negotiations (IPCC). IPCC
Rio Earth Sumit
Road to Kyoto
The Kyoto Protcol
Market-Based Mechanisms to Meet Emission Targets
What Went Wrong?
Beyond Kyoto
UNFCCC Anual Climate Change Conferences Since Kyoto
- 1997 – COP 3, Kyoto, Japan
- 1998 – COP 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 1999 – COP 5, Bonn, Germany
- 2000 – COP 6, The Hague, Netherlands
- 2001 – COP 6 bis, Bonn, Germany
- 2001 – COP 7, Marrakech, Morocco
- 2002 – COP 8, New Delhi, India
- 2003 – COP 9, Milan, Italy
- 2004 – COP 10, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2005 – COP 11/MOP 1, Montreal, Canada
- 2006 – COP 12/MOP 2, Nairobi, Kenya
- 2007 – COP 13/MOP 3, Bali, Indonesia
- 2008 – COP 14/MOP 4, Poznań, Poland
- 2009 – COP 15/MOP 5, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2010 – COP 16/MOP 6, Cancún, Mexico
- 2011 – COP 17/MOP 7, Durban, South Africa
- 2012 – COP 18/MOP 8 Two countries bidding to host: Qatar and South Korea