Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 21

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consto (1): to stand with; to stand firm, to persevere, etc.; to be certain, evident

autem: conj., however, nevertheless; moreover

ĕtĭam: conj., and also, also

angĕlus, -i, m.: a messenger; an angel

ăb, ā, abs: prep. with abl., from, away from; by, at, etc.

is, ĕa, id: pron. demonstr., he, she, it; this or that man, woman, thing

plērumquē: adv., for the most part, commonly

vĭdĕo, vĭdēre, vīdi, vīsum: to see, perceive

ĭta: adv., so, thus

ut or ŭtī: adv. and conj., as; that, so that

consĕro, -sĕrĕre, -sĕrŭi, -sertum: to join, connect, unite together

ăpŭd: prep., with, at, by, near; before, in the presence

invĭcem: one another, each other

sermo, -ōnis, m.: talk, conversation, discourse

lŏquor, lŏqui, -cātus sum: to speak, talk; to say, tell

dĭăbŏlus, -i, m.: a devil; the devil

vērō: adv., in truth, in fact, truly

conspĭcābĭlis, -e: visible; remarkable, notable

ĕt: conj., and; and also

sūbĭcĭo, -ĭcĕre, -iēci, -iectum: to submit, subject

ŏcŭlus, -i, m.: an eye

hăbĕo, -ēre, ŭi, ĭtum: to have, to hold, possess; to take, accept, endure; to consider, regard

sīve: conj., or if

sŭi: pron. reflex., himself, herself, itself, themselves

in: prep. with abl. and acc., in, within, among, at; to, towards

prō̆prĭus, -a, -um: not common with others, one's own

substantĭa, -ae, f.: the being, essence, substance

contĭnĕo, -tĭnēre, -tĭnŭi, -tentum: to hold or keep together; to bound, limit, enclose; to comprise, contain

dīversus, -a, -um: different, diverse, opposite

fĭgūra, -ae, f.: a form, shape, figure

spīrĭtālis, -e: of or belonging to spirit, spiritual

nēquĭtĭa, -ae, f.: bad moral quality; vileness, wickedness

transfĕro, -fĕrre, -tŭli, -lātum: to bear across; to transport, transfer; to change, transform

quīlĭbet, quaelibet, quodlibet: pron. indef., any one without distinction, whom you will, no matter who

sŭb: prep. with acc. and abl., under; of time, in, within, at

ĭmāgo, -ĭnis, f.: an image, likeness

qui, quae, quod: pron. interrog., who? which? what?; rel., who, which, what

cum: prep. with abl., with; conj., when, as; since; although

scĭo, -īre, -īvi, -ītum: to know, to understand, perceive

effŭgĭo, -fŭgĕre, -fūgi: to flee away

nōn: adv., not

possum, posse, pŏtŭi: to be able

convīcĭum, -ii, n.: abuse, reviling, insult

frĕquenter: adv., often, frequently

urgueo, urguēre, ursi: to press, ply, urge with

quĭă: conj., because

fallo, fallĕre, fĕfelli, falsum: to deceive, trick

insĭdĭae, -ārum, f.: an ambush, ambuscade; artifice, plot, snare

quīdam, quaedam, quoddam: pron. indef., a certain, a certain one, somebody, something

tempus, -ŏris, n.: a portion or period of time, a time

cornū, -ūs, n.: a horn

bōs, bŏvis, m. or f.: an ox, a bull, a cow

crŭentus, -a, -um: spotted, covered, or stained with blood, bloody

mănus, -ūs, f.: a hand; a company, multitude

tĕnĕo, tĕnēre, tĕnŭi, tentum: to hold, keep

ingens, -tis: vast, huge, enormous; great, remarkable

frĕmĭtus, -ūs, m.: a dull, roaring sound, a rushing, loud noise

cellŭla, -ae, f.: dim. of cella, a small store-room or apartment

irrŭo, -rŭĕre, -rŭi: to rush or force one's way into, invade, make an attack upon

ostendo, -dĕre, -di, -tum: to stretch out or spread before one; to show, exhibit, display

dextĕra, -ae, f.: the right hand

admitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: to admit; to perpetrate, to commit

rĕcens, -entis: that has not long existed, fresh, recent

scĕlus, -ĕris, n.: an evil deed; a wicked, heinous, or impious action; a crime, sin, wickedness

gaudĕo, gaudēre, gāvīsus: to rejoice, be glad or joyful, to be pleased with

ŭbī̆: adv., where; when

sum, esse, fŭi: to be

inquam: I say, say (said) I, says (said) he, etc.

Martinus& NXCE

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: worth, excellence, virtue, etc.; power

tŭus, -a, -um: pron. poss., your, yours

ūnus, -a, -um: one, a single

dē: prep., from, away from, out of, etc.; for, on account of, because of; with respect to, concerning

mŏdŏ: adv., only, merely, but

interfĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum: to kill, slay

tunc: adv. demonstr., then, at that time

ille, -a, -ud: pron. demonstr., that

convŏco (1): to call together, to assemble; to call

frāter, -tris, m.: a brother

rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: to carry, bring, or give back; to relate, recount

indĭco (1): to point out, indicate; to declare, reveal

sollĭcĭtus, -a, -um: agitated, disturbed

ĕo, īre, īvi or ii, ĭtum: to go

praecĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to advise

per: prep. with acc., through, throughout

singŭlus, -a, -um: single, separate, individual

quisnam, quaenam, quidnam: pron. interrog. who, which, what pray

hīc, haec, hōc: pron. demonstr., this

cāsus, -ūs, m.: a falling down; an accident, chance

affĭcĭo, affĭcĕre, affēci, affectum: to affect; to bestow upon; to inflict upon

nēmō̆, neminis, m.: no one, nobody

quĭdem: adv., indeed

dēsum, -esse, -efŭi: to be away, be absent

mŏnăchus, -i, m.: a monk

sĕd: conj., but, yet

rustĭcus, -i, m.: a countryman, peasant

merces, -ēdis, f.: hire, pay, wages, etc.

condūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: to draw, bring, or lead together; to hire

vĕhĭcŭlum, -i, n.: a wagon, cart

lignum, -i, n.: wood

dēfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum: to bear, carry, bring down

ad: prep. with acc., to, toward; near to, at; with regard to, in relation to

silva, -ae, f.: a wood, forest, woodland

nuntĭo (1): to announce, declare, report, etc.

iŭbĕo, iŭbēre, iussi, iussum: to order one to do something, to bid, tell, command

ĭgĭtur: conj., therefore

ălĭquis, aliquid: indef. subst. pron, some one, any one, something, any thing

obvĭus, -a, -um: in the way, so as to meet, meeting

haud or haut: adv., not at all, by no means

longus, -a, -um: long; far off, distant

mŏnastērĭum, -ii, n.: a monastery

iam: adv., at this time, now; already

paene: adv., nearly, almost

exănĭmis, -e: lifeless, dead; without wind

invĕnĭo, -vĕnīre, -vēni, -ventum: to come or light upon; to find

extrēmus, -a, -um: the outermost, utmost; the last

tămen: adv., notwithstanding, nevertheless, however, etc.

spīrĭtus, -ūs, m.: a breath; a breathing; spirit

trăho, -hĕre, -xi, -ctum: to draw, drag, or haul

causa, -ae, f.: a cause, reason, motive

mors, -tis, f.: death

vulnus, -ĕris, n.: a wound

iungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: to join or unite together, attach

scīlĭcet: adv., it is evident, clear; of course, naturally, certainly, etc.


dum: conj., while, whilst

dissŏlūtus, -a, -um: unloosed, loose, disconnected

artē: closely, fast, firmly

lōra, -um, n.: plur., the reins

constringo, -stringĕre, -strinxi, -strictum: to bind together, to bind

excŭtĭo, -cŭtĕre, -cussi, -cussum: to shake out or off, force away, etc.

căpŭt, -ĭtis, n.: the head

inter: adv., and prep. with acc., in the midst; between, betwixt, among

inguen, -inis, n.: the groin

ădĭgo, -ĭgĕre, -ēgi, -actum: to drive, bring, or take

nĕque or nec: adv. and conj., not; and not, also not

multus, -a, -um: much, great, many

post: adv. and prep., behind; afterwards, after

vīta, -ae, f.: life

reddo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to give back, return, restore

iūdĭcĭum, -ii, n.: a judgement, decision, opinion

dŏmĭnus, -i, m.: a master, ruler, lord; the Lord

do (1): to give; to grant, allow

pŏtestas, -ātis, f.: ability, power

mīrābĭlis, -e: wonderful, marvellous, extraordinary

sōlus, -a, -um: alone, only, single, sole

sū̆prā: adv. and prep., above; before, previously

iste, -a, -ud: pron. demonstr., that, this, the very

sī: conj., if

quŏtĭens: adv., how often, as often as

accīdo, -cīdĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to happen, occur

antĕā: adv., before, formerly, earlier, etc.

praevĭdĕo, -vĭdēre, -vīdi, -vīsum: to see first or beforehand, to foresee