American Friends Service Committee
Overview and Mission
The American Friends Service Committee is an expression of the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers. This oranization is strongly committed to the values of npnviolence and justice through using the transforming power of love, human and divine. The AFSC draws on using people of many different faiths and backgrounds bringing a rick variety of experiences and spirtual insights. The AFSC believes that there is that of God in each person. Furthermore they see no person as an enemy seeking to address the goodness and truth in each individual. The AFSC work focuses on understanding and addressing the root causes of poverty, injustice, and war. AFSC works to relieve and prevent suffering through both immediate aid and long term development seeking to serve the needs of those on both sides of the conflict. Lastly, the AFSC belives that through their experiences they themselves are transformed and see their service as a spirit led journey.