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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu metus eget lacus scelerisque facilisis vel eget odio. Mauris eget augue eu tellus fermentum vulputate ac ac erat. Aliquam in magna a enim hendrerit pellentesque. Integer tristique mattis lacus, nec pellentesque enim imperdiet commodo. Cras vitae euismod nunc. Fusce convallis dolor ac arcu gravida feugiat. Quisque eleifend, lacus at porttitor hendrerit, lacus nibh lacinia urna, nec varius augue erat sit amet diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean egestas nulla sit amet purus lacinia eu congue quam congue. Mauris hendrerit, augue ac luctus feugiat, est neque euismod arcu, nec rhoncus turpis arcu sit amet magna. Etiam in ante dolor, eget accumsan purus. Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut mollis tempor, orci quam interdum est, sit amet aliquam elit dolor at est. Morbi semper nulla urna. Maecenas quis tortor risus, sed egestas enim. <ref>Ipsum, Lorem. [ "Lipsum text fill generator"], Unknown, 1500s. Retrieved on 2010-04-20.</ref>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu metus eget lacus scelerisque facilisis vel eget odio. Mauris eget augue eu tellus fermentum vulputate ac ac erat. Aliquam in magna a enim hendrerit pellentesque. Integer tristique mattis lacus, nec pellentesque enim imperdiet commodo. Cras vitae euismod nunc. Fusce convallis dolor ac arcu gravida feugiat. Quisque eleifend, lacus at porttitor hendrerit, lacus nibh lacinia urna, nec varius augue erat sit amet diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean egestas nulla sit amet purus lacinia eu congue quam congue. Mauris hendrerit, augue ac luctus feugiat, est neque euismod arcu, nec rhoncus turpis arcu sit amet magna. Etiam in ante dolor, eget accumsan purus. Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut mollis tempor, orci quam interdum est, sit amet aliquam elit dolor at est. Morbi semper nulla urna. Maecenas quis tortor risus, sed egestas enim. <ref>Ipsum, Lorem. [ "Lipsum text fill generator"], Unknown, 1500s. Retrieved on 2010-04-20.</ref>
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The Positive Futures Network has also published two books that discuss possibilites for social transformation. The organization focuses on sustainability and social and economic justice.
The Positive Futures Network has also published two books that discuss possibilites for social transformation. The organization focuses on sustainability and social and economic justice.
== The Real Utopias Project ==
[ The Real Utopias Project]
[ Overview]
== AlterNet ==
[ AlterNet]

== Vermont Progressive Party ==
== Vermont Progressive Party ==
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[ YES! Magazine]
[ YES! Magazine]
[ The Real Utopias Project]
[ Overview]
[ AlterNet]

[ Vermont Progressive Party]
[ Vermont Progressive Party]

Revision as of 03:09, 11 May 2010

Economics -> American Capitalism and Social Justice Spring 10

There are many groups working toward progressive social change, or the creation of a just world. These groups believe that the current economic system of American capitalism can no longer maintain equality, liberty, and meaningful democracy. In fact, they argue that capitalism is a system that creates and feeds off of inequality and domination. One group must always exploit another in order for this system to function. The majority is exploited while the power elite maintain control over the means of production and profits. It is a vicious cycle in which those with power become more and more powerful, and the voice of the majority is lost. There are billions of people living below the poverty line because of this economic system and the inequality gap continues to increase. The groups working toward progressive social change are working to fix this disparity, and to improve the quality of life for all people. Some of these groups include:, the Positive Futures Network, the Real Utopias Project, Alternet, and the Vermont Progressive Party.

These groups work toward community and economic development, increasing the voice of the majority in politics, and social justice in general. Their goals include closing the inequality gap, decreasing poverty, and increasing the employment rate. They support those working for change by providing examples of alternative ways to distribute profits such that they benefit the entire community. They provide databases connecting to various companies and communities that have successfully organized themselves as sustainable alternatives to the current system. They also provide statistics about the economic value and contribution of these companies and communities. These groups work to inform people about the problems that exist and inspire them to do something about it. Generally, they work toward deep social change so that we can live in a world in which quality of life is more important than money.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in nunc odio, vel ornare magna. Aenean nisi augue, porttitor nec pellentesque ut, pharetra vitae leo. Mauris ac ante dui. Integer vehicula laoreet arcu. Nulla nisi erat, tempor vel venenatis sit amet, tempor ac nisi. Duis iaculis neque sit amet neque hendrerit non sagittis diam eleifend. Nunc ac neque eu arcu mattis blandit. Curabitur ac molestie lorem. Curabitur vitae orci vel lacus tincidunt consectetur ac vitae purus. Aenean justo sem, pharetra ut iaculis eget, pretium ac dolor. Pellentesque aliquet, tortor a adipiscing tristique, felis ipsum aliquet nisl, lacinia volutpat justo sem vitae sem. Nulla odio ipsum, imperdiet ut aliquet non, condimentum non diam.

Nunc blandit dui ut augue laoreet ut iaculis leo porta. Etiam a risus lectus. Proin vestibulum, magna id pulvinar accumsan, est urna malesuada libero, vel mattis urna nisi et nibh. Donec ac lorem vitae nunc tristique viverra sit amet ac mauris. Nunc eu accumsan dui. Vivamus justo lacus, vehicula eget congue nec, pharetra et massa. Integer varius diam vel dolor tincidunt ut tristique dolor euismod. Curabitur orci lacus, lacinia vel elementum sed, lobortis vel dui. Fusce feugiat pellentesque augue at volutpat. Fusce vestibulum, massa a facilisis porttitor, mi metus ullamcorper orci, posuere dapibus lorem lacus ac arcu. Vivamus quis elit quam, iaculis lobortis tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu tellus id augue convallis dapibus. Maecenas luctus ornare augue, eget ultricies massa egestas ac. Curabitur facilisis nunc dui. Suspendisse nunc nibh, semper a tempus vitae, tincidunt ut justo. Fusce gravida, sapien semper vulputate facilisis, velit sem molestie nisi, et condimentum lorem nisl quis ipsum.

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Morbi vel nibh est. Nam a quam a turpis porta sodales ut nec eros. Nullam mattis, est vitae adipiscing egestas, mauris nisl accumsan ante, sed luctus ligula mi commodo elit. Cras vehicula sagittis augue, ac pulvinar nisi gravida ac. Mauris at lacus tortor. Fusce egestas quam sit amet urna porttitor suscipit. Nunc placerat vehicula eros, eget rhoncus leo mattis ac. Nullam laoreet varius enim, vel auctor quam lobortis non. Proin sit amet sem tortor, eget lobortis leo. Suspendisse adipiscing tellus vitae felis scelerisque vitae sodales lacus iaculis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec rhoncus, justo sed bibendum suscipit, turpis turpis porta ligula, lobortis ultricies ligula ipsum faucibus nibh. Phasellus sit amet laoreet lectus. Aliquam at lacus nunc. Pellentesque dapibus rutrum justo ut hendrerit. Nunc eu purus et sem vestibulum dapibus in quis odio.

Nunc facilisis, nisl a laoreet euismod, ante tellus aliquam mi, vitae gravida sem elit ut purus. Curabitur et dolor in tellus vulputate auctor quis id neque. Ut malesuada, nisi non suscipit facilisis, ante lacus tempor leo, et dictum orci turpis quis massa. Praesent quis erat sapien. In convallis rutrum molestie. Ut ultrices odio massa, a ultricies leo. Maecenas dolor arcu, tempus ac tristique eget, pellentesque quis magna. Morbi ante tortor, consequat vitae aliquet eget, lobortis eu eros. Quisque eget sem non risus sagittis suscipit id quis tortor. Vestibulum scelerisque vulputate velit, id ultrices velit posuere eu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce vel augue orci, eget aliquam nibh. Donec laoreet lacus quis tortor rhoncus pharetra. Vestibulum feugiat egestas neque viverra pretium.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu metus eget lacus scelerisque facilisis vel eget odio. Mauris eget augue eu tellus fermentum vulputate ac ac erat. Aliquam in magna a enim hendrerit pellentesque. Integer tristique mattis lacus, nec pellentesque enim imperdiet commodo. Cras vitae euismod nunc. Fusce convallis dolor ac arcu gravida feugiat. Quisque eleifend, lacus at porttitor hendrerit, lacus nibh lacinia urna, nec varius augue erat sit amet diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean egestas nulla sit amet purus lacinia eu congue quam congue. Mauris hendrerit, augue ac luctus feugiat, est neque euismod arcu, nec rhoncus turpis arcu sit amet magna. Etiam in ante dolor, eget accumsan purus. Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut mollis tempor, orci quam interdum est, sit amet aliquam elit dolor at est. Morbi semper nulla urna. Maecenas quis tortor risus, sed egestas enim. <ref>Ipsum, Lorem. "Lipsum text fill generator", Unknown, 1500s. Retrieved on 2010-04-20.</ref> is an organization that seeks strategies for democratic, community-based economic development. The website that they have created contains directories, breaking news, and examples of cutting-edge intiatives from cities, states, community-development corporations, employee-owned firms, land-trusts, non-profit organizations, co-operatives, and universities. It provides information and links to many companies that are using different community-based economic development strategies.

These diverse institutional strategies have two goals:

1)To change the nature of asset and wealth ownership in a manner which serves the community.

2)To offer new ways to provide and maintain local jobs and to finance community services. hopes to serve several purposes. First, it hopes that the website facilitates conversation and collaboration among the field and encourages support for these new community wealth strategies, policies, models, and innovations. Second, it aims to broaden and deepen information about this field, and includes many statistics including the number of institutions, their economic value, their actual and projected growth, their contributions to democratic practice, etc. Next, it hopes to explain how communities (especially low-income) can address the economic challenges they face. Finally, the organization hopes the website will lay the groundwork for policy changes.

Positive Futures Network

Yes! Magazine

The Positive Futures Network is an organization with the belief that we need deep change if we are to avoid the breakdown of society and the natural world. It was founded by David Korten and Sarah van Gelder. It works to raise awareness for an emerging society in which life, not money, is what is important.

This organization publishes YES! Magazine. It is a non-profit, no ads magazine that is printed on recycled paper and archives all of its articles online. Each issue of the magazine focuses on a theme of social justice, working to show possibilities and practical steps people can take for change. There is also YES! for Youth, which is designed to inpsire and empower students. This magazine is widely distributed and encourages all of its readers to become part of a global community of change-makers.

The Positive Futures Network has also published two books that discuss possibilites for social transformation. The organization focuses on sustainability and social and economic justice.

The Real Utopias Project

The Real Utopias Project




Vermont Progressive Party

The Vermont Progressive Party, or VPP for short, attempts to assert itself as a major third-party in the United States Democrat-Republican political system. The VPP claim to be the most successful third party, having more than half of the current third party elected legislators come from their party. <ref> VPP welcome page </ref>

The self-stated purpose of the VPP is "to promote economic, social and environmental justice and sustainability through electoral and other democratic political activities, and to become the majority political party, while protecting minority and individual rights and opportunities." <ref> VPP purpose statement </ref>


YES! Magazine

The Real Utopias Project



Vermont Progressive Party

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This line of content will have a reference at the bottom of the page <ref>E. Miller, The Sun, (New York: Academic Press, 2005), 23-5.</ref>

