Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 4
intĕrĕā: adv., meanwhile, in the meantime
irrŭo, -rŭĕre, -rŭi: to rush or force one's way into, invade, make an attack upon
intrā: adv. and prep., on the inside, within
Gallia, -ae, f.: Gaul
barbărus, -i, m.: foreigner, barbarian
Iūlĭānus, -a, -um: Julian, a Roman proper name
Caesar, -ăris, m.: a cognomen in the gens Julia
cōgo, cōgĕre, cŏēgi, cŏactum: to collect, to assemble, gather together; to force, compel
in: prep. with abl. and acc., in, within, among, at; to, towards
ūnus, -a, -um: one, a single
exercĭtus, -ūs, m.: an army
ăpŭd: prep., with, at, by, near; before, in the presence
Vangionum& NXCE macrons
cīvĭtas, -ātis, f.: the citizens united in a community, the state; a city
dōnātīvum, -i, n.: a largess, donative
coepĭo, coepĕre, coepi, coeptum: to begin, commence, undertake
ērŏgo (1): to expend, pay out
mīlĕs, ĭtis, m. or f.: a soldier
ĕt: conj., and; and also
ut or ŭtī: adv. and conj., as; that, so that
sum, esse, fŭi: to be
consŭētūdo, -ĭnis, f.: a custom, habit
singŭlus, -a, -um: single, separate, individual
cĭto (1): to put into quick motion, incite, etc.; to urge to, call or summon to
dōnĕc: conj., until, till at length
ad: prep. with acc., to, toward; near to, at; with regard to, in relation to
Martinus& NXCE
vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum: to come
tum: adv. demonstr., then
vērō: adv., in truth, in fact, truly
opportūnus, -a, -um: convenient, suitable, opportune
tempus, -ŏris, n.: a portion or period of time, a time
existĭmo (1): to judge, consider, think
qui, quae, quod: pron. interrog., who? which? what?; rel., who, which, what
pĕto, -ĕre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum: to seek, require; to attack, assail
missĭo, -ōnis, f.: a letting go, sending away, a despatching
nĕque or nec: adv. and conj., not; and not, also not
ĕnim: conj., for
intĕger, -tē̆gra, -tē̆grum: untouched, unhurt, unchanged; blameless, honest
sŭi: pron. reflex., himself, herself, itself, themselves
fŏre: inf., irregular, from the obsolete fuo and equivalent to futurum esse
arbĭtror, -āri, ātus sum: dep., to be of the opinion, to believe
sī: conj., if
nōn: adv., not
mīlĭto (1): to be a soldier, to perform military service, to serve as a soldier
accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to take, receive; to hear
hactĕnus: adv., up to this time, thus far, hitherto
inquam: I say, say (said) I, says (said) he, etc.
tū: thou
pătĭor, pătī, passus sum: dep., to bear, suffer, endure; to allow, permit
nunc: adv., now, at present, at this time
dĕus, -i, m.: a god, a deity; the God of the Hebrews and Christians, God
pugno (1): to fight, either singly or in armies
Christus, -i, m.: Christ
ĕgō̆: I
lĭcet, -cēre, -cŭi and -cĭtum est: it is allowed or permitted
adversus, -a, -um: standing over against, opposite, before, in front of
hīc, haec, hōc: pron. demonstr., this
vox, vōcis, f.: a voice, cry, call; a word, speech
tyrannus, -i, m.: a cruel or severe ruler, a despot, tyrant
infrĕmo, -ĕre, -ŭi: to make or utter a noise; to growl; to roar
dīco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: to say, tell, state
is, ĕa, id: pron. demonstr., he, she, it; this or that man, woman, thing
mĕtus, -ūs, m.: fear
pugna, -ae, f.: a fight between individuals or armies, a battle
postĕrus, -a, -um: following, ensuing
dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.: a day
rĕlĭgĭo, -ōnis, f.: reverence for God (the gods); piety, religion; religious awe, etc.
grātĭā: adv., on account of, for the sake of
dētracto (1): to decline, refuse, reject any thing
mīlĭtĭa, -ae, f.: military service, warfare, war; the soldiery, military
at: conj., but, but indeed
intrĕpĭdus, -a, -um: unshaken, undaunted, intrepid
immo: on the contrary, no indeed
infĕro, inferre, intŭli, illātum, to carry, bring, or throw into or to a place
terror, -ōris, m.: great fear, terror
constantior4& NXCE
ignāvĭa, -ae, f.: cowardice, worthlessness
adscrībo, -bĕre, -psi, -ptum: to ascribe, attribute
fĭdes, -ĕi, f.: faith, belief
crastĭnus, -a, -um: of tomorrow; tomorrow's
antĕ: prep. and adv., before; previously; in front of
ăcĭēs, -ēi, f.: a sharp edge or point; the line of battle, battle-array
ĭnermis, -e: unarmed, without weapons, defenceless
adsto (1): to stand at or near, to stand by, stand
nōmen, -ĭnis, n.: a name, appellation
dŏmĭnus, -i, m.: a master, ruler, lord; the Lord
Ĭēsus, -u, m.: Jesus
signum, -i, n.: a mark, token, sign
crux, -ŭcis, f.: a cross
clĭpĕum, -i, n.: the round brazen shield of Roman soldiers
prōtĕgo, -xi, -ctum: to cover before or in front, protect
aut: conj., or; either… or
gălĕa, ae, f.: a helmet (usually of leather)
hostis, -is, m.: an enemy
cŭnĕus, -i, m.: a wedge
pĕnē̆tro (1): to enter, penetrate
sēcūrus, -a, -um: free from danger, safe, secure
rē̆trūdo, -dĕre, -sum: to thrust back
ergō: adv., consequently, therefore
custōdĭa, -ae, f.: guard, protection; custody, restraint
iŭbĕo, iŭbēre, iussi, iussum: to order one to do something, to bid, tell, command
făcĭo, făcĕre, fēci, factum: to make, to do, perform, accomplish, etc.
dictum, -i, n.: something said, i.e. a saying, a word
ōbĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum: to throw or put before or towards, to throw to, expose
lēgātus, -i, m.: an ambassador, legate
dē: prep., from, away from, out of, etc.; for, on account of, because of
pax, pācis, f.: peace
mitto, mittĕre, mīsi, missum: to send, despatch
omnĭs, -e: every, all
dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to give away; to give up, yield
undĕ: adv., from which place, whence
dŭbĭto (1): to be uncertain, to doubt
vērē: adv., according to truth, truly
bĕātus, -a, -um: happy, blessed, fortunate
vĭr, vĭri, m.: a male person, a man
victōrĭa, -ae, f.: victory
praesto (1): to stand, before or in front; to show, exhibit; to answer or vouch for, be responsible; to give, present
nē: adv. and conj., no, not; that not, lest
proelĭum, -ii, n.: a battle, combat
quamvīs: adv. and conj., although
pĭus, -a, -um: pious, devout, kind, good, etc.
servo (1): to save, deliver, protect, etc.
inter: adv., and prep. with acc., in the midst; between, betwixt, among
glădĭus, -ĭi, m.: a sword
tēlum, -i, n.: a weapon used for fighting at a distance; a missile weapon, missile, as a dart, spear, javelin, etc.
possum, posse, pŏtŭi: to be able
tămen: adv., notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, etc.
vĕl: conj. and adv., or else, or; even
ălĭus, -a, -ud: adj. and subst., another, other
mors, -tis, f.: death
sanctus, -i, m.: a saint, holy man
vĭŏlo (1): to treat with violence, to injure, dishonor, outrage
obtūtus, -ūs, m.: a seeing, looking at or upon; the eye
exĭmo, -ĭmĕre, -ēmi, -emptum: to take out, take away, remove
nĕcessĭtas, -ātis, f.: unavoidableness, inevitableness, necessity
prō: adv. and prep., before, in front of; for; on account, for the sake of
dēbĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to owe, to be under obligation
sŭbĭgo, -ĭgĕre, -ēgi, -actum: to bring under, get under; to overcome, conquer, subjugate
sĭne: prep. with abl., without
sanguis, -ĭnis, m.: blood; bloodshed
nēmō̆, neminis, m.: no one, nobody
mŏrĭor, mŏrī, mortŭus sum: dep., to die