arma armorum n. pl.: arms, weapons
gravis grave: heavy; painful; important; serious
numerus -i m.: poetic meter
violentus -a -um: violent, vehement, impetuous
bellum -i n.: war
paro (1): prepare
edo edere edidi editus: put forth; speak
materia -ae f.: material, subject
convenio -ire conveni conventus: be appropriate to, fit (+ dat.)
modus -i m.: rhythm, beat, poetic meter
par paris: equal, of equal size
inferior -ius: lower, further down
versus -us m.: line of verse
rideo -ēre risi: laugh
Cupido -inis m.: Cupid, Venus’s son
atque: and, as well as
surripio, -ere, surripui, surreptus: take away secretly; steal
pes, pedis m.: foot; metrical foot within a line of poetry
quis quid: who? what?
saevus -a -um: cruel, harsh
puer pueri m.: boy, child
carmen carminis n.: poem, poetry
ius iuris n.: right, authority over
Pieris -idos f.: a daughter of Pierus, a Muse
vates vatis m.: poet
turba -ae f.: a mob, crowd, throng
praeripio -ere praeripui praereptus: snatch away; seize first
flavus -a -um: flaxen, blond; golden-haired
Venus, Veneris f.: Venus, Roman goddess of love
Minerva Minervae f.: Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom
ventilo (1): fan; brandish
accendo -ere accendi accensus: kindle, set on fire, light
fax facis f.: torch
probo(1): approve, esteem, commend, recommend
silva -ae: f. wood, forest
Ceres Cereris f.: Ceres, Roman goddess of grain
regno (1): reign, rule
iugosus -a -um: mountainous, hilly
lex legis f.: rule, regulation, order
pharetratus -a -um: wearing a quiver, quiver-bearing
virgo virginis f.: maiden, young woman virgin
arvum -i n.: field
colo -ere colui cultus: till, cultivate,
crinis crinis m.: hair; lock of hair
insignis -e: distinguished by (+ abl.)
acutus -a -um: sharpened, pointed
cuspis cuspidis f.: javelin, spear, lance
Phoebus -i m.: Phoebus, Apollo, god of the sun and the arts
instruo -ere instruxi instructus: equip
Mars Martis m.: Mars, Roman god of war
moveo -ēre movi motus: strum, play
lyra -ae f.: lyre
nimium: excessively, too
potens potentis: powerful, strong; mighty
regnum regni n.: royal power; power, kingdom
cur: why
opus operis n.: work, undertaking
affecto (1): strive for, go after
ambitiosus -a -um: ambitious
novus -a -um: new, fresh
an: can it be that, or
ubique: anywhere, everywhere
Tempē (indecl.): a charming valley in Thessaly, through which ran the river Peneus, between Olympus and Ossa, now valley of Lykostomo or Dereli
vix: hardly, scarcely, barely
iam: now, already, even now
tutus -a -um: safe, secure
bene: well, agreeably, in good style
surgo -ere surrexi surrectus: start, rise
pagina -ae f.: page, sheet
primus -a -um: first
attenuo (1): weaken, lessen, diminish, shrink
nervus -i m.: strength
proximus -a -um: next
materia -ae f.: material, subject
numerus -i m.: poetic meter
levis leve: light; gentle
aptus -a -um: suitable to (+ dat.)
longus -a -um: long
comptus -a -um: brushed, well-groomed
puella -ae f.: girl; maiden; young woman; sweetheart
coma -ae f.: hair
queror queri questus sum: complain; protest, grumble, gripe
pharetra -ae f.: quiver
protinus: immediately; without pause; at once
solvo solvere solvi solutus: release; open
lego -ere lēgī lectus: pick out
exitium -i n.: destruction, ruin
spiculum -i n.: arrow
luno (1): bend
genu genus n.: knee
sinuosus -a -um: bending, curved
fortiter: strongly
arcus -us m.: bow
cano -ere cecini cantus: sing
accipio accipere accepi acceptus: accept, undertake; admit, let in
miser -a -um: poor, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, unhappy
certus -a -um: reliable; sure
uro -ere ussi ustus: burn, set on fire
vacuus -a -um: empty, vacant
pectus pectoris n.: breast, heart
Amor -oris m.: Cupid
sex: six
quinque: five
resido -ere residi: settle; subside, fall
ferreus -a -um: iron, made of iron; cruel
vester -a -um: your (pl.)
vale (pl.) valete: goodbye
cingo -ere cinxi cinctus: equip, surround, wreath with (+ abl.)
litoreus -a -um: of the seashore
flavens -entis: golden, yellow
tempus -oris n.: the side of the forehead, temple, brow
myrtus -i f.: myrtle, a plant associated by the Romans with Venus.
Musa -ae f.: Muse
undeni -ae -a: 11 each, 11 apiece, 11 at a time; by 11s
emodulor (1): measure rhythmically; play, sing