Pompey's Letters Vocab

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Caesar Civil War

To Marcellus and Lentulus

exīstimō, -āre: judge, value, consider
dīspergō, -ere, -sī, -sus: scatter, disperse
idcircō: therefore
vereor, -eri, veritus sum: fear, dread
implicō, -āre: involve, entangle, engage
fīrmus, -a, -um: steady, strong, durable
collocō, -āre: arrange, station, put in order
expediō, -īre, -īvī, -ītus: disengage
sollicitūdō, -inis, f.: concern, anxiety
subsidium, -ī, n.: help, relief
committō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: bring together, entrust
illuc: to that place, thither
contrahō, -ere, -trāxī, -trāctus: assemble, draw together
dīmittō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: leave, abandon
placeō, -ēre, -cuī, -citus: please
ob: on account of
cēnseō, -ere, cēnsuī, cēnsus: judge, assess
dēportō, -āre: carry off, take away
vehementer: exceedingly, very much
prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī: be useful, benefit

To Domitius, 11 February

valde: greatly, intensely, very
dīsiciō, -ere, -iēci, -iectus: scatter, divide
cōnstituō, -ere, -uī, -ūtus: set up, prepare, determine
levis, -e: light, trivial, capricious
proptereā: for this reason
magis: more
quantō: by how much, by as much as
appropinquō, -āre: approach, come near to
adversārius, -a, -um: hostile, adverse, inimical
coepiō, -ere, coepī, coeptus: begin
dēsistō, -ere, -stitī, -stitus: cease, stop, give up
distrahō, -ere, -āxī, -actus: separate, divide, tear apart
servō, -āre: preserve
impetrō, -āre: obtain, procure, succeed

To Domitius, 17 February

reddō, -ere, -didī, -ditus: deliver
praemoneō, -ēre, -uī, -itus: forewarn
committō, -ere, -mīsī, -missus: bring together in a fight
implicō, -āre: entangle, engage
expedītus, -a, -um: unencumbered, free, open
cōnfīdō, -ere, -fīsus sum: have confidence in
dīmicō, -āre: fight
ratiō, -ōnis, f: method, plan
explicō, -āre: disentangle
nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtus: learn, become acquainted with
praetereō, -īre, -ivī, -itus: pass by, disregard, excel