Currency Crises: Works Cited
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- "Dollarizing OK: Fed chief". CNNMoney. April 22, 1999. November 20, 2006.
- Gonzalez, Gustavo. "Asian Crisis: Argentine crisis threatens to cross borders". Santiago, Chile. July 17, 2001. November 11, 2006.
- Kim, Suk H. and Mahfuzul Haque. "The Asian financial crisis of 1997: Causes and policy responses". Multinational Business Review. Detroit: Spring 2002. Volume 10, Issue 1; page 37, 8 pgs.
- Krugman, Paul and Robin Wells. Macroeconomics. New York: Worthpublishers, 2006.
- In addition to the supplemental Chapter 20, "Currencies and Crises" online.
- Saxton, Jim. "Argentina's Economic Crisis: Causes and Cures". Joint Economic Committee United States. Washington, DC. June 2003.
- "The Role of the IMF in Argentina". International Monetary Fund. July 2003. nOVEMBER 20, 2006.
- Warr, Peter G. "Thailand's post-crisis trade policies: The 1999 WTO Review". The World Economy. Oxford: Sep 2000. Volume 23, Issue 9; page 1215.
- Woo, Wing Thye, Patrick D Carleton, Brian P Rosario. "The unorthodox origins of the Asian currency crisis: Evidence from logit estimation". ASEAN Economic Bulletin. Singapore: Aug 2000. Volume 17, Issue 2; page 120, 15 pgs.