Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 12
accīdo, -cīdĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to happen, occur
dum: conj., while, whilst
ĭter, ĭtĭnĕris n.: a way; a journey
gentīlis, -is, m.: a heathen, a pagan
corpus, -ŏris, n.: a lifeless body, a corpse
sĕpulcrum, -i, n.: grave, tomb, sepulchre
sŭperstĭtĭōsus, -a, -um: full of superstition, superstitious
fūnus, -ĕris, n.: a funeral procession, funeral rites, funeral
dēfĕro, -ferre, -tŭli, -lātum: to bear, carry, bring down
obvĭus, -a, -um: in the way, so as to meet, meeting
conspĭcor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to get sight of, to see, perceive
ēmĭnus: adv., at a distance
vĕnĭo, vĕnīre, vēni, ventum: to come
turba, -ae, f.: a turmoil, uproar, disturbance; a crowd, multitude, mob
quisnam, quaenam, quidnam: pron. interrog. who, which, what pray
ignārus, -a, -um: ignorant of a thing, not knowing, unaware
paulŭlum: adv., a little, a very little
sto (1): to stand, to stand still, remain standing
nam: conj., for
quingenti, -ae, -a: five hundred
passus, -ūs, m.: a step
intervallum, -i, n.: space between, interval, distance
diffĭcĭlis, -e: hard, difficult, troublesome
dīnosco, -ĕre: to distinguish, discern
rustĭcus, -a, -um: rural, rustic, country
cerno, cernĕre, crēvi, crētum: to separate, distinguish by the senses, to perceive, see, discern
ventus, -i, m.: wind
lintĕum, -i, n.: a linen cloth, a sail
sŭperiăcĭo, -iăcĕre, -iēci, -iectum: to cast or throw over or upon; to overtop
vŏlĭto (1): to fly or flit about, to flutter
prŏfānus, -a, -um: unholy, profane
să̄crĭfĭcĭum, -ii, n.: a sacrifice
rītus, -ūs, m.: a religious usage or ceremony, a rite
Galli, -ōrum, m.: the Gallic nation, the Gauls
rustĭcus, -i, m.: a countryman, peasant
consŭētūdo, -ĭnis, f.: a custom, habit
sĭmŭlācrum, -i, n.: a likeness, image; an effigy
daemon, -ŏnis, m.: an evil spirit, demon
candĭdus, -a, -um: white, clear, bright
vēlāmen, -ĭnis, n.: a covering, veil
ăger, -gri, m.: a field
sŭus, -a, -um: pron. poss., of or belonging to himself, herself, etc.
circumfĕro, -ferre -tŭli, -lātum: to bear round, to move or carry round or about
dēmentĭa, -ae, f.: insanity, madness; folly
lĕvo (1): to lift up, raise, elevate
ergō: adv., consequently, therefore
adversus, -a, -um: standing over against, opposite, before, in front of
signum, -i, n.: a mark, token, sign
crux, -ŭcis, f.: a cross
impĕro (1): to command, order
mŏvĕo, -ēre, mōvi, mōtum: to move, set in motion
ŏnus, -ĕris, n.: a load, burden
dēpōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtum: to put or place aside; to lay, put, or set down
hīc: adv., in this place, here
mīrus, -a, -um: wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, extraordinary
prīmum: adv., at first, first, in the beginning
vĕlut, vĕlŭti: adv., just as; as if, as though
saxum, -i, n.: a rock
rĭgesco, -gescĕre, -gui: to stiffen, harden
dein: adv., thereafter, thereupon
prōmōvĕo, -mōvēre, -mōvi, -mōtum: to move forward, advance
summus, -a, -um: highest
cōnāmen, -ĭnis, n.: an effort, exertion, struggle
nītor, nītī, nixus sum: dep., to strive, to exert one's self, make an effort
ultrā: adv. and prep., beyond, farther, more, besides; on the farther side of, past
accēdo, -cēdĕre, -cessi, -cessum: to go or come to or near, to approach
vălĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to be strong, to have the power or strength, be in condition to do something; to be effective, etc.
rīdĭcŭlus, -a, -um: laughable, absurd, ridiculous
vertīgo, -ĭnis, f.: a turning or whirling round
rŏto (1): to turn round like a wheel; to swing round, whirl about
dōnĕc: conj., until, till at length
vinco, vincĕre, vīci, victum: to conquer, overcome, subdue
pōno, pōnĕre, pŏsŭi, pŏsĭtum: to put, place, lay, etc.
attŏnĭtus, -a, -um: stupefied, astonished, confounded
invĭcem: one another, each other
aspĭcĭo, -spĭcĕre, -spexi, -spectum: to look to or upon, to behold, look at, see
tăcĕo, -cēre, -cŭi, -cĭtum: to be silent
cōgĭto (1): to consider thorougly, to ponder, think; to plan
bĕātus, -a, -um: happy, blessed, fortunate
compĕrĭo, -pĕrīre, -pĕri, -pertum: to obtain a knowledge of a thing, to learn, etc.
exsĕquĭae, -ārum, f.: a funeral procession
frĕquentĭa, -ae, f.: multitude, crowd, throng
să̄crum, -i, n.: a religious act, a sacrifice, etc.
ēlĕvo (1): to lift up, raise
do (1): to give; to grant, allow
ăbĕo, -īre, -ĭvi or -ii, -ītum: to go from a place, to go away, depart
tollo, tollĕre, sustŭli, sublātum: to lift or take up, to raise
pŏtestas, -ātis, f.: ability, power
ĭta: adv., so, thus
vŏlo, velle, volui: to wish, want, intend, purpose
compello (1): to drive, compel, force
lĭbet, lĭbēre, libuit: it pleases, is pleasing, is agreeable
permitto, -mittĕre, -mīsi, -missum: to give leave, let, allow, permit