turris, -is f.: tower; siege-tower
admŏdum adv.: very, very much
ŏpus, -ĕris n.: work, fortification, siege work
perfĭcĭo, -ĕre, -fēci, -fectum: accomplish, carry through; build, construct
prīdĭē adv.: on the day before
resistō, -ere, -stitī: maintain one’s position, hold one’s ground, resist
dĕinceps: one after another, in turn, in succession
vulnĕro, -āre: to wound
quĭētus, -a, -um: quiet, at rest
praeūro, -ĕre, -ussi, -ustum: burn at the point
sŭdis, -is f.: post, picket, stake
mūrālis, -e: of the wall, mural
pīlum, -i n.: Roman spear
pinna, -ae f.: bulwark
crātis, -is f.: hurdle, wickerwork
attexo, -ere, -xui, -xtum: construct upon
tĕnŭis, -e: insignificant, precarious
vălētūdo, -ĭnis f.: health; state of health
concursus, -ūs m.: running together, rally
parco, -ĕre, pĕperci, parsum: to spare; save, have regard for