Student Social Action Against Racism
What is race?
-“race” was originally used as we use the term “ethnicity” today
-“race” is a social construction, it has meaning because society and culture have given it meaning (Class notes)
-race is a social category defined on the basis of shared physical and biological characteristics (skin color, hair texture, stature, eye shape, facial features, etc.)
-race is endlessly contingent, varies widely over time and place
-modern racism is based on a concept of race developed during 19th century:
1. Differences in physical characteristics among people express different subspecies of humankind- physical difference has always existed
2. These subspecies are inherently and substantially different from one another- hierarchy, justification for more power -ex. Slavery (primarily religious literature that appear to justify slavery of Africans)
3. These subspecies are hierarchically arranged fro superior to inferior in intelligence, virtue, and other capabilities
4. Race is essential to explaining and predicting human behavior, morality, and intellectual and physical capacities (American Studies class notes)
“Racism” the belief that one’s own race is superior to others, and that members of other races should be treated differently.” (pg.xxvi, Harlem Renaissance)