Student Social Action Against Discrimination related to Gender
Tell us what it is to be a woman so that we may know what it is to be a man. What moves at the margin. What it is to have no home in this place. To be set adrift from the one you knew. What it is to live at the edge of towns that cannot bear your company. ~Toni Morrison (Nobel Lecture, 1993)
"Bit by bit . . . she had claimed herself. Freeing yourself was one thing; claiming ownership of that freed self was another." ~Toni Morrison
Sexism and Gender Discrimination
Sexism and Gender Discrimination are issues that have faced women and men in the United States and all over the world for ages. Sexism is defined as "discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women; and attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender." Sexism is prevalent in contemporary society. Through the depiction of male and female roles in the media, gender opression persists and continues to weave itself into contemporary and Feminist Majority Foundation
National Organization for Women
NYU Queer Union