Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 3

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quīdam, quaedam, quoddam: pron. indef., a certain, a certain one, somebody, something

ĭtăque: conj., and so, and thus; accordingly

tempus, -ŏris, n.: a portion or period of time, a time

cum: prep. with abl., with; conj., when, as; since

iam: adv., at this time, now; already

nĭhil, nīl: indecl., nothing; adv., not, in nothing, in no respect, not at all

praeter: adv. and prep., past, by, beyond; except, save

arma, -ōrum, n.: implements of war, arms, both of defence and offence

ĕt: conj., and; and also

simplex, -ĭcis: simple, plain

mīlĭtĭa, -ae, f.: military service, warfare, war; the soldiery, military

vestis, -is, f.: the covering for the body, clothes, clothing

hăbĕo, -ēre, ŭi, ĭtum: to have, to hold, possess; to take, accept, endure; to consider, regard

mĕdĭus, -a, -um: that is in the middle or midst, middle

hĭems, -ĕmis, f.: the winter, winter time

qui, quae, quod: pron. interrog., who? which? what?; rel., who, which, what

sŏlĕo, -ēre, -ĭtus: to be wont, be accustomed

asper, -ĕra, -ĕrum: rough, harsh

ĭnhorresco, -ĕre: to send forth sharp points, to bristle up; to shiver

ădĕō̆: adv., to this, thus far, so far; so much, so very

ut or ŭtī: adv. and conj., as; that, so that

plērus, -a, -um: very many, a very great part, most

vīs, vis, f.: strength; force, power

algor, -ōris, m.: cold, coldness

exstinguo, -nguĕre, -nxi, -nctum: to put out what is burning, to quench, extinguish

obvĭus, -a, -um: in the way, so as to meet, meeting

in: prep. with abl. and acc., in, within, among, at; to, towards

porta, -ae, f.: a city-gate, a gate

Ambianensium& NXCE

cīvĭtas, -ātis, f.: the citizens united in a community, the state; a city

pauper, -ĕris, comm.: a poor man

nūdus, -a, -um: naked, bare, unclothed

praetĕrĕo, -īre, īvi and more freq. ĭi, ĭtum: to go by or past, to pass by

sŭi: pron. reflex., himself, herself, itself, themselves

mĭsĕrĕor, -ēri, -ĭtus sum: dep., to feel pity, have compassion, to pity

ōro (1): to plead; to pray, beg, beseech

omnĭs, -e: every, all

mĭser, -ĕra, -ĕrum: wretched, unfortunate, miserable, pitiable, etc.

intellĕgo, -ĕgĕre, -exi, -ectum: to perceive, understand

vĭr, vĭri, m.: a male person, a man

dĕus, -i, m.: a god, a deity; the God of the Hebrews and Christians, God

plēnus, -a, -um: full, filled with any thing

ille, -a, -ud: pron. demonstr., that

ălĭus, -a, -ud: adj. and subst., another, other

mĭsĕrĭcordĭa, -ae, f.: tender-heartedness, pity, compassion, mercy

nōn: adv., not

praesto (1): to stand, before or in front; to show, exhibit; to answer or vouch for, be responsible; to give, present

rĕservo (1): to keep back, save up; to reserve

tămen: adv., notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, etc.

ăgo, ăgĕre, ēgi, actum: to put in motion, to move; to lead, drive; to do, act

chlămys, -ydis, f.: a broad, woollen upper garment worn in Greece, sometimes purple, and inwrought with gold, worn esp. by distinguished milit. characters, a Grecian military cloak, a state mantle

indŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to put on, assume

ĕnim: conj., for

rĕlĭquus, -a, -um: that is left or remains, remaining

ŏpus, -ĕris, n.: work, labor; art; a work that has been done or made

sĭmĭlis, -e: like, similar

consūmo, -sūmĕre, -sumpsi, -sumptum: to take wholly or completely; to use up or exhaust

arrĭpĭo, rĭpĕre, -rĭpŭi, -reptum: to seize, snatch, lay hold of

ferrum, -i, n.: iron; any thing made of iron; a sword

accingo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: to gird to or on, to gird round or about

dīvĭdo, -vĭdĕre, -vīsi, -vīsum: to force asunder, separate, divide

pars, partis, f.: a part, piece, etc.

is, ĕa, id: pron. demonstr., he, she, it; this or that man, woman, thing

trĭbŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to impart, bestow, give, etc.

rursus, rursum: adv., turned back or backwards; back again, again, anew

intĕrĕā: adv., meanwhile, in the meantime

dē: prep., from, away from, out of, etc.; for, on account of, because of

circumsto (1): to stand around in a circle; to stand around a person or thing, to surround

rīdĕo, -dēre, -si, -sum: to laugh; to laugh at, laugh over any thing

nonnullus, -a, -um: some, several

quĭă: conj., because

dēformis, -e: misshapen, deformed, unsightly; disgraceful

sum, esse, fŭi: to be

trunco (1): to maim, mutilate,mangle, or shorten by cutting off, to cut off

vĭdĕo, vĭdēre, vīdi, vīsum: to see, perceive

multus, -a, -um: much, great, many

mens, mentis, f.: the mind, disposition; the heart, soul

sanior& NXC

altius& NXC

gĕmo, -ĕre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to sigh, groan

quod: conj., that, in that, because

făcĭo, făcĕre, fēci, factum: to make, to do, perform, accomplish, etc.

ūtĭquĕ: NXC

plūs, plūris: more; many

vestĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: to cover with a garment, to dress, clothe

sĭne: prep. with abl., without

nūdĭtas, -ātis, f.: bareness, nakedness, exposure

possum, posse, pŏtŭi: to be able

nox, noctis, f.: night

ĭgĭtur: conj., therefore

insĕquor, -quī, -cūtus sum: dep., to follow

sŏpor, -ōris, m.: a deep sleep

dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to give away; to give up, yield

Christus, -i, m.: Christ

tĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: to cover

vestītus, -ūs, m.: clothing, clothes, dress, apparel

intŭĕor, -ēri, -ĭtus sum: dep., to look at; to observe

dīlĭgenter: adv., attentively, carefully, diligently, earnestly

dŏmĭnus, -i, m.: a master, ruler, lord; the Lord

iŭbĕo, iŭbēre, iussi, iussum: to order one to do something, to bid, tell, command

agnosco, -noscĕre, -nōvi, -nitum: to recognize; to understand, know

mox: adv., soon, anon, presently

ad: prep. with acc., to, toward; near to, at; with regard to, in relation to

angĕlus, -i, m.: a messenger; an angel

multĭtūdo, -ĭnis, f.: a great number, multitude

audĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ii, -itum: to hear, to perceive or understand by hearing, to learn

Ĭēsus, -u, m.: Jesus

clārus, -a, -um: bright, shining, etc.; clear, plain

vox, vōcis, f.: a voice, cry, call; a word, speech

dīco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: to say, tell, state

Martinus& NXCE

ădhuc: adv., to this place, hitherto, thus far; still, yet

cătēchūmĕnus, -i, m.: one who is receiving elementary instruction in religion, a catechumen

hīc, haec, hōc: pron. demonstr., this

ĕgō̆: I

contĕgo, -gĕre, -xi, -ctum: to cover, cover up or over

vērē: adv., according to truth, truly

mĕmor, ŏris mindful of a thing, remembering

dictum, -i, n.: something said, i.e. a saying, a word

antĕ: prep. and adv., before; previously; in front of

praedīco, -cĕre, xi, ctum: to say or mention before or beforehand, to premise

quamdĭu: adv., interrog., how long ago? how long?; rel., as long as, until, during; inasmuch as, in that

ūnus, -a, -um: one, a single

ex or ē: prep. with abl., denotes out from the interior of a thing, out of, from

mĭnĭmus, -a, -um: least, smallest, etc.

iste, -a, -ud: pron. demonstr., that, this, the very

prŏfĭtĕor, -fĭtēri, -fessus sum: dep., to declare publicly, to acknowledge, profess

confirmo (1): to make firm, establish, confirm

tam: adv., so, so much as

bŏnus, -a, -um: good

testĭmōnĭum, -ii, n.: witness, evidence, testimony

īdem, ĕădem, ĭdem: pron., the same

hăbĭtus, -ūs, m.: the state or condition of a thing; appearance

accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to take, receive; to hear

dignor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to deem worthy or deserving; to deign

ostendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum: to stretch out or spread before one; to show, exhibit, display

bĕātus, -a, -um: happy, blessed, fortunate

glōrĭa, -ae, f.: glory, fame, renown, praise, honor

effĕro, efferre, extŭli, ēlatum: to bring or carry out, to bring forth; to lift up, elevate, exalt

hūmānus, -a, -um: of or belonging to man, human

sĕd: conj., but, yet

bŏnĭtas, -ātis, f.: the good quality of a thing, goodness, excellence

cognosco, -gnoscĕre, -gnōvi, -gnĭtum: to perceive, understand, learn; to acknowledge, identify

annus, -i, m.: a year

dŭŏdēvīginti: eighteen

baptismum, -i, n.: a dipping in, washing; Christian baptism

convŏlo (1): to come hastily together, to run together

nĕque or nec: adv. and conj., not; and not, also not

stătim: adv., forthwith, immediately

rĕnuntĭo (1): to bring or carry back word, to report; to retract, revoke, refuse

trĭbūnus, -i, m.: a commander, tribune

prex, prĕcis, f.: a prayer, request, entreaty

ēvinco, -vincĕre, -vici, -victum: to overcome completely, to conquer; to carry one's point, to prevail

contŭbernĭum, -ii, n.: tent-companionship

fămĭlĭāris, -e: familiar, customary; of or belonging to a house, household, or family; domestic, private

ĕtĕnim: conj. for, truly, and indeed, since

transĭgo, -ĭgĕre, -ēgi, -actum: to carry through, to bring to an end, to finish, conclude

trĭbūnātus, -ūs, m.: the office and dignity of a tribune, the tribuneship

saecŭlum, -i, n.: a lifetime, generation, age; the times; the world, worldliness

pollĭcĕor, -ēri, -ĭtus sum: dep., to promise, announce

exspectātĭo, -ōnis, f.: an awaiting, expecting, expectation

suspendo, -dĕre, -di, -sum: to hang up, hang, suspend

per: prep. with acc., through, throughout

bĭennĭum, -ii, n.: a period of two years, two years

fĕrē: adv., nearly, almost

postĕāquam: adv., after that

consĕquor, -sĕqui, -sĕcūtus sum: dep., to follow, pursue; to reach, attain to, arrive at

sōlus, -a, -um: alone, only, single, sole

lĭcet, -cēre, -cŭi and -cĭtum est: it is allowed or permitted

nōmen, -ĭnis, n.: a name, appellation

mīlĭto (1): to be a soldier, to perform military service, to serve as a soldier