Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 25

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Latin text | notes | vocabulary

nam: conj., for

ōlim: adv., once, formerly

atque or āc: conj., and also, and

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: worth, excellence, virtue, etc.; power

dēsīdĕrĭum, -ii, n.: a longing, ardent desire or wish

aestŭo (1): to burn; to be agitated or excited, to be inflamed

grātus, -a, -um: acceptable, pleasing, agreeable; thankful, grateful

nōs: we

suscĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to take up, receive

pĕrĕgrīnātĭo, -ōnis, f.: a sojourning, travel, peregrination

sĭmŭl: adv., at the same time

ardĕo, -rdēre, -rsi, -rsum: to be on fire, to burn, blaze

ănĭmus, -i, m.: the rational soul in man; the reason, intellect, mind; the will

scrībo, -bĕre, -psi, -ptum: to write, draw, etc.; to announce in writing; to enlist, enroll

partim: adv., partly, in part

quantus, -a, -um: how great; how much

interrŏgo (1): to ask, question, inquire, interrogate

sciscĭtor, -āri, -ātus sum: to ask, inquire, question, etc.

intersum, -esse, fŭi: to be between; to be present at

vĕl: conj. and adv., or else, or; even

quĭdem: adv., indeed

hŭmĭlĭtas, -ātis, f.: lowness, humility

bĕnignĭtas, -ātis, f.: kindness, friendliness, benevolence

congrātŭlor, -āri -ātus sum: to wish joy, to congratulate

plūrĭmum: adv., very much indeed, exceedingly

gaudĕo, gaudēre, gāvīsus: to rejoice, be glad or joyful, to be pleased with

tantus, -a, -um: of such size or measure, so great

hăbĭtus, -ūs, m.: the state or condition of a thing; appearance; dress, attire

expĕto, -ĕre, -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: to long for, seek after, desire

paene: adv., nearly, almost

audĕo, audēre, ausus: to venture to do, to dare

confĭtĕor, -fĭtēri, -fessus sum: dep., to acknowledge, confess

convīvĭum, -ii, n.: a meal in company, a social feast, banquet

dignor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to deem worthy or deserving; to deign

ădhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to hold toward or to, to turn, bring

ăqua, -ae, f.: water

noster, -stra, -strum: pron. poss., our, ours

obfĕro, obfĕrre, obtŭli, oblātum: to bring before; to present, offer; to show, exhibit

vesper, -ĕris and -ĕri, m.: the evening, eve

pēs, pĕdis, m.: a foot

ablŭo, -ŭĕre, -ŭi, -ūtum: to wash, cleanse, purify

rĕnītor, -nīti: dep., to strive or struggle against, to resist

aut: conj., or; either… or

contrā: adv. and prep., opposite, against, etc.

ĕo, īre, īvi or ii, ĭtum: to go

constantĭa, -ae, f.: firmness of character, steadfastness

ĭta: adv., so, thus

auctōrĭtas, -ātis, f.: authority, reputation, dignity, influence

opprĭmo, -rĭmĕre, -essi, -essum: to overwhelm, overpower

nĕfas, n.: indecl., an impious or wicked deed, a sin, a crime

pŭto (1): to believe, think

acquĭesco, -escĕre -ēvi, -ētum: to acquiesce in or give assent to

sermo, -ōnis, m.: talk, conversation, discourse

quam: adv., how; as, than

mundus, -i, m.: the world, the earth

illĕcĕbra, -ae, f.: an enticement, an attraction, charm, allurement

saecŭlum, -i, n.: a lifetime, generation, age; the times; the world, worldliness

ŏnus, -ĕris, n.: a load, burden

līber, -ĕra, -ĕrum: free, unrestrained, unimpeded, unshackled

expĕdītus, -a, -um: unimpeded, unencumbered, disengaged

praestans, -antis: pre-eminent, excellent. distinguished

praesens, -entis: that is in sight or at hand, present

illustris, -e: bright, lustrous; distinguished, respectable, honorable

Paulinus& NXCE

mentĭo, -ōnis, f.: a mention

exemplum, -i, n.: example

ingĕro, -gĕrĕre, -gessi, -gestum: to bring, give, or present to

summus, -a, -um: highest

ops, ŏpis, f.: wealth, riches

ăbĭcĭo, -ĕre, -iēci, -iectum: to cast away, to throw away

ēvangĕlĭcus, -a, -um: evangelical

praeceptum, -i, n.: a maxim, rule, precept

complĕo, -ēre, -ēvi, -ētum: to fill up, fill full

clāmo (1): to call, cry out, shout aloud; to proclaim, declare, etc.

ĭmĭtor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to imitate

bĕātus, -a, -um: happy, blessed, fortunate

dŏcŭmentum, -i, n.: a lesson, example

sententĭa, -ae, f.: judgment; decision, will, etc.

dīves, -ĭtis: rich

possīdo, -sīdĕre, -sēdi, -sessum: to take possession of, to possess one's self of

vendo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to sell, vend

do (1): to give; to grant, allow

impossĭbĭlis, -e: impossible

possĭbĭlis, -e: possible

confābŭlātĭo, -ōnis, f.: a conversaton

grăvĭtas, -ātis, f.: weight, heaviness

dignĭtas, -ātis, f.: worthiness, merit; dignity, grandeur, authority, rank

ācer, -cris, -cre: sharp; violent, vehement; zealous

effĭcax, -ācis: efficacious, effectual, powerful

absolvo, -vĕre, -vi, -ūtum: to loosen from, to make loose, set free

scriptūra, -ae, f.: a scripture, a passage of Scripture

quaestĭo, -ōnis, f.: an inquiry, investigation, a questioning, question

promptus, -a, -um: ready, quick, prompt

făcĭlis, -e: easy, without difficulty

incrēdŭlus, -a, -um: unbelieving, incredulous

quippe: certainly, by all means, indeed

testor, -āri, -ātus sum: to bear witness, give evidence, testify, attest; to call upon or invoke as witness

spes, spēi, f.: hope

commūnis, -e: that is common to several or to all, common, universal

nullus, -a, -um: not any, none

umquam: adv., at any time, ever

ōs, ōris, n.: the mouth, the face

scĭentĭa, -ae, f.: knowledge, science

pūrus, -a, -um: clean, pure

quamquam: conj., although, albeit

quantŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of quantus, how little, how small, how trifling

laudātĭo, -ōnis, f.: a praising, praise, commendation

nĭsĭ: conj., if not, unless; except

mīrus, -a, -um: wonderful, marvellous, astonishing, extraordinary

hŏmo, -ĭnis, m. and f.: a human being, man

illitĕrātus, -a, -um: illiterate, uneducated

grātĭa, -ae, f.: thanks, gratitude; agreeableness, grace

dēsum, -esse, -efŭi: to be away, be absent