Vocabulary for Sulpicius Severus' Life of St. Martin Section 1

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Latin text | notes | vocabulary

mortālis, -is, comm.: a mortal, human being

stŭdĭum, -ii, n.: zeal, eagerness, endeavor, study

saecŭlāris, -e: worldy, temporal

ĭnānĭter: adv., vainly, uselessly

dēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum: to give away; to give up, yield

exindē: adv., from that place, thence; thereafter; from that time

pĕrennis, -is, -e: everlasting, perpetual, perennial

pŭto (1): to believe, think

mĕmŏrĭa, -ae, f.: memory, recollection

stĭlus, -i, m.: a style

illustro (1): to light up, illuminate

ŭtĭquĕ: adv., certainly, assuredly, undoubtedly, etc.

quĭdem: adv., indeed

ălĭquantŭlus, -a, -um: dim. of aliquantus, little, small

concĭpĭo, -cĭpĕre, -cēpi, -ceptum: to take or lay hold of, to take to one's self, etc.; to understand

spes, spēi, f.: hope

fructus, -ūs, m.: proceeds, produce, fruit

affĕro, affĕrre, attŭli, allātum: to bring to, upon; to bring forth as a product, to yield, bear

sŭus, -a, -um: pron. poss., of or belonging to himself, herself, etc.

incassum: adv., in vain, uselessly, to no purpose

prō̆pāgo (1): to propagate; to prolong, preserve

prōpōno, -pōnĕre, -pŏsŭi, -pŏsĭtum: to put or set forth, to expose to view, to display

magnus, -a, -um: great, large; considerable, abundant

exemplum, -i, n.: example

parvus, -a, -um: little, small

aemŭlātĭo, -ōnis, f.: an assiduous striving to equal or excel another in any thing, emulation

lĕgo, lĕgĕre, lēgi, lectum: to read out, read aloud

excĭto (1): to call out or forth; to excite, incite

bĕātus, -a, -um: happy, blessed, fortunate

aeternus, -a, -um: without beginning or end; eternal

cūra, -ae, f.: care, thought, concern

pertĭnĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, to relate, concern, pertain, or have reference to

aut: conj., or; either… or

occīdo, -ĕre, -cīdi, -cīsum: to strike or cut down; to kill; to ruin, undo

saecŭlum, -i, n.: a lifetime, generation, age; the times; the world, worldliness

scriptor, -ōris, m.: one who writes; a writer, scribe

prōsum, -desse, -fŭi, to be useful or of use, to benefit, profit

postĕrĭtas, -ātis, f.: future time, posterity

ēmŏlŭmentum, -i, n.: gain, profit, benefit

Hector, -ŏris, m.: son of Priam and Hecuba, the bravest of the Trojans

pugno (1): to fight, either singly or in armies

Sōcrătes, -is, m.: the celebrated Greek philosopher

phĭlŏsŏphor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to philosophize

sōlum: adv., only, merely

ĭmĭtor, -āri, -ātus sum: dep., to imitate

stultĭtĭa, -ae, f.: folly, foolishness, etc.

ācer, -cris, -cre: sharp; violent, vehement; zealous

impugno (1): to fight against, to attack, assail

dēmentĭa, -ae, f.: insanity, madness; folly

quippe: certainly, by all means, indeed

praesens, -entis: that is in sight or at hand, present

tantum: adv., so much, to such a degree; only, merely

actus, -ūs, m.: the doing or performing of a thing, an act, performance

aestĭmo (1): to rate, appraise; to weigh, value, etc.

fābŭla, -ae, f.: a tale, story

ănĭma, -ae, f.: air; breath; soul

sĕpulcrum, -i, n.: grave, tomb, sepulchre

sīquĭdem: adv., if indeed; since indeed, since

hŏmo, -ĭnis, m. and f.: a human being, man

perpĕtŭo (1): to make perpetual, perpetuate

pŏtĭus: adv., rather, preferably, more

quam: adv., how; as, than

vĕl: conj. and adv., or else, or; even

pĭus, -a, -um: pious, devout, kind, good, etc.

vīvo, -ĕre, vixi, victum: to live, be alive; to live on anything or in any manner

error, -ōris, m.: a wandering; a going astray; a departing from the truth, an error, mistake

littĕrae, -ārum, f.: a letter, epistle; written records, literature

vălĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to be strong, to have the power or strength, be in condition to do something; to be effective, etc.

plānē: plainly; clearly, distinctly

aemŭlo (1): to endeavor to equal or to excel one; to emulate

ĭnānis, -e: empty, void

phĭlŏsŏphĭa, -ae, f.: philosophy

stultus, -a, -um: foolish, silly, etc.

virtūs, -ūtis, f.: worth, excellence, virtue, etc.; power

invĕnĭo, -vĕnīre, -vēni, -ventum: to come or light upon; to find

undĕ: adv., from which place, whence; from whom, from which

ŏpĕra, -ae, f.: service, pains, exertion, work, labor

prĕtĭum, -ii, n.: worth, value

perscrībo, -bĕre, -psi, -ptum: to write in full or at length, to write out; to write a full description of

vērus, -a, -um: true, real, etc.

săpĭentĭa, -ae, f.: good sense, prudence; wisdom

caelestis, -e: pertaining to heaven or to the heavens; heavenly, celestial

incĭto (1): to incite, encourage, excite

ĭta: adv., so, thus

noster, -stra, -strum: pron. poss., our, ours

quŏque: conj., also, too

rătĭo, -ōnis, f.: a motive, reason

commŏdum, -i, n.: advantage, profit

praemĭum, -ii, n.: reward, recompense

exspecto (1): to look out for; to expect

etsi: conj., though, although

do (1): to give; to grant, allow

lătĕo, -ēre, -ŭi: to be or lie hid or concealed; to be hidden

exordĭor, -ordī, -orsus sum: dep., to begin, commence

ĕpīscŏpātus, -ūs, m.: the office and dignity of a bishop, episcopate

gĕro, gĕrĕre, gessi, gestum: to bear about with one, to bear, carry, to wear, have; to happen, take place

quamvīs: adv. and conj., although

nēquāquam: adv., in nowise, by no means, not at all

pervĕnĭo, vĕnīre, -vēni, -ventum: to come to, arrive at; to reach, attain to

conscĭus, -a, -um: knowing or conscious of something with another; privy to

nescĭo, -īre -īvi or -ĭi, -ītum: not to know, to be ignorant

laudo (1): to praise, laud, commend

rĕquīro, rĕquīrĕre, -sīvi or -sii, -sītum: to seek again; to look after, to seek or search for

quantum: adv., as much as, so much as

vŏlo, velle, volui: to wish, want, intend, purpose

quamquam: conj., although, albeit

compĕrĭo, -pĕrīre, -pĕri, -pertum: to obtain a knowledge of a thing, to learn, etc.

nōs: we

ŏmitto, -ittĕre, -īsi, -issum: to pass over, say nothing of, omit

suffĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum: to be sufficient, to suffice

excellentia, -ae, f.: superiority, excellence, perfection

nŏto (1): to mark, note, observe

sĭmŭl: adv., at the same time

consŭlo, -lĕre, -lŭi, -ltum: to consider, reflect upon

păro (1): to prepare; to acquire, obtain

cōpĭa, -ae, f.: copiousness, multitude, abundance

congestus, -ūs, m.: a bearing or bringing together, an accumulation

fastīdĭum, -ĭi, n.: dislike, aversion

obsĕcro (1): to beseech, entreat, implore

ădhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: to hold toward or to, to turn, bring

quisquam, quicquam: pron. indef., any, any one, any body, any thing

nĭsĭ: conj., if not, unless; except

prŏbātus, -a, -um: tried, tested, proved

arbĭtror, -āri, ātus sum: dep., to observe, perceive, hear, etc.; to be of the opinion, to believe

ălĭōquin: adv., otherwise

tăcĕo, -cēre, -cŭi, -cĭtum: to be silent

falsus, -a, -um: deceptive, deceitful, false

mālo, malle, mālui: to choose rather, to prefer