Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 13

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ĭtem: adv., just so, in like manner, likewise; further, moreover

vīcus, -i, m.: a village, hamlet

templum, -i, n.: a consecrated or sacred place; a temple, shrine

antīquus, -a, -um: old, ancient

dīrŭo, -rŭĕre, -rŭi, -rŭtum: to tear asunder, demolish, destroy

arbor, -ŏris, f.: a tree

pīnus, -ūs, f.: a pine, pine-tree

fānum, -i, n.: a sanctuary, temple

proxĭmus, -a, -um: the nearest, next

adgrĕdĭor, -grĕdīre, -gressus sum: to go to or approach; to go to or set about, to undertake, begin

excĭdo, -cĭdĕre, -cĭdi: to cut out or off; to raze, destroy

antistĕs, -ĭtis, m. and f.: an overseer, president

cētĕrus, -a, -um: the other

gentīlis, -is, m.: a heathen, a pagan

turba, -ae, f.: a turmoil, uproar, disturbance; a crowd, multitude, mob

obsisto, -sistĕre, -stĭti, -stĭtum: to set one's self against; to oppose, resist

dum: conj., while, whilst

ēverto, -tĕre, -ti, -sum: to overturn; to overthrow, destroy

impĕro (1): to command, order

quĭesco, -escĕre, -ēvi, -ētum: to keep quiet, remain neutral, abstain from action

succīdo, -cīdĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to cut down, fell

sēdŭlus, -a, -um: busy, diligent, zealous, unremitting

commŏnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to put in mind, to admonish, to impress upon

rĕlĭgĭo, -ōnis, f.: reverence for God (the gods); piety, religion; religious awe, etc.

stīpĕs, -ĭtis, m.: a log, stock, post, trunk of a tree, etc.

pŏtĭus: adv., rather, preferably, more

servĭo, -īre, -īvi and -ii, -ītum: to be a servant or slave, to serve, be in service

ŏportet, -ēre, ŭit: I (thou, he, etc.) must or ought

daemon, -ŏnis, m.: an evil spirit, demon

dēdĭco (1): to dedicate, consecrate

audax, -ācis: daring; audacious, rash, foolhardy

inquam: I say, say (said) I, says (said) he, etc.

ălĭqui, aliqua, aliquod: indef. adj., some, any

tŭus, -a, -um: pron. poss., your, yours

tū: thou

cŏlo, cŏlĕre, colŭi, cultum: to honor, revere, worship

fīdūcĭa, -ae, f.: trust, confidence

nōs: we

rŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum: to fall with violence, rush down; to fall down

excĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to except, make an exception of; to take, receive

ēvādo, -vādĕre, -si, -sum: to get away, escape

intrĕpĭdē: without trembling, undauntedly, intrepidly

confīdo, -fīdĕre, -fĭsus sum: to trust confidently in something, to believe, be assured of

pollĭcĕor, -ēri, -ĭtus sum: dep., to promise, announce

condĭcĭo, -ōnis, f.: an agreement, condition, proposition, terms

consentĭo, -sentīre -sensi, -sensum: to feel together; to agree, accord

făcĭlis, -e: easy, without difficulty

iăcĭo, iăcĕre, iēci, iactum: to throw, cast, fling

ĭnĭmīcus, -a, -um: an enemy, foe

să̄crum, -i, n.: a religious act, a sacrifice, etc.

cāsus, -ūs, m.: a falling down; an accident, chance

obrŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ŭtum: to overwhelm, overthrow, strike down

acclīnis, -e: leaning on or against something, inclined to or toward

dŭbĭus, -a, -um: doubtful, dubious, uncertain

corrŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi: to fall or tumble down

vincĭo, vincīre, vinxi, vinctum: to bind

stătŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to cause to stand, set up; to establish

arbī̆trĭum, -ii, n.: judgement, opinion, decision

rustĭcus, -i, m.: a countryman, peasant

quō: adv., where; whither

nēmō̆, neminis, m.: no one, nobody

dŭbĭto (1): to be uncertain, to doubt

ingens, -tis: vast, huge, enormous; great, remarkable

gaudĭum, -ii, n.: inward joy, gladness, delight

laetĭtĭa, -ae, f.: joy, gladness, pleasure, delight

ēmĭnus: adv., at a distance

mīror, -āri, -ātus sum: to wonder or marvel at, to be astonished or amazed at

paulātim: adv., by little and little, gradually

nūto (1): to sway to and fro, to totter, shake

rŭīna, -ae, f.: a rushing or tumbling down; a falling down, fall

mĭnĭtor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to threaten, menace

pallĕo, -ēre, -ui: to grow pale

mŏnăchus, -i, m.: a monk

pĕrīcŭlum, -i, n.: danger, peril

prŏpĭor, -ĭus: comp. adj., nearer, nigher

conterrĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to terrify greatly, to frighten

spes, spēi, f.: hope

perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum: to destroy, ruin; to squander, throw away, lose, etc.

mors, -tis, f.: death

exspecto (1): to look out for; to expect

at: conj., but, but indeed

oppĕrĭor, -pĕrīre, -pĕrītus and -pertus: to wait; to wait for, await

frăgor, -ōris, m.: a crash, noise

concĭdo, -cĭdĕre, -cĭdi: to fall down, to tumble to the ground

ēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to bring forth, to produce; to perform, bring about

sŭper: adv. and prep., above, over; upon

ēlĕvo (1): to lift up, raise

obvĭam: adv., in the way; towards, to meet

signum, -i, n.: a mark, token, sign

sălūs, -ūtis, f.: health, preservation, safety, deliverance, etc.

oppōno, -pōnere, -pŏsŭi, -sĭtum: to set or place against, to oppose

vĕlut, vĕlŭti: adv., just as; as if, as though

turbo, -ĭnis, m.: a whirlwind, tornado

mŏdŏ: adv., only, merely, but

rē̆trō: adv., backwards, back;

pŭto (1): to believe, think

dīversus, -a, -um: different, diverse, opposite

tōtus, -a, -um: all, all the (denoting a thing in its entireness), the whole, entire, total

sto (1): to stand, to stand still, remain standing

paene: adv., nearly, almost

prōsterno (1): to throw to the ground, prostrate

caelum, -i, n.: the sky, heaven, the heavens

clāmor, -ōris, m.: a shout, cry

tollo, tollĕre, sustŭli, sublātum: to lift or take up, to raise

stŭpeo, -ēre, -ui: to be struck senseless, to be stunned; to be astonished, amazed, confounded, stupefied, etc.

mīrācŭlum, -i, n.: a wonder, marvel, miracle

flĕo, flēre, flēvi, flētum: to weep, cry, shed tears

prae: adv. and prep., before, in front; for, because of, on account of

commūnis, -e: that is common to several or to all, common, universal

praedĭco (1): to proclaim; to preach; to foretell, predict

sătis: adv., enough, sufficiently

constĭtŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to cause to stand; to establish, appoint, etc.; to decide, determine

dĭes, -ēi, m. or f.: a day

vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum: to come

rĕgĭo, -ōnis, f.: a tract, territory, region

nam: conj., for

immānis, -e: enormous, immense, huge, vast

impŏsĭtĭo, -ōnis, f.: the application

dēsīdĕro (1): to long for, greatly wish for, to desire

impĭĕtas, -ātis, f.: irreverence, impiety

error, -ōris, m.: a wandering; a going astray; a departing from the truth, an error, mistake

paucus, -a, -um: few, little

admŏdum: adv., to a (great) measure, much, very

immo: on the contrary, no indeed

nullus, -a, -um: not any, none

rĕcĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to regain, recover; to take to one's self, accept, receive

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: worth, excellence, virtue, etc.; power

exemplum, -i, n.: example

convălesco, -lescĕre, -lŭi: to grow strong, gain strength

ĭbĭ̄: adv., in that place, there

aut: conj., or; either… or

ecclēsĭa, -ae, f.: a religious assembly of Christians, a church; the Church

frĕquens, -entis: often, frequent; full, crowded

mŏnastērĭum, -ii, n.: a monastery

rē̆plĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum: to fill up, make full, to fill

ŭbī̆: adv., where; when

dēstrŭo, -ĕre, -xi, -ctum: to pull or tear down; to destroy

constrŭo, -strŭĕre, -struxi, -structum: to construct, build