Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Prefatio

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Sĕvērus, -i, m.: a proper name

Desiderius& NXCE

cārus, -a, -um: dear, precious

quĭdem: adv., indeed

ūnănĭmis, -e: of one mind, harmonious, unanimous

lĭbellus, -i, m.: dim. of liber, a little book

scrībo, -bĕre, -psi, -ptum: to write, draw, etc.; to announce in writing; to enlist, enroll

schĕda, ae, f.: a leaf or sheet of paper

sŭus, -a, -um: pron. poss., of or belonging to himself, herself, etc.

prĕmo, -ĕmĕre, -essi, -essum: to press; to cover, to conceal

intrā: adv. and prep., on the inside, within

dŏmestĭcus, -a, -um: pf pr belonging to the house

părĭēs, -ĕtis, m.: a wall

cŏhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ui, -ĭtum: to hold, contain, confine

dēcerno, -cernĕre, -crēvi, -crētum: to decide

nātūra, -ae, f.: nature, natural disposition

infirmus, -a, -um: not strong, weak, feeble

iūdĭcĭum, -ii, n.: a judgement, decision, opinion

vīto (1): to shun, seek to escape, avoid

fŏre: inf., irregular, from the obsolete fuo and equivalent to futurum esse

arbĭtror, -āri, -ātus sum: to be of the opinion, to believe

sermo, -ōnis, m.: talk, conversation, discourse

incultus, -a, -um: unadorned, unpolished, rude

lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum: to read out, read aloud

displĭcĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to displease

rĕprĕhensĭo, -ōnis, f.: blame, censure, reprehension

dignus, -a, -um: worthy, deserving

iūdĭco (1): to judge, pass judgment

mātĕrĭes, -ēi, f.: stuff, matter, materials; the matter, subject, topic

dĭsertus, -a, -um: skilful in speaking on a subject; clear, well-spoken

mĕrĭtum, -i, n.: a merit

scriptor, -ōris, m.: one who writes; a writer, scribe

rĕservo (1): to keep back, save up; to reserve

impŭdens, -entis: shameless, impudent

occŭpo (1): to take possession of, occupy; to take up

pĕto, -ĕre, -īvi and -ĭi, -ītum: to seek, require; to attack, assail

tū: thou

saepe: adv., often, oft, oftentimes, many times, frequently

nĕgo (1): to say no, to deny, refuse

ămor, -ōris, m.: love

vĕl: conj. and adv., or else, or; even

dētrīmentum, -i, n.: loss, damage, detriment

pŭdor, -ōris, m.: shame; decency, modesty

impendĕo, -ēre: to impend, to be near or imminent, to threaten

vērumtămen: but yet, not withstanding, however

fīdūcĭa, -ae, f.: trust, confidence

ēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to bring forth, to produce; to perform, bring about

nullus, -a, -um: not any, none

prōdo, -dĕre -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to come forth, show itself, appear

rĕor, rēri, rătus sum: to belive, think

spondĕo, spondēre, spŏpondi, sponsum: to promise solemnly; to warrant, vow

vĕrĕor, -ēri, ĭtus sum: to fear, be afraid of

iānŭa, -ae, f.: a door

ēmitto, -mittĕre -mīsi, -missum: to send out, to let out, let go

sĕmĕl: adv., once, a single time

rĕvŏco (1): to call back, recall

quĕo, -īre, -īvi and -ii, -ĭtum: to be able

accīdo, -cīdĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to happen, occur

ălĭqui, aliqua, aliquod: indef. adj., some, any

vĕnĭa, -ae, f.: indulgence, kindness, mercy

lector, -ōris, m.: one who reads

postŭlo (1): to ask, require, request

pŏtĭus: adv., rather, preferably, more

quam: adv., how; as, than

perpendo, -pendĕre -pendi, -pensum: to weigh carefully, examine; to ponder, consider

aequus, -a, -um: even; equal; fair

ănĭmus, -i, m.: the rational soul in man; the reason, intellect, mind; the will

auris, -is, f.: the ear

vĭtĭōsus, -a, -um: full of faults or defects, bad, corrupt

forsĭtan: adv., perhaps

percello, -cellĕre, -cŭli, -culsum: to strike; to deject, dishearten

regnum, -i, n.: kingship; sovereignty, rule, authority

ēlŏquentĭa, -ae, f.: eloquence

consto (1): to stand with; to stand firm, to persevere, etc.; to be certain, evident

mĕmĭni, -isse: to remember, recollect

sălūs, -ūtis, f.: health, preservation, safety, deliverance, etc.

saecŭlum, -i, n.: a lifetime, generation, age; the times; the world, worldliness

ōrātor, -ōris, m.: a speaker, orator

ŭtĭquĕ: adv., certainly, assuredly, undoubtedly, etc.

ūtĭlis, -e: useful, serviceable, beneficial, etc.

quŏque: conj., also, too

praesto (1): to stand, before or in front; to show, exhibit; to answer or vouch for, be responsible; to give, present

piscātor, -ōris, m.: a fisherman

praedĭco (1): to proclaim; to preach; to foretell, predict

prīmum: adv., at first, first, in the beginning

appello, -pellĕre, -pŭli, -pulsum: to turn, direct, apply

nĕfas, n.: indecl., an impious or wicked deed, a sin, a crime

pŭto (1): to believe, think

tantus, -a, -um: of such size or measure, so great

lătĕo, -ēre, -ŭi: to be or lie hid or concealed; to be hidden

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: worth, excellence, virtue, etc.; power

dēcīdo, -cīdĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to decide

sŏloecismus, -i, m.: a grammatical fault in the construction of a sentence, a solecism

ērŭbesco, -bescĕre, -bŭi: to grow red; to redden or blush with shame

magnus, -a, -um: great, large; considerable, abundant

umquam: adv., at any time, ever

scĭentĭa, -ae, f.: knowledge, science

contingo, -tingĕre, -tĭgi, -tactum: to touch, take hold of; to happen, come to pass

stŭdĭum, -ii, n.: zeal, eagerness, endeavor, study

ōlim: adv., once, formerly

fortassē: adv., perhaps

lībo (1): to take a little from; to learn something of, acquire superficially

tōtus, -a, -um: all, all the (denoting a thing in its entireness), the whole, entire, total

dēsŭētūdo, -ĭnis, f.: discontinuance of a practice or habit, disuse, desuetude

perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum: to destroy, ruin; to squander, throw away, lose, etc.

nōs: we

mănĕo, -nēre, -nsi, -nsum: to stay, remain; to wait for, await

mŏlestus, -a, -um: troublesome, annoying; difficult

dēfensĭo, -ōnis, f.: a defending, defence

supprĭmo, -primĕre, -pressi, -pressum: to hold or keep back; to restrain, support

vălĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to be strong, to have the power or strength, be in condition to do something; to be effective, etc.

tĭtŭlus, -i, n.: a label, title

frons, frontis, f.: the forepart, front

ērādo, -dĕre, -si, -sum: to scratch out, scrape off

mūtus, -a, -um: dumb, mute; silent

pāgĭna, -ae, f.: a written page or leaf

suffĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum: to be sufficient, to suffice

lŏquor, lŏqui, -cātus sum: to speak, talk; to say, tell

mātĕrĭa, -ae, f.: stuff, matter

auctor, -ōris, m.: creator, author; the originator, cause