Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 10

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iam: adv., at this time, now; already

vērō: adv., in truth, in fact, truly

sūmo, sūmĕre, sumpsi, sumptum: to take, take up; to use, consume

ĕpīscŏpātus, -ūs, m.: the office and dignity of a bishop, episcopate

quālis, -e: pron. rel., of such a sort, kind or nature

sŭi: pron. reflex., himself, herself, itself, themselves

quantus, -a, -um: how great

praesto (1): to stand, before or in front; to show, exhibit; to answer or vouch for, be responsible; to give, present

nōn: adv., not

sum, esse, fŭi: to be

noster, -stra, -strum: pron. poss., our, ours

făcultas, -ātis, f.: capability, means; skill

ēvolvo, -volvĕre, -volvi, -vŏlūtum: to roll out; to unfold, disclose, narrate

īdem, ĕădem, ĭdem: pron., the same

ĕnim: conj., for

constans, -antis: certain, proved, established

persĕvēro (1): to continue steadfastly, to persist, persevere in any thing

qui, quae, quod: pron. interrog., who? which? what?; rel., who, which, what

prĭus: adv. comp., before, previously

in: prep. with abl. and acc., in, within, among, at; to, towards

cor, cordis, n.: the heart

is, ĕa, id: pron. demonstr., he, she, it; this or that man, woman, thing

hŭmĭlĭtas, -ātis, f.: lowness, humility

vestītus, -ūs, m.: clothing, clothes, dress, apparel

vīlĭtas, -ātis, f.: cheapness; meanness, worthlessness

atque or āc: conj., and also, and

ĭta: adv., so, thus

plēnus, -a, -um: full, filled with any thing

auctōrĭtas, -ātis, f.: authority, reputation, dignity, influence

ĕt: conj., and; and also

grātĭa, -ae, f.: thanks, gratitude; agreeableness, grace

implĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum: to fulfil, discharge, satisfy

ĕpīscŏpus, -i, m.: a bishop

dignĭtas, -ātis, f.: worthiness, merit; dignity, grandeur, authority, rank

ut or ŭtī: adv. and conj., as; that, so that

tămen: adv., notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, etc.

prōpōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtum: to put or set forth, to expose to view, to display

mŏnăchus, -i, m.: a monk

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: worth, excellence, virtue, etc.; power

dēsĕro, -rĕre -rŭi, -rtum: to forsake, abandon, desert

ălĭquamdĭu: adv., awhile, for a while

ergō: adv., consequently, therefore

ădhaerĕo, -haerēre, -haesi, -haesum: to adhere to; to be near, to hang on

ad: prep. with acc., to, toward; near to, at; with regard to, in relation to

ecclēsĭa, -ae, f.: a religious assembly of Christians, a church; the Church

cellŭla, -ae, f.: dim. of cella, a small store-room or apartment

ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum: dep., to use; to make use of, employ

dein: adv., thereafter, thereupon

cum: prep. with abl., with; conj., when, as; since

inquĭētūdo, -ĭnis, f.: restlessness, disquietude

frĕquento (1): to visit or resort to frequently, to frequent

fĕro, fĕrre, tŭli, lātum: to bear, carry, bring; to report, relate

possum, posse, pŏtŭi: to be able

dŭŏ, -ae, -ŏ: two

fĕrē: adv., nearly, almost

extrā: adv., outside of, without, beyond

cīvĭtas, -ātis, f.: the citizens united in a community, the state; a city

mille, pl. mīlia: a thousand, thousands; a thousand paces, i.e. a Roman mile

mŏnastērĭum, -ii, n.: a monastery

stătŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to cause to stand, set up; to establish

lŏcus, -i, m.: a place, spot; position, condition

tam: adv., so, so much as

sēcrētus, -a, -um: lonely, solitary, secret

rĕmōtus, -a, -um: distant, remote

ĕrēmus, -i, m.: a wilderness, desert

sōlĭtūdo, -ĭnis, f.: loneliness, solitariness, solitude

dēsīdĕro (1): to long for, greatly wish for, to desire

ex or ē: prep. with abl., denotes out from the interior of a thing, out of, from

ūnus, -a, -um: one, a single

lătus, -ĕris, n.: the side

praecīdo, -cīdĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to cut off in front

mons, -tis, m.: a mountain, mount

excelsus, -a, -um: elevated, lofty, high

rūpes, -is, f.: a rock

ambĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ii, -ītum: to surround, encircle, encompass

rĕlĭquus, -a, -um: that is left or remains, remaining

plānĭtĭes, -ēi, f.: a flat or even surface, level ground, a plain

Lĭger, -ĕris, m.: a river forming the boundary between Gallia Lugdunensis and Aquitania, now the Loire

flŭvĭus, -ii, m.: a river

rĕdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: to lead or bring back

paulŭlum: adv., a little, a very little

sĭnus, -ūs, m.: a bent surface, a curve, fold, etc.

claudo, -ĕre: to shut; to enclose, surround

tantum: adv., so much, to such a degree; only, merely

artus, -a, -um: close, narrow

admŏdum: adv., to a (great) measure, much, very

vĭa, -ae, f.: a way, road, path

ădĕo, -īre, -ĭī, -ĭtum: to go to or approach

ipse, -a, -um: pron. demonstr., himself, herself, itself

lignum, -i, n.: wood

contexo, -xĕre, -xŭi, -xtum: to join together, to make, construct

hăbĕo, -ēre, ŭi, ĭtum: to have, to hold, possess; to take, accept, endure; to consider, regard

multus, -a, -um: much, great, many

frāter, -tris, m.: a brother

mŏdus, -i, m.: a way, manner, mode, method

plērus, -a, -um: very many, a very great part, most

saxum, -i, n.: a rock

sŭperiăcĭo, -iăcĕre, -iēci, -iectum: to cast or throw over or upon; to overtop

căvo (1): to make hollow, to hollow out, excavate

rĕceptācŭlum, -i, n.: a place of refuge, shelter

făcĭo, făcĕre, fēci, factum: to make, to do, perform, accomplish, etc.

discĭpŭlus, -i, m.: a pupil, disciple

octōginta: eighty

exemplum, -i, n.: example

bĕātus, -a, -um: happy, blessed, fortunate

măgister, -tri, m.: a master; a teacher, instructor

instĭtŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to teach, instruct, educate

nēmō̆, neminis, m.: no one, nobody

ĭbĭ̄: adv., in that place, there

quicquam: pron. indef., any, any one, any thing

prō̆prĭus, -a, -um: not common with others, one's own

omnĭs, -e: every, all

mĕdĭus, -a, -um: that is in the middle or midst, middle

confĕro, conferre, contŭli, collātum: to bring, bear, or carry together, to collect, gather

ĕmo, ĕmĕre, ēmi, emptum: to buy, purchase

aut: conj., or; either… or

vendo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to sell, vend

mos, mōris, m.: manner, custom, wont

lĭcet, -cēre, -cŭi and -cĭtum est: it is allowed or permitted

ars, artis, f.: skill in producing any material form, handicraft, trade

excĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to except, make an exception of; to take, receive

scriptor, -ōris, m.: one who writes; a writer, scribe

nullus, -a, -um: not any, none

ŏpus, -ĕris, n.: work, labor; art; a work that has been done or made

mĭnor, -us: less, lesser

aetas, -ātis, f.: the period of life, age

dēpŭto (1): to esteem, consider; to allot; to condemn

māiōres, -um, m.: adults; ancestors, forefathers

ōrātĭo, -ōnis, f.: a set speech, oration; a prayer, an address to the Deity

văco (1): to be empty, void; to be free to attend, apply, or devote one's self to

rārus, a, um rare

quisquam, quicquam: pron. indef., any, any one, any body, any thing

sŭus, -a, -um: pron. poss., of or belonging to himself, herself, etc.

ēgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum: to go or come out; to leave

nĭsĭ: conj., if not, unless; except

convĕnĭo, -vĕnīre -vēni, -ventum: to come together, meet together, assemble

cĭbus, -i, m.: food

post: adv. and prep., behind; afterwards, after

hōra, -ae, f.: an hour

iēiūnĭum, -ii, n.: a fast-day, fast

accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to take, receive; to hear

vīnum, -i, n.: wine

nosco, -ĕre, nōvi, nōtum: to get a knowledge of, become acquainted with

infirmĭtas, -ātis, f.: weakness, feebleness

cōgo, cōgĕre, cŏēgi, cŏactum: to collect, to assemble, gather together; to force, compel

cămēlus, -i, m.: a camel

saeta, -ae, f.: a thick stiff hair on an animal; a bristle

vestĭo, -īre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: to cover with a garment, to dress, clothe

mollis, -e: soft, mild, pleasant

prō: adv. and prep., before, in front of; for; on account, for the sake of

crīmen, -ĭnis, n.: an object of reproach or invective; a crime, fault

quod: conj., that, in that, because

magis: adv., in a higher degree, more

mīrus, -a, -um: wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, extraordinary

nĕcesse: necessary

inter: adv., and prep. with acc., in the midst; between, betwixt, among

nōbĭlis, -is, m.: a nobleman

longē: adv., a long way off, far off; greatly, very much, by far

ălĭtĕr: adv., otherwise, in another manner

ēdūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: to lead forth, draw out; to bring up, rear

hīc, haec, hōc: pron. demonstr., this

pătĭentĭa, -ae, f.: the quality of bearing, suffering, or enduring, patience, endurance

postĕā: adv., after this or that, afterwards

vĭdĕo, vĭdēre, vīdi, vīsum: to see, perceive

cŭpĭo, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: to long for a thing, to desire, wish

săcerdos, -ōtis, m. or f.: a priest; a priestess