Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin
From Dickinson College Wiki
Latin text | text + notes | vocabulary
- unanimis -e: of one mind (late Lat.)
- scheda -ae, f.: a leaf or sheet of paper
- sermo -onis, f.: style, language
- spondeo, spondēre, spopondi, sponsum: promise.
- appello, -ere, appuli, appulsum: to turn (one's mind to) (OLD s.v. 6).
- decido, -ere, -cidi, -cisum: decide.
- soloecismus -i, m.: a mistake in grammar or usage.
- libo (1): taste, sample (libassem = libavissem, plupf. subj.).
- desuetudo, -inis, f.: disuse
Section 1
Latin text | text + notes | vocabulary
- inaniter (Adv.): pointlessly.
- fructus -us, m.: reward.
- concipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum: conceive (a hope) (OLD s.v. 11).
- aut . . . aut: 'on the one hand . . . on the other hand'
- occido, -cidere, -cidi, -casum: perish.
- actus -us, m.: action, deed.
- praesens -ntis: present, this-worldly (as opposed to spiritual or heavenly) (eccl.).
- siquidem: 'seeing that' (OLD s.v. 3).