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  • iam: adv., now

vēr, vēris, n.: spring

ēgĕlĭdus, -a, -um: thawed, unchilled, tepid, warm

  • rĕfĕro, refĕrre, rettŭli, rĕlātum: bring back; report; (reflexive) return; w/ in + abl., write down; w/ acc. & dat., put something down to, assign to a category

tĕpor, -ōris, m.: warmth

  • caelum, -i, n.: the sky or heavens
  • fŭror, -ōris, m.: passion, rage, frenzy
  • aequĭnoctĭālis, -e: adj., associated with the vernal or autumnal equinox

iūcundus, -a, -um: pleasant, delightful

Zĕphyrus, -i, m.: the west wind

sĭlesco, -ĕre: become silent, grow quiet

aurĕus, -a, -um: golden

linquo, linquĕre, līqui, lictus: leave, quit

Phrygĭus, -a, -um: of Phrygia, Phrygian

campus, -i, m.: plain, field

ăger, -gri, m.: a piece of land; territory

ūber, -ĕris, n.: abundant; fertile; rich

aestŭōsus, -a, -um: hot, sweltering

  • clārus, -a, -um: loud; bright; clear; famous

Ā̆sĭa, -ae, f.: Asia, esp. Asia Minor; the East

  • vŏlo, velle, volui: wish, be willing
  • urbs, urbis, f.: city; often used as synonym for Rome
  • mens, mentis, f.: mind

praetrepido (1): tremble in anticipation

ăvĕo, -ēre: desire, yearn

văgor, -āri, -ātus sum: wander, roam

  • laetus, -a, -um: glad, happy
  • stŭdĭum, -ii, n.: zeal, ardor, eagerness, enthusiasm; pursuit, pastime
  • pēs, pĕdis, m.: foot; (poet.) a metrical foot; (naut.) the line or sheet by which each of the two lower corners of a square sail is made fast to the ship

vĭgesco, -gescĕre, -gŭi: grow strong

ō: interjection, expressing grief, pleasure, indignation, or adjuration

  • dulcis, -e: sweet

cŏmĕs, -ĭtis, m.: companion, friend, comrade (often in an inferior capacity or of humbler rank)

  • vălĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: have strength or health; be effective

coetus, -us, m.: meeting; band, company, group, crowd

  • longus, -a, -um: long; tall, svelte
  • sĭmŭl: adv., at the same time, tohether, as well; conj., as soon as
  • dŏmus, -ūs, f.: home; house, family

prōfĭcĭo, -fĭcĕre, -fēci, -fectum: make headway, gain results

  • dīversus, -a, -um: turned or headed in different directions
  • vărĭus, -a, -um: different, various; many-colored; dappled
  • vĭa, -ae, f.: way, path, route

rĕporto (1): carry back, return

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