Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 6

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ĭgĭtur: conj., therefore

Martinus& NXCE

inde: adv., from that place, thence; from that time, since

prōgrĕdĭor, -grĕdī, -gressus sum: to come or go forth, proceed

cum: prep. with abl., with; conj., when, as; since

Mĕdĭōlānum, -i, n.: a city in Gallia Cisalpina

praetĕrĕo, -īre, īvi and more freq. ĭi, ĭtum: to go by or past, to pass by

dĭăbŏlus, -i, m.: a devil; the devil

in: prep. with abl. and acc., in, within, among, at; to, towards

ĭter, ĭtĭnĕris n.: a way; a journey

hūmānus, -a, -um: of or belonging to man, human

spĕcĭes, -ēi, f.: sight; the outward appearance; shape, form, etc.

assūmo, -mĕre, -mpsi, -mptum: to take to or with one's self, to adopt, take

sŭi: pron. reflex., himself, herself, itself, themselves

is, ĕa, id: pron. demonstr., he, she, it; this or that man, woman, thing

obvĭus, -a, -um: in the way, so as to meet, meeting

fĕro, fĕrre, tŭli, lātum: to bear, carry, bring; to report, relate

quō: adv., where; whither

tendo, tendĕre, tĕtendi, tentum and tensum: to stretch, etc.; to direct one's self or one's course, to aim, go

quaero, quaerĕre, -sīvi or -sĭi, -sītum: to seek; to ask, inquire

ăb, ā, abs: prep. with abl., from, away from; by, at, etc.

rēspondĕo, -dēre, -di, -sum: to reply, respond

accĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to take, receive; to hear

dŏmĭnus, -i, m.: a master, ruler, lord; the Lord

vŏco (1): to call; to summon

intendo, -dĕre -di, -tum and -sum: to turn one's attention to, to exert one's self for, to intend

āio: verb. defect., to say

ad: prep. with acc., to, toward; near to, at; with regard to, in relation to

quōcumque: adv., to whatever place, whithersoever

quīcumque, quaecumque, quodcumque: pron. rel., whoever, whatever, whosoever, whatsoever

ĕo, īre, īvi or ii, ĭtum: to go

vĕl: conj. and adv., or else, or; even

tempto (1): to try; to tempt

tū: thou

adversor, -āri, ātus sum: dep., to be against, to resist or oppose

tunc: adv. demonstr., then, at that time

prŏphētĭcus, -a, -um: predicting, prophetic, prophetical

vox, vōcis, f.: a voice, cry, call; a word, speech

ĕgō̆: I

inquam: I say, say (said) I, says (said) he, etc.

adjūtor, -ōris, m.: a helper, aider

sum, esse, fŭi: to be

nōn: adv., not

qui, quae, quod: pron. interrog., who? which? what?; rel., who, which, what

tĭmĕo, -ēre, ŭi: to fear, be afraid of

făcĭo, făcĕre, fēci, factum: to make, to do, perform, accomplish, etc.

hŏmo, -ĭnis, m. and f.: a human being, man

stătim: adv., forthwith, immediately

dē: prep., from, away from, out of, etc.; for, on account of, because of

conspectus, -ūs, m.: a seeing, sight

ĭnĭmīcus, -a, -um: an enemy, foe

ēvānesco, -nescĕre, -nŭi: to vanish or pass away, to disappear

ĭtăque: conj., and so, and thus; accordingly

ut or ŭtī: adv. and conj., as; that, so that

ănĭmus, -i, m.: the rational soul in man; the reason, intellect, mind; the will

atque or āc: conj., and also, and

mens, mentis, f.: the mind, disposition; the heart, soul

concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to take or lay hold of, to take to one's self, etc.

māter, -tris, f.: a mother

gentīlĭtas, ātis, f.: heathenism, paganism

absolvo, -vĕre, -vi, -ūtum: to loosen from, to make loose, set free

error, -ōris, m.: a wandering; a going astray; a departing from the truth, an error, mistake

păter, -tris, m.: a father, sire

mălus, -a, -um: evil, wicked; bad, etc.

persĕvēro (1): to continue steadfastly, to persist, persevere in any thing

plūs, plūris: more; many

tămen: adv., notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, etc.

salvo (1): to save

exemplum, -i, n.: example

dĕhinc: adv., from this place forth, from here, hence

haerĕsis, -is and -ĕos, f.: heretical religious doctrine, heresy

Arriana& NXCE

per: prep. with acc., through, throughout

tōtus, -a, -um: all, all the (denoting a thing in its entireness), the whole, entire, total

orbis, -is, m.: an orb, a circle; the circle or orb of the earth, the world

ĕt: conj., and; and also

maxĭmē: in the highest degree, most particularly, especially, very, etc.

intrā: adv. and prep., on the inside, within

Illyrĭcum, -i, n.: the country of Illyria

pullŭlo (1): to put forth; to spread

adversus: adv. and prep., against

perfĭdĭa, -ae, f.: faithlessness, treachery, perfidy

săcerdos, -ōtis, m. or f.: a priest; a priestess

sōlus, -a, -um: alone, only, single, sole

paene: adv., nearly, almost

ācer, -cris, -cre: sharp; violent, vehement; zealous

rĕpugno (1): to fight against, oppose

multus, -a, -um: much, great, many

supplĭcĭum, -ii, n.: humiliation; punishment, torture, torment, suffering

affĭcĭo, affĭcĕre, affēci, affectum: to affect; to bestow upon; to inflict upon

nam: conj., for

pūblĭcē: adv., before the people, publicly

virga, -ae, f.: a rod, switch for flogging

caedo, caedĕre, cĕcīdi, caesum: to strike upon something, to knock at, to beat, etc.

extrēmum, -i, n.: an end, the end

cīvĭtas, -ātis, f.: the citizens united in a community, the state; a city

exĕo, -īre, -ĭi, -ĭtum: to go away, depart; to go or pass beyond

compello (1): to drive, compel, force

Ītălĭa, -ae, f.: Italy

rĕpĕto, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: to seek again, return to

Gallia, -ae, f.: Gaul

quŏque: conj., also, too

discessus, -ūs, m.: a going away, departure

sanctus, -a, -um: venerable, august, divine, sacred, holy

Hilarius& NXCE

exsĭlĭum, -ii, n.: banishment, exile

haerĕtĭcus, -i, m.: a heretic

vīs, vis, f.: strength; force, power

cōgo, cōgĕre, cŏēgi, cŏactum: to collect, to assemble, gather together; to force, compel

turbo (1): to disturb; to throw into disorder or confusion

ecclēsĭa, -ae, f.: a religious assembly of Christians, a church; the Church

compĕrĭo, -pĕrīre, -pĕri, -pertum: to obtain a knowledge of a thing, to learn, etc.

mŏnastērĭum, -ii, n.: a monastery

stătŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to cause to stand, set up; to establish

ĭbĭ̄: adv., in that place, there

Auxentius& NXCE

auctor, -ōris, m.: creator, author; the originator, cause

princeps, cĭpis, m.: the first person; leader

Arriani& NXCE

grăvis, -e: heavy; oppressive, harsh, severe

insector, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to pursue

iniūrĭa, -ae, f.: injury, wrong; unjust severity, harshness

exturbo (1): to drive or thrust out, to drive away

cēdo, cēdĕre, cessi, cessum: to go, move; to yield

tempus, -ŏris, n.: a portion or period of time, a time

arbĭtror, āri, -ātus sum: dep., to be of the opinion, to believe

insŭla, -ae, f.: an island

Gallinaria& NXCE

nōmen, -ĭnis, n.: a name, appellation

sēcēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: to go apart, separate, withdraw

cŏmĕs, -ĭtis, m.: a companion, an associate, comrade, etc.

quīdam, quaedam, quoddam: pron. indef., a certain, a certain one, somebody, something

presbyter, -ĕri, m.: an elder or presbyter in the Christian Church

magnus, -a, -um: great, large; considerable, abundant

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: worth, excellence, virtue, etc.; power

vĭr, vĭri, m.: a male person, a man

hīc, haec, hōc: pron. demonstr., this

ălĭquamdĭu: adv., awhile, for a while

rādix, -īcis, f.: a root of a plant

vīvo, -ĕre, vixi, victum: to live, be alive; to live on anything or in any manner

herba, -ae, f.: springing vegetation, herbage, an herb

hellĕbŏrum, -i, n.: hellebore

vĕnēnātus, -a, -um: filled with poison, envenomed

grāmen, -ĭnis, n.: a blade of grass; a plant, herb

cĭbus, -i, m.: food

sūmo, sūmĕre, sumpsi, sumptum: to take, take up; to use, consume

sĕd: conj., but, yet

vĕnēnum, -i, n.: poison, venom

grassor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to attack, proceed against; to rage against

vīcīnus, -a, -um: near, in the neighborhood or vicinity; nearly resembling in quality or nature

iam: adv., at this time, now; already

mors, -tis, f.: death

sentĭo, -tīre, -si, -sum: to discern by the senses; to feel, hear, see, etc.; to perceive

immĭnĕo, -ēre: to project over or towards a thing, to overhang

pĕrīcŭlum, -i, n.: danger, peril

ōrātĭo, -ōnis, f.: a set speech, oration; a prayer, an address to the Deity

rĕpello, rĕpellĕre, re(p)puli, rĕpulsum: to drive, crowd, or thrust back; to repulse, repel, etc.

omnĭs, -e: every, all

dŏlor, -ōris, m.: pain, ache; distress, grief

fŭgo (1): to cause to flee, to put to flight

nĕque or nec: adv. and conj., not; and not, also not

post: adv. and prep., behind; afterwards, after

rex, rēgis, m.: a ruler of a country, a king

paenĭtentĭa, -ae, f.: repentance, penitence

pŏtestas, -ātis, f.: ability, power

indulgĕo, -gēre, -si, -tum: to concede, grant, allow

rĕdĕo, -īre, -ĭi, -ĭtum: to return

Rōma, -ae, f.: the city of Rome

occurro, -currĕre, -curri, -cursum: to run up to, run to meet

prōfĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum: to go forward, advance

urbs, urbis, f.: a city