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;<big>Qua quidem ex re hominum multitudo cognosci potuit: nam minus horis tribus milium pedum XV in circuitu III munitionem perfecerunt; reliquisque diebus turris ad altitudinem valli, falces testudinesque, quas idem captivi docuerant, parare ac facere coeperunt.</big>
;<big>Qua quidem ex re hominum multitudo cognosci potuit: nam minus horis tribus milium pedum XV in circuitu III munitionem perfecerunt; reliquisque diebus turris ad altitudinem valli, falces testudinesque, quas idem captivi docuerant, parare ac facere coeperunt.</big>

:  ad: ''ad'' here…means ‘in proportion to,’ not ‘up to,’ for the towers would have been useless unless they had been higher than the rampart. (Holmes)
:  ad: ''ad'' here…means ‘in proportion to,’ not ‘up to,’ for the towers would have been useless unless they had been higher than the rampart. (Rice Holmes)
:  testudines: sappers' huts, used for protecting soldiers when they were filling up ditches, undermining walls, &c. (Rice Holmes)

== Chapter 5.43 ==
== Chapter 5.43 ==

Revision as of 03:19, 27 December 2010

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FRESH RISINGS OF THE GAULS: The remaining events of the campaign are among the most critical of the entire Gallic War, and show to what extreme peril Caesar had exposed his conquests by his expedition across the Channel. They serve, besides, to bring out in very marked relief the personal qualities of several lieutenants. As a series of episodes this Book is, in fact, the most interesting of the eight. The Romans did not visit Britain again until AD 43, in the reign of Claudius. (Allen & Greenough)

Chap. 24: distribution of the legions in winter quarters over a wide area. Chap. 25: assassination of Tasgetius. Chap. 26: Ambiorix and Catuvolcus, kings of the Eburones, make an abortive attack on the camp [Atuatuca] of Sabinus and Cotta. Chap. 27: representatives sent out to confer with them: Ambiorix advises Sabinus to transfer his troops to Cicero or Labienus. Chap. 28-30: the advice considered in a council of war. Chap. 31: Sabinus decides to accept it. The brigade leaves camp. Chap. 32-36: Ambiorix's forces attack the column in a defile. Chap. 37: Sabinus parleys with Ambiorix and is killed. The Roman troops annihilated. Chap. 38: Ambiorix incites the Atuatuci and Nervii to attack Cicero's camp. Chap. 39: the attack begins. Chap. 40: the defense. Chap. 41: Cicero refuses 'to accept terms from an armed enemy'. Chap. 42: the Nervii adapt Roman siege methods. Chap. 43: a desperate assault resolutely repelled. Chap. 44: the rivalry of Pullo and Vorenus. Chap. 45: a Gallic slave carries a dispatch to Caesar. Chap. 46-47: Caesar marches to the rescue, Chap. 48: and sends a dispatch to Cicero. (Rice Holmes)

Chapter 5.24

Vocabulary for 5.24

Subductis navibus, concilioque Gallorum Samarobrivae peracto, quod eo anno frumentum in Gallia propter siccitates angustius provenerat, coactus est aliter ac superioribus annis exercitum in hibernis collocare, legionesque in plures civitates distribuere.
subductis navibus: ‘The ships being drawn on shore.’ (Anthon)
Samarobrivae: locative, the chief town of the Ambiani, whose name is found in the modern Amiens. (Allen & Greenough) satellite image
frumentum angustius provernerat: 'grain had been produced in less quantities than usual' i.e. the crop had partially failed, or there was a scarcity of grain. (Anthon)
aliter ac: i.e. not where supplies were most abundant, but where there was chief danger of disturbance. (Allen & Judson)
legiones distribuere: yet not in the west of France the loca maxime frumentaria of 1.10, but evidently in the parts where he expected a rebellion to arise. (Moberly)
in plures civites: 'among a greater number of states', i.e. than had before been customary. (Anthon)
Ex quibus unam in Morinos ducendam C. Fabio legato dedit, alteram in Nervios Q. Ciceroni, tertiam in Esubios L. Roscio; quartam in Remis cum T. Labieno in confinio Treverorum hiemare iussit. Tres in Belgis collocavit: eis M. Crassum quaestorem et L. Munatium Plancum et C. Trebonium legatos praefecit. Unam legionem, quam proxime trans Padum conscripserat, et cohortes V in Eburones, quorum pars maxima est inter Mosam ac Rhenum, qui sub imperio Ambiorigis et Catuvolci erant, misit.

Map of Gallic tribes

tactical map

ducendam: gerundive expressing purpose (Allen & Greenough)
Q. Ciceroni: the younger brother of the orator, and a man of tougher fibre and of great military and executive ability. He had joined Caesar's army that very year and had taken part in the expedition to Britain. Quintus, like his brother Marcus, sided with Pompey in the Civil War, and met a similar fate in the same year (B.C. 43) at the command of the triumvirs (Allen & Greenough). Brother of the orator. He was Caesar's legatus several years. Some of his letters written from Gaul and Britain are mentioned in the extant collection of Cicero's correspondence. (Hodges)
Belgis: By Belgium is here meant a part of Gallia Belgica, not the whole. It comprehended the territory of the Bellovaci, Atrebates, and Ambiani (Anthon).
M. Crassum: son of the celebrated Roman millionaire (Rice Holmes). An older brother of the P. Crassus mentioned in Bk. I, Chap. LII (Hodges)
Unam legionem: object of misit. This is a new legion, recently levied north of the Po (trans Padum) (Harkness). This legion was perhaps enrolled in the spring of this year, and was probably numbered XV. Caesar therefore should have had nine legions. Only eight and one half are here accounted for. One explanation is that the five cohorts mentioned belonged to XIV, and that the other five cohorts of XIV were used to fill gaps in other legions (Hodges).
Padus, -i m.: the Po river. Mosa, -ae f.: the Meuse river. (Sihler) Rhenum, -i m.: the Rhine. (Sihler)
Eburones, -um m. pl.: the Eburones, a Belgic people of Celtic or German descent.
Eis militibus Q. Titurium Sabinum et L. Aurunculeium Cottam legatos praeesse iussit. Ad hunc modum distributis legionibus facillime inopiae frumentariae sese mederi posse existimavit. Atque harum tamen omnium legionum hiberna, praeter eam quam L. Roscio in pacatissimam et quietissimam partem ducendam dederat, milibus passuum centum continebantur. ipse interea, quoad legiones collocatas munitaque hiberna cognovisset, in Gallia morari constituit.
inopiae: dat. with mederi (Allen & Greenough).
centum: If the reader will ponder these words, he will see that they can only mean that none of the camps was more than 100 miles from any other. If Caesar really wrote C, he made a mistake, for it is certain that Atuatuca, the camp of Sabinus and Cotta, was much more than 100 miles from Samarobriva (Amiens), where one of the legions encamped. (Rice Holmes)
munitaque hiberna: Permanent camps, intended to be occupied throughout the winter, were of course fortified more elaborately than the temporary camps which were constructed at the end of each day's march (Rice Holmes).

Chapter 5.25

Vocabulary for 5.25

Erat in Carnutibus summo loco natus Tasgetius, cuius maiores in sua civitate regnum obtinuerant. Huic Caesar pro eius virtute atque in se benevolentia, quod in omnibus bellis singulari eius opera fuerat usus, maiorum locum restituerat. Tertium iam hunc annum regnantem inimici iam multis palam ex civitate eis auctoribus, eum interfecerunt. Defertur ea res ad Caesarem.
tactical map
Carnutes Carnutum, m. pl.: the Carnutes, who lived in the vicinity of Chartres (Allen & Greenough).
Tasgetius, -i m. One of his coins.
summo loco natus: 'born in the highest station', i. e., of a royal family (Harkness). loco is abl. of source, or origin (Hodges).
Huic: indir. obj. of restituerat. This act of restoring chiefs exiled by the democracy of the tribes was peculiarly odious to the Gauls, as here appears (Allen & Greenough).
in se: 'toward him', i. e., toward Caesar (Harkness).
hunc annum regnantem: 'in this year, which was the third of his reign' (Moberly).
multis palam...auctoribus: ‘in the presence and with the consent of a large number of the people’ (Moberly); 'with the avowed sanction of many of the citizens' (Rice Holmes).
Ille veritus, quod ad plures pertinebat, ne civitas eorum impulsu deficeret, L. Plancum cum legione ex Belgio celeriter in Carnutes proficisci iubet ibique hiemare, quorumque opera cognoverat Tasgetium interfectum, hos comprehensos ad se mittere. Interim ab omnibus legatis quaestoribusque, quibus legiones tradiderat certior factus est in hiberna perventum locumque hibernis esse munitum.
quod ad plures pertinebat: 'because several persons were concerned.' Literally, 'because it pertained to more persons than one' (Anthon)
impulsus, -us m.: instigation. (Sihler)
deficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum: revolt from, forsake, desert. (Sihler)
quorum: the antecedent is hos. (Allen & Greenough)
perventum: impersonal passive. Supply esse (Harkness).
in hiberna perventum etc.: 'that they had reached their respective quarters, and that a place for wintering in had been fortified by each' (Anthon).
hibernis: dat. (Hodges).

Chapter 5.26

Vocabulary for 5.26

Diebus circiter quindecim quibus in hiberna ventum est initium repentini tumultus ac defectionis ortum est ab Ambiorige et Catuvolco; qui, cum ad fines regni sui Sabino Cottaeque praesto fuissent frumentumque in hiberna comportavissent, Indutiomari Treveri nuntiis impulsi suos concitaverunt subitoque oppressis lignatoribus magna manu ad castra oppugnatum venerunt.
tactical map with possible location of Sabinus and Cotta's camp
Diebus . . . quibus: 'about fifteen days after' (Harkness).
praesto: 'in attendance upon', as obedient subjects. (Allen & Judson)
Cum praesto fuissent: ‘although they had presented themselves’ (Moberly); 'had met', i.e. in a cordial manner. (Harkness)
finis: here evidently means ‘frontier’ (Rice Holmes).
Indutiomari: for the bitter offence given him by Caesar, see above, ch. 4 (Allen & Greenough). Indutiomarus had been obliged a few months before to give Caesar 200 hostages, among whom were all his own kinsmen (4, §§ 1-2); but we may infer from vi, 2, § 1 (Interfecto Indutiomaro . . . ad eius propinquos a Treveris imperium defertur) that Caesar, after he returned from Britain, had thought it best to restore them. When one reads v, 22, § 4 one finds it hard to conceive why he did so (Rice Holmes).
ad castra oppugnatum venerunt: ‘came to the camp to attack it’ (Stock).
subitoque etc.: 'and after suddenly surprising the wood-cutters'. (Allen & Greenough)
Cum celeriter nostri arma cepissent vallumque ascendissent atque una ex parte Hispanis equitibus emissis equestri proelio superiores fuissent, desperata re hostes suos ab oppugnatione reduxerunt. Tum suo more conclamaverunt, uti aliqui ex nostris ad colloquium prodiret: habere sese, quae de re communi dicere vellent, quibus rebus controversias minui posse sperarent.
vallum, -i n.: earthworks, rampart. (Sihler)
aliqui: the usual form is aliquis (Allen & Greenough). aliqui is usually an adjective, and the pronominal form is aliquis (Hodges).
de re communi: 'relative to their common interest' (Anthon).

Chapter 5.27

Vocabulary for 5.27

Mittitur ad eos colloquendi causa C. Arpineius, eques Romanus, familiaris Q. Tituri, et Q. Iunius ex Hispania quidam, qui iam ante missu Caesaris ad Ambiorigem ventitare consuerat; apud quos Ambiorix ad hunc modum locutus est: sese pro Caesaris in se beneficiis plurimum ei confiteri debere, quod eius opera stipendio liberatus esset quod Aduatucis finitimis suis pendere consuesset, quodque ei et filius et fratris filius ab Caesare remissi essent, quos Aduatuci obsidum numero missos apud se in servitute et catenis tenuissent;
eques: a knight, a member of the equestrian order, the commercial aristocracy of Rome (Allen & Greenough).
Q. Tituri: = Quinti Titurii Sabini, called simply Sabinus above, and Titurius at 5.29, below (Harkness).
qui...consuerat: Evidently Ambiorix had made himself useful to Caesar as a political agent, and the acts of kindness for which he professed gratitude were presumably the reward which he received for his services (Rice Holmes).
missu Caesaris: equivalent to mittente Caesare, 'being despatched for this purpose by Caesar' (Anthon).
plurimum ... debere: 'acknowledged he was under very great obligations to him' (Anthon). 'that he owed very much to him', i. e., to Caesar (Harkness).
stipendium, -i n.: tribute. (Sihler)
stipendio liberatus esset: 'he had been liberated from tribute', i. e., freed from the payment of it.
Aduatuci: subj. of tenuissent (Allen & Greenough)
neque id quod fecerit de oppugnatione castrorum aut iudicio aut voluntate sua fecisse sed coactu civitatis, suaque esse eiusmodi imperia ut non minus haberet iuris in se multitudo quam ipse in multitudinem. Civitati porro hanc fuisse belli causam, quod repentinae Gallorum coniurationi resistere non potuerit. Id se facile ex humilitate sua probare posse, quod non adeo sit imperitus rerum ut suis copiis populum Romanum superari posse confidat.
de oppugnatione castrorum: 'as regards the attack on our camp' (Anthon). oppugnatio, -ionis f.: storming, assault, attack. (Sihler)
suaque esse imperia...multitudinem: 'and that his authority was of such a nature, that the people at large had no less power over him than he had over them' (Anthon). imperia: 'sovereignty' (Allen & Judson). esse eiusmodi: 'was of such a nature' (Harkness). non minus iuris: 'no less authority' (Harkness)
civitati porro: 'to the state in their turn' (Moberly).
ex humilitate sua: ‘From his own weakness' (Anthon).
sit . . . confidat: the present was used because the subjunctives were preceded by a present infinitive, posse (Rice Holmes).
Sed esse Galliae commune consilium: omnibus hibernis Caesaris oppugnandis hunc esse dictum diem, ne qua legio alterae legioni subsidio venire posset. Non facile Gallos Gallis negare potuisse, praesertim cum de recuperanda communi libertate consilium initum videretur. Quibus quoniam pro pietate satisfecerit, habere nunc se rationem offici pro beneficiis Caesaris: monere, orare Titurium pro hospitio ut suae ac militum saluti consulat.
Sed esse Gallia commune consilium: 'But that it was tho common design of Gaul," i. e., that it was a common and preconcerted plan on the part of the whole nation (Anthon).
Non…potuisse: 'that the Gauls could not easily say ‘no’ to Gauls' (Allen & Greenough). ‘That it was no easy matter for Gauls to give a refusal to Gauls’ (Anthon).
Quibus quoniam...Caesaris: 'that since he had satisfied them, as far as duty to his country was concerned, so now he had respect to the claims of duty, as regarded the favours bestowed upon him by Caesar,' i. e., as he had discharged his duty to his country, he would now discharge that which he owed to Caesar in return for his numerous kindnesses (Anthon).
pietate: The term pietas among the Roman writers has a very extensive meaning, denoting the duty which we owe to our parents, relations, friends, country, and the Deity. The reference in the present passage is to country merely (Anthon).
pro hospitio: 'in consideration of the ties of hospitality' (Anthon).
Magnam manum Germanorum conductam Rhenum transisse; hanc adfore biduo. Ipsorum esse consilium, velintne priusquam finitimi sentiant eductos ex hibernis milites aut ad Ciceronem aut ad Labienum deducere, quorum alter milia passuum circiter quinquaginta, alter paulo amplius ab eis absit. Illud se polliceri et iure iurando confirmare, tutum iter per fines daturum. Quod cum faciat, et civitati sese consulere, quod hibernis levetur, et Caesari pro eius meritis gratiam referre. Hac oratione habita discedit Ambiorix.
conductam Rhenum transisse: 'having been hired for the purpose, had crossed the Rhine' (Anthon).
hanc: 'that this band' (Anthon).
ipsorum esse consilium: 'it was for them [the Roman generals] to decide' (Rice Holmes); 'that it belonged to them to consider' (Harkness).
paulo: adv. abl.: a little (= by a little). (Sihler)
quod cum faciat...referre: 'that in doing this, he was both consulting for the good of his own state, in its being freed from the burden of winter quarters, and was making a proper return to Caesar for his acts of kindness towards him’ (Anthon); quod cum faciat: 'in so doing' (Allen & Greenough); 'while he does this' (Harkness). quod levetur: because it would be relieved (Hodges).
hibernis: i.e. the burden of providing grain for the soldiers (Allen & Greenough).

Chapter 5.28

Vocabulary for 5.28

Arpineius et Iunius quae audierunt ad legatos deferunt. Illi repentina re perturbati, etsi ab hoste ea dicebantur, tamen non neglegenda existimabant maximeque hac re permovebantur, quod civitatem ignobilem atque humilem Eburonum sua sponte populo Romano bellum facere ausam vix erat credendum.

ausam [esse]: with civitatem (Allen & Greenough).
Itaque ad consilium rem deferunt magnaque inter eos exsistit controversia. L. Aurunculeius compluresque tribuni militum et primorum ordinum centuriones nihil temere agendum neque ex hibernis iniussu Caesaris discedendum existimabant; quantasvis magnas etiam copias Germanorum sustineri posse munitis hibernis docebant: rem esse testimonio, quod primum hostium impetum multis ultro vulneribus inlatis fortissime sustinuerint;
ad consilium rem deferunt: 'they lay the matter before a council of war' (Anthon). consilium: as the two legates had one and one-half legions under their command, the council of war contained, besides the legates, nine military tribunes, and either nine or six centurions, according as the half legion did or did not include the first cohort. Thus there were in the council either twenty or seventeen persons (Allen & Greenough).
Existit: 'arises' (Anthon).
Rem esse testimonio: 'that the fact spoke for itself' (Anthon). testimonium, -i n.: proof; dat. + esse: to serve as proof. (Sihler)
quod . . . sustinuerint: in apposition with rem.
multis ultro...sustinuerint: 'many wounds having been inflicted upon the latter, without any being received in return.' Compare the explanation of Lemaire: 'nam Romani intulerant hostibus vulnera; ipsi vero non acceperant.' (Anthon).
impetus, -us m.: charge, attack, onslaught. (Sihler)
re frumentaria non premi; interea et ex proximis hibernis et a Caesare conventura subsidia; postremo quid esse levius aut turpius quam auctore hoste de summis rebus capere consilium?
re frumentaria non premi: 'that they were not distressed for corn [i.e. grain]' (Anthon).
levius aut turpius: ‘weaker or more cowardly’ (Anthon).
auctore hoste...consilium. ‘To deliberate concerning matters of the utmost importance when an enemy was the author of the step’ (Anthon); auctore hoste: 'on the advice of the enemy' (Allen & Greenough).

Chapter 5.29

Vocabulary for 5.29

Contra ea Titurius sero facturos clamitabat, cum maiores manus hostium adiunctis Germanis convenissent aut cum aliquid calamitatis in proximis hibernis esset acceptum. Brevem consulendi esse occasionem. Caesarem arbitrari profectum in Italiam; neque aliter Carnutes interficiendi Tasgeti consilium fuisse capturos, neque Eburones, si ille adesset, tanta contemptione nostri ad castra venturos esse.
sero facturos, cum: 'that they would act too late, when', i. e., that it would be too late to act, when (Harkness).
Proximis: close at hand. (Allen & Judson)
Proximis: nearest. This camp was farthest off from the main body, and hence if the nearest camps should be taken, the forces could not easily withdraw in safety. (Allen & Greenough)
Calamitas, -atis f.: disaster. (Sihler)
Fuisse capturos: the direct discourse would have cepissent, and for ‘venturos esse,’ venirent. (Allen & Judson)
Fuisse capturos: direct, cepissent; apodosis of a condition contrary to fact (unreal), the protasis of which is contained in the adverb aliter. (Hodges)
Neque…fuisse capturos: that otherwise the Carnutes would not have adopted. (Harkness)
Nostri: obj. gen. (Allen & Greenough)
Neque Eburones venturos esse: ‘not would the Eburones have come.’ (Moberly)
Venturos esse: for venirent of the dir., the apodosis of a pres. condition contrary to fact. We should expect venturos fuisse. (Allen & Greenough)
Non hostem auctorem, sed rem spectare: subesse Rhenum; magno esse Germanis dolori Ariovisti mortem et superiores nostras victorias; ardere Galliam tot contumeliis acceptis sub populi Romani imperium redactam, superiore gloria rei militaris exstincta.
Auctorem: as the informant. (Allen & Judson)
Hostem auctorem: information derived from the enemy… (Moberly)
Sese…spectare: ‘It was not to the enemy that he looked for guidance, but to facts.’ (Holmes)
Ariovisti mortem: he had, however, escaped after the battle. (Allen & Greenough)
Ardere: is in a blaze. (Allen & Judson)
Ardere: was ablaze. (Hodges)
Tot contumeliis acceptis redactam: because it had been reduced after such a series of disasters, and after losing all their former military reputation. (Moberly)
Postremo quis hoc sibi persuaderet, sine certa re Ambiorigem ad eiusmodi consilium descendisse? Suam sententiam in utramque partem esse tutam: si nihil esset durius, nullo cum periculo ad proximam legionem perventuros: si Gallia omnis cum Germanis consentiret, unam esse in celeritate positam salutem. Cottae quidem atque eorum qui dissentirent, consilium quem habere exitum, in quo si non praesens periculum non, at certe longinqua obsidione fames esset timenda?
Tutus, -a, -um: safe. (Sihler)
In utramque partem: on each side. (Harkness)
Si nil sit durius: ‘If no greater difficulty came in their way,’ i.e. if no attack were made by the Gauls. (Anthon)
Longinquus, -a, -um: distant, remote; lasting, long, protracted. (Sihler)

Chapter 5.30

Vocabulary for 5.30

Hac in utramque partem disputatione habita, cum a Cotta primisque ordinibus acriter resisteretur, 'Vincite,' inquit, 'si ita vultis,' Sabinus, et id clariore voce, ut magna pars militum exaudiret; 'neque is sum,' inquit, 'qui gravissime ex vobis mortis periculo terrear: hi sapient; si gravius quid acciderit, abs te rationem reposcent qui, si per te liceat, perendino die cum proximis hibernis coniuncti communem cum reliquis belli casum sustineant, non reiecti et relegati longe ab ceteris aut ferro aut fame intereant.'
ex vobis: instead of part. Gen. after gravissime. (Allen & Greenough)
hi: i.e. the magna pars militum who were listening. (Allen & Greenough)
perendino die: i.e. tertio die, the day after to-morrow. (Hodges)
hi sapient: ‘the men will understand the matter.’ (Moberly)
sustineant: &c., ‘would certainly bear only their share along with their comrades of the impending danger, and certainly would not die like outcast and banished men, far away from their friends.’ (Moberly)

Chapter 5.31

Vocabulary for 5.31

Consurgitur ex consilio; comprehendunt utrumque et orant ne sua dissensione et pertinacia rem in summum periculum deducant: facilem esse rem, seu maneant, seu proficiscantur, si modo unum omnes sentiant ac probent; contra in dissensione nullam se salutem perspicere.
Res disputatione ad mediam noctem perducitur. Tandem dat Cotta permotus manus: superat sententia Sabini. Pronuntiatur prima luce ituros. Consumitur vigiliis reliqua pars noctis, cum sua quisque miles circumspiceret, quid secum portare posset, quid ex instrumento hibernorum relinquere cogeretur. Omnia excogitantur, quare nec sine periculo maneatur et languore militum et vigiliis periculum augeatur. Prima luce sic ex castris proficiscuntur ut quibus esset persuasum non ab hoste sed ab homine amicissimo Ambiorige consilium datum, longissimo agmine maximisque impedimentis.
dat manus: (a formal sign of surrender), gives in. (Allen & Judson)
dat manus: yields; originally manus dare meant offer one’s hands to be bound. Probably Cotta had been directed by Caesar, in the event of a difference, to yield to Sabinus. (Hodges)
quare…augeatur: why they could not remain without peril, and the peril would be increased, etc. (Hodges)
ut quibus: etc., as if they were convinced that. (Allen & Greenough)
sic ut quibus esset persuasum: as men who had been convinced. The subj. is characteristic. (Hodges)
non ab hoste Ambiorige consilium datum: that Ambiorix who had given the advice was not an enemy, but their very near and dear friend. (Moberly)

Chapter 5.32

Vocabulary for 5.32

At hostes, postea quam ex nocturno fremitu vigiliisque de profectione eorum senserunt, collocatis insidiis bipertito in silvis opportuno atque occulto loco a milibus passuum circiter duobus Romanorum adventum exspectabant et, cum se maior pars agminis in magnam convallem demisisset, ex utraque parte eius vallis subito se ostenderunt, novissimosque premere et primos prohibere ascensu atque iniquissimo nostris loco proelium committere coeperunt.
tactical map
battle snapshot, Gallic perspective
tactical diagram
bipertito: ‘at two points'. (Moberly)
nostris: dat. with inquissimo. (Hodges)

Chapter 5.33

Vocabulary for 5.33

Tum demum Titurius, qui nihil ante providisset, trepidare et concursare cohortesque disponere, haec tamen ipsa timide atque ut eum omnia deficere viderentur; quod plerumque eis accidere consuevit qui in ipso negotio consilium capere coguntur.
ut…viderentur: freely, so that it was plain he had lost all presence of mind. (Hodges)
in ipso negotio: in the midst of action. (Hodges)
At Cotta, qui cogitasset haec posse in itinere accidere atque ob eam causam profectionis auctor non fuisset, nulla in re communi saluti deerat et in appellandis cohortandisque militibus imperatoris et in pugna militis officia praestabat. Cum propter longitudinem agminis minus facile omnia per se obire et quid quoque loco faciendum esset providere possent, iusserunt pronuntiare ut impedimenta relinquerent atque in orbem consisterent.
imperatoris: depends upon officia. (Hodges)
possent: the subj. is Cotta and Titurius. (Allen & Greenough)
per se omnia obire: attend personally to everything. (Hodges)
Quod consilium etsi in eiusmodi casu reprehendendum non est, tamen incommode accidit: nam et nostris militibus spem minuit et hostes ad pugnam alacriores effecit, quod non sine summo timore et desperatione id factum videbatur. Praeterea accidit, quod fieri necesse erat, ut vulgo milites ab signis discederent, quae quisque eorum carissima haberet ab impedimentis petere atque arripere properaret, clamore et fletu omnia complerentur.
accidit…ut: etc., this clause is divided into three parts with the verbs discederent, properaret, complerentur, the first two being connected by –que (quaeque). (Allen & Greenough)

Chapter 5.34

Vocabulary for 5.34

At barbaris consilium non defuit. Nam duces eorum tota acie pronuntiare iusserunt, ne quis ab loco discederet, illorum esse praedam atque illis reservari quaecumque Romani reliquissent: proinde omnia in victoria posita existimarent.

Erant et virtute et numero pugnandi pares. Nostri, tametsi ab duce et a fortuna deserebantur, tamen omnem spem salutis in virtute ponebant, et quotiens quaeque cohors procurrerat, ab ea parte magnus numerus hostium cadebat.
quotiens procurrerat…cadebat: a general condition referring to past time. (Allen & Greenough)
Qua re animadversa, Ambiorix pronuntiari iubet ut procul tela coniciant neu propius accedant et quam in partem Romani impetum fecerint cedant: levitate armorum et cotidiana exercitatione nihil eis noceri posse: rursus se ad signa recipientes insequantur.
levitate…posse: a declarative sentence in indirect discourse, inserted parenthetically. The dative his refers to the Eburones (vobis in the mouth of Ambiorix). (Hodges)
levitate armorum: &c., that from the lightness of their arms, &c., it must result that no harm would be done them. (Moberly)
ad signa recipients: the standards were fixed in the ground, thus indicating the alignment of the circle. (Allen & Judson)
rursus…insequantur: and that they should follow them when they again fell back (se recipientis) to their standards. (Hodges)

Chapter 5.35

Vocabulary for 5.35

Quo praecepto ab eis diligentissime observato, cum quaepiam cohors ex orbe excesserat atque impetum fecerat, hostes velocissime refugiebant. Interim eam partem nudari necesse erat et ab latere aperto tela recipi.
Rursus cum in eum locum unde erant egressi reverti coeperant, et ab eis qui cesserant et ab eis qui proximi steterant circumveniebantur. Sin autem locum tenere vellent, nec virtuti locus relinquebatur neque ab tanta multitudine coniecta tela conferti vitare poterant.
vellent: not contrary to fact, but a future condition thrown into the past. (Allen & Greenough)
sin…vellent: contrasted with cum reverti coeperant. The subjunctive is occasionally used to denote repeated action in a subordinate clause, instead of the more usual imperfect or pluperfect indicative. (Hodges)
sin, conj.: but if. (Sihler)
Tamen tot incommodis conflictati, multis vulneribus acceptis resistebant et magna parte diei consumpta, cum a prima luce ad horam octavam pugnaretur, nihil quod ipsis esset indignum committebant.
Tum T. Balventio, qui superiore anno primum pilum duxerat, viro forti et magnae auctoritatis, utrumque femur tragula traicitur; Q. Lucanius eiusdem ordinis, fortissime pugnans, dum circumvento filio subvenit, interficitur; L. Cotta legatus omnes cohortes ordinesque adhortans in adversum os funda vulneratur.
primum pilum: from pilus. Apparently Balventius was no longer primipilus, and presumably he was serving as evocatus. (Hodges)
primum pilum duxerat: ‘Had been chief centurion’. (Anthon)
pilum duxerat: that is, had been ‘primipili centurio,’ the first centurion of the first cohort, ‘Superiore anno.’ The choice of these officers was in the hands of the ‘tribuni,’ subject to the commander-in-chief. A successor was therefore not bound by the appointments of those who preceded him. A ‘primipili centurio’ therefore might hold a lower post: and (up to B.C. 341) a tribune might afterwards have to serve as a centurion. (Moberly)
In adversum os: right in the face. (Hodges)

Chapter 5.36

Vocabulary for 5.36

His rebus permotus Q. Titurius, cum procul Ambiorigem suos cohortantem conspexisset, interpretem suum Cn. Pompeium ad eum mittit rogatum ut sibi militibusque parcat.
Ille appellatus respondit: si velit secum colloqui, licere; sperare a multitudine impetrari posse, quod ad militum salutem pertineat; ipsi vero nihil nocitum iri, inque eam rem se suam fidem interponere.
quod…pertineat: subject of posse. (Hodges)
ipsi vero: etc., that to him, certainly no harm will be done; nihil is acc. of specif. and nocitum iri impers. Instead of the latter we should expect fore ut noceatur. (Allen & Greenough)
ipsi…iri: but no harm would be done to him, i.e. to Sabinus. (Hodges)
suam fidem interponere: pledged his word. (Hodges)
Ille cum Cotta saucio communicat, si videatur, pugna ut excedant et cum Ambiorige una colloquantur: sperare ab eo de sua ac militum salute impetrari posse.
ut excedant: depends upon communicatproposes that they should withdraw, etc., if it should seem best. (Harkness)
Cotta se ad armatum hostem iturum negat atque in eo perseverat.

Chapter 5.37

Vocabulary for 5.37

Sabinus quos in praesentia tribunos militum circum se habebat et primorum ordinum centuriones se sequi iubet et, cum propius Ambiorigem accessisset, iussus arma abicere imperatum facit suisque ut idem faciant imperat.
Interim, dum de condicionibus inter se agunt longiorque consulto ab Ambiorige instituitur sermo, paulatim circumventus interficitur.
condicionibus: i.e. of surrender. (Allen & Greenough)
longiorque consulto: &c. ‘And a discourse longer than ordinary is designedly begun by Ambiorix’ i.e., and the conference is designedly protracted by Ambiorix. (Anthon)
Tum vero suo more victoriam conclamant atque ululatum tollunt impetuque in nostros facto ordines perturbant.
ululatum: such a yell of triumph is described by Ammianus (XVI.12,43): ‘It began with a low humming, growing gradually louder and louder, until it was like the thunder of he waves, when they crash on a rocky shore.’ (Allen & Judson)
Ibi L. Cotta pugnans interficitur cum maxima parte militum. Reliqui se in castra recipiunt unde erant egressi. Ex quibus L. Petrosidius aquilifer, cum magna multitudine hostium premeretur, aquilam intra vallum proiecit; ipse pro castris fortissime pugnans occiditur.
Illi aegre ad noctem oppugnationem sustinent; noctu ad unum omnes desperata salute se ipsi interficiunt. Pauci ex proelio elapsi incertis itineribus per silvas ad T. Labienum legatum in hiberna perveniunt atque eum de rebus gestis certiorem faciunt.
tactical diagram

Chapter 5.38

Vocabulary for 5.38

Hac victoria sublatus Ambiorix statim cum equitatu in Aduatucos, qui erant eius regno finitimi, proficiscitur; neque noctem neque diem intermittit peditatumque subsequi iubet. Re demonstrata Aduatucisque concitatis, postero die in Nervios pervenit hortaturque ne sui in perpetuum liberandi atque ulciscendi Romanos pro eis quas acceperint iniuriis occasionem dimittant;
neque noctem neque diem intermittit: Ambiorix marched only one night and one day. More than that would have been expressed by ‘nocturnis diurnisque itineribus.’ (Allen & Judson)
sui liberandi, ulciscendi: dependent upon occasionem. (Hodges)
interfectos esse legatos duo magnamque partem exercitus interisse demonstrat; nihil esse negoti subito oppressam legionem quae cum Cicerone hiemet interfici; se ad eam rem profitetur adiutorem. Facile hac oratione Nerviis persuadet.
oppressam…interfici: render by two verbs, to be surprised and slain. (Allen & Judson)
nihil esse negoti: ‘That it was an easy matter’. (Anthon)
nihil esse negoti: 'that it was a matter of no difficulty'. (Allen & Greenough)
esse: the subject is legionem…interfici. (Hodges)

Chapter 5.39

Vocabulary for 5.39

Itaque confestim dimissis nuntiis ad Ceutrones, Grudios, Levacos, Pleumoxios, Geidumnos, qui omnes sub eorum imperio sunt, quam maximas manus possunt cogunt et de improviso ad Ciceronis hiberna advolant nondum ad eum fama de Tituri morte perlata. Huic quoque accidit, quod fuit necesse, ut non nulli milites, qui lignationis munitionisque causa in silvas discessissent, repentino equitum adventu interciperentur.
tactical map
huic quoque: i.e. to Cicero, as well as to Sabinus and Cotta. (Hodges)
munitionis: material for building defenses. (Hodges)
lignationis munitionisque: lignationis is explained by munitionisque. The wood was required, at all events in part, for the purpose of fortification. (Holmes)
Eis circumventis magna manu Eburones, Nervii, Aduatuci atque horum omnium socii et clientes legionem oppugnare incipiunt. Nostri celeriter ad arma concurrunt, vallum conscendunt. Aegre is dies sustentatur, quod omnem spem hostes in celeritate ponebant atque hanc adepti victoriam in perpetuum se fore victores confidebant.
sustenatur: ‘They hold out.’ Supply a nostris. (Anthon)
adepti: conditional, if they should gain. The accusative case agreeing with se might have been expected instead of the nominative. (Hodges)

Chapter 5.40

Vocabulary for 5.40

Mittuntur ad Caesarem confestim ab Cicerone litterae magnis propositis praemiis, si pertulissent: obsessis omnibus viis missi intercipiuntur. Noctu ex materia quam munitionis causa comportaverant, turres admodum centum XX excitantur incredibili celeritate; quae deesse operi videbantur perficiuntur.
pertulissent: for the fut. perf., implied ind. disc. (Allen & Greenough)
Hostes postero die multo maioribus coactis copiis castra oppugnant, fossam complent. Eadem ratione, qua pridie, ab nostris resistitur. Hoc idem reliquis deinceps fit diebus. Nulla pars nocturni temporis ad laborem intermittitur; non aegris, non vulneratis facultas quietis datur.
tactical diagram
Quaecumque ad proximi diei oppugnationem opus sunt noctu comparantur; multae praeustae sudes, magnus muralium pilorum numerus instituitur; turres contabulantur, pinnae loricaeque ex cratibus attexuntur.
perustae sudes: heavy stakes or piles of wood, sharpened at the end, and charred to harden the point. They were hurled by the tormenta. (Allen & Greenough) It appears…that these improvised weapons were intended to be thrown. We often hear of them in ancient warfare. (Stock)
muralium pilorum: long pikes, to defend the wall. (Allen & Judson)
contabulantur: floored with plank. Possibly also the towers were connected by galleries, one for each story. (Allen & Judson)
pinnae loricaeque: ‘battlements and breastworks’. (Stock)
Ipse Cicero, cum tenuissima valetudine esset, ne nocturnum quidem sibi tempus ad quietem relinquebat, ut ultro militum concursu ac vocibus sibi parcere cogeretur.
concursu ac vocibus = by the spontaneous movement and entreaties. (Allen & Greenough)
sibi: dat., depending on parcere. (Hodges)
ultro militum concursu…cogeretur: ‘he was compelled by the spontaneous pressure and expostulation of the soldiers.’ (Moberly)

Chapter 5.41

Vocabulary for 5.41

Tunc duces principesque Nerviorum qui aliquem sermonis aditum causamque amicitiae cum Cicerone habebant colloqui sese velle dicunt.
causam amicitiae: grounds of friendship. (Hodges)
sermonis aditum: The meaning is, ‘any means of addressing themselves to Cicero.’ (Moberly)
Facta potestate eadem quae Ambiorix cum Titurio egerat commemorant: omnem esse in armis Galliam; Germanos Rhenum transisse; Caesaris reliquorumque hiberna oppugnari. Addunt etiam de Sabini morte; Ambiorigem ostentant fidei faciendae causa. Errare eos dicunt, si quicquam ab eis praesidi sperent, qui suis rebus diffidant; sese tamen hoc esse in Ciceronem populumque Romanum animo ut nihil nisi hiberna recusent atque hanc inveterascere consuetudinem nolint:
Suis rebus: their own safety. (Hodges)
Nihil…recusent: i.e. they will be friends, but not subjects; they only refuse to admit a standing military force. (Allen & Judson)
Ut nihil nisi…recusent: ‘that what they absolutely refused was the use of their country for winter-quarters.’ (Moberly)
licere illis incolumibus per se ex hibernis discedere et quascumque in partes velint sine metu proficisci.
Incolumibus: in agreement with illis. (Hodges)
Cicero ad haec unum modo respondit: non esse consuetudinem populi Romani accipere ab hoste armato condicionem: si ab armis discedere velint, se adiutore utantur legatosque ad Caesarem mittant; sperare pro eius iustitia, quae petierint, impetraturos.
Se adiutore utantur: 'they may use him as an advocate'. (Allen & Greenough)
Se: subject of sperare. (Hodges)

Chapter 5.42

Vocabulary for 5.42

Ab hac spe repulsi Nervii vallo pedum IX et fossa pedum XV hiberna cingunt. Haec et superiorum annorum consuetudine ab nobis cognoverant et quos clam de exercitu habebant captivos ab eis docebantur; sed nulla ferramentorum copia quae esset ad hunc usum idonea, gladiis caespites circumcidere, manibus sagulisque terram exhaurire videbantur.
tactical diagram
manibus sagulisque…exhaurire: to dig out with their hands and [carry] in their cloaks. (Allen & Greenough); A case of zeugma (Allen & Judson)
Qua quidem ex re hominum multitudo cognosci potuit: nam minus horis tribus milium pedum XV in circuitu III munitionem perfecerunt; reliquisque diebus turris ad altitudinem valli, falces testudinesque, quas idem captivi docuerant, parare ac facere coeperunt.
ad: ad here…means ‘in proportion to,’ not ‘up to,’ for the towers would have been useless unless they had been higher than the rampart. (Rice Holmes)
testudines: sappers' huts, used for protecting soldiers when they were filling up ditches, undermining walls, &c. (Rice Holmes)

Chapter 5.43

Vocabulary for 5.43

Septimo oppugnationis die maximo coorto vento ferventis fusili ex argilla glandis fundis et fervefacta iacula in casas, quae more Gallico stramentis erant tectae, iacere coeperunt. Hae celeriter ignem comprehenderunt et venti magnitudine in omnem locum castrorum distulerunt. Hostes maximo clamore, sicuti parta iam atque explorata victoria, turres testudinesque agere et scalis vallum ascendere coeperunt.
ferventis . . . glandis: 'red-hot balls of clay' (Allen & Greenough)
casas: the huts of the encampment, thatched with straw (Allen & Greenough)
distulerunt: sc. ignem (Allen & Greenough)
parta atque explorata: gained and decided. (Hodges)
At tanta militum virtus atque ea praesentia animi fuit ut, cum undique flamma torrerentur maximaque telorum multitudine premerentur suaque omnia impedimenta atque omnes fortunas conflagrare intellegerent, non modo demigrandi causa de vallo decederet nemo sed paene ne respiceret quidem quisquam, ac tum omnes acerrime fortissimeque pugnarent.
Hic dies nostris longe gravissimus fuit, sed tamen hunc habuit eventum ut eo die maximus numerus hostium vulneraretur atque interficeretur, ut se sub ipso vallo constipaverant recessumque primis ultimi non dabant. Paulum quidem intermissa flamma et quodam loco turri adacta et contingente vallum, tertiae cohortis centuriones ex eo quo stabant loco recesserunt suosque omnes removerunt; nutu vocibusque hostis, si introire vellent, vocare coeperunt: quorum progredi ausus est nemo. Tum ex omni parte lapidibus coniectis deturbati, turrisque succensa est.
turri: this advance of a tower was quite in the manner of Roman attack. (Allen & Greenough)
nutus, -us m.: nod, beck; gestures, gesticulations. (Sihler)

Chapter 5.44

Vocabulary for 5.44

Erant in ea legione fortissimi viri, centuriones, qui primis ordinibus appropinquarent, T. Pullo et L. Vorenus. Hi perpetuas inter se controversias habebant, quinam anteferretur, omnibusque annis de locis summis simultatibus contendebant.
de locis: for promotion or rank. (Allen & Greenough)
Ex his Pullo, cum acerrime ad munitiones pugnaretur, 'Quid dubitas,' inquit, 'Vorene? aut quem locum tuae probandae virtutis spectas? hic dies de nostris controversiis iudicabit.'
locum: opportunity (Allen & Greenough)
Haec cum dixisset, procedit extra munitiones, quaque pars hostium confertissima est visa irrumpit.
Ne Vorenus quidem tum sese vallo continet sed omnium veritus existimationem subsequitur.
Tum mediocri spatio relicto Pullo pilum in hostes immittit, atque unum ex multitudine procurrentem traicit; quo percusso et exanimato, hunc scutis protegunt, in hostem tela universi coniciunt neque dant regrediendi facultatem.
scutis (Towle & Jenks)
Transfigitur scutum Pulloni et verutum in balteo defigitur. Avertit hic casus vaginam et gladium educere conanti dextram moratur manum, impeditumque hostes circumsistunt.
hic casus: etc., i.e. the javelin, piercing his sword belt, twisted the scabbard of his sword out of reach. (Allen & Greenough)
Succurrit inimicus illi Vorenus et laboranti subvenit. Ad hunc se confestim a Pullone omnis multitudo convertit; illum veruto arbitrantur occisum.
Gladio comminus rem gerit Vorenus, atque uno interfecto reliquos paulum propellit: dum cupidius instat, in locum deiectus inferiorem concidit.
comminus, adv.: at close quarters, in hand to hand conflict. (Sihler)
locum: opportunity. (Allen & Judson)
in locum deiectus: etc., slipping into a hollow, he fell. (Allen & Greenough)
in locum deiectus inferiorem: ‘he slipped down a place where there was a slight drop.’ In this whole story we may suspect that Caesar is using a little rhetorical artifice to contrast the vigour of the privates with the slackness of Cotta and Sabinus; and, in particular, to show how personal rivalry spurred the former to deeds of valour, and disabled the latter. (Moberly)
Huic rursus circumvento fert subsidium Pullo, atque ambo incolumes compluribus interfectis summa cum laude sese intra munitiones recipiunt.
ambo: both. (Hodges)
Sic fortuna in contentione et certamine utrumque versavit, ut alter alteri inimicus auxilio salutique esset, neque diiudicari posset, uter utri virtute anteferendus videretur.
In contentione: in their rivalry. (Allen & Greenough)
Utrumque: each. (Hodges)
Anteferendus videretur: seemed superior (to be preferred). (Hodges)

Chapter 5.45

Vocabulary for 5.45

Quanto erat in dies gravior atque asperior oppugnatio, et maxime quod magna parte militum confecta vulneribus res ad paucitatem defensorum pervenerat, tanto crebriores litterae nuntiique ad Caesarem mittebantur; quorum pars deprehensa in conspectu nostrorum militum cum cruciatu necabatur.
Quanto gravior - tanto crebriores: the more severe – the more frequent. (Harkness)
Res…pervenerat: the garrison had been reduced (lit., the thing had come) to a small number of defenders. (Harkness)
Erat unus intus Nervius, nomine Vertico, loco natus honesto, qui a prima obsidione ad Ciceronem perfugerat, suamque ei fidem praestiterat.
Hic servo spe libertatis magnisque persuadet praemiis ut litteras ad Caesarem deferat.
Has ille in iaculo illigatas effert, et Gallus inter Gallos sine ulla suspicione versatus ad Caesarem pervenit. Ab eo de periculis Ciceronis legionisque cognoscitur.

Chapter 5.46

Vocabulary for 5.46

Caesar, acceptis litteris hora circiter undecima diei, statim nuntium in Bellovacos ad M. Crassum quaestorem mittit, cuius hiberna aberant ab eo milia passuum XXV; iubet media nocte legionem proficisci celeriterque ad se venire.
Exit cum nuntio Crassus. Alterum ad Gaium Fabium legatum mittit, ut in Atrebatium fines legionem adducat, qua sibi iter faciendum sciebat.
sciebat: Caesar is the subject. (Hodges)
Scribit Labieno, si rei publicae commodo facere posset, cum legione ad fines Nerviorum veniat.
Reliquam partem exercitus, quod paulo aberat longius, non putat exspectandam; equites circiter quadringentos ex proximis hibernis colligit.

Chapter 5.47

Vocabulary for 5.47

Hora circiter tertia ab antecursoribus de Crassi adventu certior factus, eo die milia passuum XX procedit.
antecursoribus: the vanguard of Crassus’s cavalry or his scouts. (Allen & Greenough)
Crassum Samarobrivae praeficit legionemque attribuit, quod ibi impedimenta exercitus, obsides civitatum, litteras publicas, frumentumque omne quod eo tolerandae hiemis causa devexerat relinquebat.
litteras publicas: 'the public records' (Moberly)
Fabius, ut imperatum erat, non ita multum moratus in itinere cum legione occurrit.
Labienus, interitu Sabini et caede cohortium cognita, cum omnes ad eum Treverorum copiae venissent veritus ne, si ex hibernis fugae similem profectionem fecisset, ut hostium impetum sustinere non posset, praesertim quos recenti victoria efferri sciret, litteras Caesari remittit: quanto cum periculo legionem ex hibernis educturus esset;
quos…sciret = cum eos sciret. (Allen & Judson)
quos sciret: since he knew that they. (Hodges)
rem gestam in Eburonibus perscribit; docet omnes equitatus peditatusque copias Treverorum tria milia passuum longe ab suis castris consedisse.
consido, -ere, -sedi, -sessum: take position. (Sihler)

Chapter 5.48

Vocabulary for 5.48

Caesar, consilio eius probato, etsi opinione trium legionum deiectus ad duas redierat, tamen unum communis salutis auxilium in celeritate ponebat. Venit magnis itineribus in Nerviorum fines.
opinione: expectation. (Allen & Judson)
opinione trium legionum deiectus: &c., ‘although he was disappointed in his expectation of three legions, and found himself reduced to only two.’ (Moberly)
duas: Caesar thus had only his own legion and that of Fabius, - a very small force to face the multitude of the enemy. (Allen & Greenough)
Ibi ex captivis cognoscit quae apud Ciceronem gerantur quantoque in periculo res sit.
Tum cuidam ex equitibus Gallis magnis praemiis persuadet uti ad Ciceronem epistolam deferat.
Hanc Graecis conscriptam litteris mittit, ne intercepta epistola nostra ab hostibus consilia cognoscantur.
Graecis…litteris: we must understand this to mean ‘in the Greek language,’ as we know from Caesar himself that the Greek characters were well understood in Gaul. (Stock)
Graecis litteris: i.e. in Greek letters. The Guals were well acquainted with the Greek characters. According to Polyaenus the dispatch contained merely the words, “Caesar to Cicero. Be of good courage. Expect aid.” (Allen & Judson)
Gracis litteris: apparently Latin words in Greek characters. Caesar sometimes made use of a cipher. (Hodges)
Si adire non possit, monet ut tragulam cum epistola ad ammentum deligata intra munitionem castrorum abiciat.
ammentum: The amentum was a small strap fastened to the middle of a light spear, in some cases, at any rate, giving it a whirling motion, like the rifle-ball of modern times. By its use the spear could be thrown twice as far and with better aim than without it, as has been proved by experiment. (Allen & Greenough)
In litteris scribit se cum legionibus profectum celeriter adfore; hortatur ut pristinam virtutem retineat.
adfore: adsum, adesse, adfui: to be present, be at hand; to be near at hand. (Sihler)
pristinus, -a, -um: previous; former; tried, oldtime. (Sihler)
Gallus periculum veritus, ut erat praeceptum, tragulam mittit.
Haec casu ad turrim adhaesit neque ab nostris biduo animadversa tertio die a quodam milite conspicitur, dempta ad Ciceronem defertur.
Ille perlectam in conventu militum recitat, maximaque omnes laetitia adficit.
Tum fumi incendiorum procul videbantur, quae res omnem dubitationem adventus legionum expulit.

Extra sections not on the AP Syllabus: Book 5.49-58

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