From Dickinson College Wiki
Rōmŭlus, -i, m.: eponymous founder of Rome
nĕpos, -ōtis, m.: grandson, descendant
quŏt: indecl. adj., how many, as many
Marcus, -i, m.: Roman praenomen
Tullĭus, -i, m.: Roman nomen gentile
post prep w/ acc. adv. behind; later, afterward
annus, -i, m.: year
grātĭa, -ae, f.: good will, favor; pl., gratitude, thanks
ăgo, ăgĕre, ēgi, actum: drive, do, conduct, throw; draw (breath); be engaged in
pessĭmus, -a, -um: extremely bad, worst
pŏēta, -ae, m.: poet
tantus, -a, -um: so much, pl. so many; so great, such
quantus, -a, -um: interr. or rel. adj., how much, how great, pl. how many
bŏnus, -a, -um: good; of "good" social standing
pā̆trōnus, -i, m.: patron or patroness, guardian; advocate (in court)