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'''Democracy''': Alperovitz raises the idea of democracy, by examining it on a small scale and a large scale. He begs the question: “It is possible to have Democracy with a Big D in the system as a whole of you do not have real democracy with a small d at the level where people live, work, and raise families in their local communities”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. ''America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy''. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (43)</ref> Without local level democracy, society wide democracy cannot function effectively. He also stipulates that for meaningful democracy to exist, it requires a level of greater equality amongst the citizens. Currently our economic system arranges society in an intentionally unequal stratification. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. ''America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy''. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (51)</ref> | '''Democracy''': Alperovitz raises the idea of democracy, by examining it on a small scale and a large scale. He begs the question: “It is possible to have Democracy with a Big D in the system as a whole of you do not have real democracy with a small d at the level where people live, work, and raise families in their local communities”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. ''America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy''. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (43)</ref> Without local level democracy, society wide democracy cannot function effectively. He also stipulates that for meaningful democracy to exist, it requires a level of greater equality amongst the citizens. Currently our economic system arranges society in an intentionally unequal stratification. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. ''America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy''. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (51)</ref> | ||
= Ideals = | ==== Ideals ==== | ||
Alperovitz discusses several suggestions to evolve the system’s current political-economic developments: “First, that there is now way to achieve movement toward greater equality without developing new institutions that hold wealth on behalf of small and large publics. Second, that there is no way to rebuild Democracy with a big D in the system as a whole without nurturing the conditions of democracy with a small d in everyday life—including the economic institutions that allow and sustain greater stability of local community life…[Also] that there is no way to achieve a meaningful individual liberty in the modern era without individual economic security and greater amounts of free time—and that neither of these, in turn, is possible without a change in the ownership of wealth and the income flows it permits”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. ''America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy''. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (233-234)</ref> | Alperovitz discusses several suggestions to evolve the system’s current political-economic developments: “First, that there is now way to achieve movement toward greater equality without developing new institutions that hold wealth on behalf of small and large publics. Second, that there is no way to rebuild Democracy with a big D in the system as a whole without nurturing the conditions of democracy with a small d in everyday life—including the economic institutions that allow and sustain greater stability of local community life…[Also] that there is no way to achieve a meaningful individual liberty in the modern era without individual economic security and greater amounts of free time—and that neither of these, in turn, is possible without a change in the ownership of wealth and the income flows it permits”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. ''America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy''. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (233-234)</ref> | ||
Revision as of 17:18, 7 May 2011
Summary of Authors' Essential Points
Wealth: Alperovitz refers to Kevin Phillips who establishes that wealth “’…reaches beyond its own realm’ to control political power and government at all levels”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (2)</ref> In the United States
wealth is concentrated in the upper class allowing the top 10% of the population to control and manage 80% of the country’s wealth. Wealth comes in many forms, of either money or property and how this is owned and controlled is the real center of power in our political economy.<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (5)</ref> Current trends demonstrate “…that the ownership of wealth must benefit the vast majority directly”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (5)</ref>
Liberty: Liberty in itself is not what is needed in this day and age but “equal liberty”. ‘Equal liberty’ is “…and idea that also reaches beyond legal and constitutional protections to consider the capacities and real-world conditions of the vast majority”.<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (39)</ref> In order for such liberties to function, they require 3 inputs from society:
1) “First, liberty requires institutional and structural support for individual economic security to replace that which at least in theory was once provided by entrepreneurial property.
2) Second, it requires support for the community-wide conditions needed to nurture the intermediate associations and civil society organizations that are essential to sustaining a culture supportive of liberty.
3) Third, it requires greater amounts of equitably distributed free time (without which little real freedom of choice is possible) and support for individual development (without which the capacities needed to exercise real freedom must inevitably be limited).”<ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (40-41)</ref>
Democracy: Alperovitz raises the idea of democracy, by examining it on a small scale and a large scale. He begs the question: “It is possible to have Democracy with a Big D in the system as a whole of you do not have real democracy with a small d at the level where people live, work, and raise families in their local communities”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (43)</ref> Without local level democracy, society wide democracy cannot function effectively. He also stipulates that for meaningful democracy to exist, it requires a level of greater equality amongst the citizens. Currently our economic system arranges society in an intentionally unequal stratification. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (51)</ref>
Alperovitz discusses several suggestions to evolve the system’s current political-economic developments: “First, that there is now way to achieve movement toward greater equality without developing new institutions that hold wealth on behalf of small and large publics. Second, that there is no way to rebuild Democracy with a big D in the system as a whole without nurturing the conditions of democracy with a small d in everyday life—including the economic institutions that allow and sustain greater stability of local community life…[Also] that there is no way to achieve a meaningful individual liberty in the modern era without individual economic security and greater amounts of free time—and that neither of these, in turn, is possible without a change in the ownership of wealth and the income flows it permits”. <ref> Alperovitz, Gar. America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth Our Liberty, and Our Democracy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc:New Jersey, 2005 (233-234)</ref>
Bowles, Edwards & Roosevelt
Political Action Page 2 Nunc blandit dui ut augue laoreet ut iaculis leo porta. Etiam a risus lectus. Proin vestibulum, magna id pulvinar accumsan, est urna malesuada libero, vel mattis urna nisi et nibh. Donec ac lorem vitae nunc tristique viverra sit amet ac mauris. Nunc eu accumsan dui. Vivamus justo lacus, vehicula eget congue nec, pharetra et massa. Integer varius diam vel dolor tincidunt ut tristique dolor euismod. Curabitur orci lacus, lacinia vel elementum sed, lobortis vel dui. Fusce feugiat pellentesque augue at volutpat. Fusce vestibulum, massa a facilisis porttitor, mi metus ullamcorper orci, posuere dapibus lorem lacus ac arcu. Vivamus quis elit quam, iaculis lobortis tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu tellus id augue convallis dapibus. Maecenas luctus ornare augue, eget ultricies massa egestas ac. Curabitur facilisis nunc dui. Suspendisse nunc nibh, semper a tempus vitae, tincidunt ut justo. Fusce gravida, sapien semper vulputate facilisis, velit sem molestie nisi, et condimentum lorem nisl quis ipsum.
Morbi vel nibh est. Nam a quam a turpis porta sodales ut nec eros. Nullam mattis, est vitae adipiscing egestas, mauris nisl accumsan ante, sed luctus ligula mi commodo elit. Cras vehicula sagittis augue, ac pulvinar nisi gravida ac. Mauris at lacus tortor. Fusce egestas quam sit amet urna porttitor suscipit. Nunc placerat vehicula eros, eget rhoncus leo mattis ac. Nullam laoreet varius enim, vel auctor quam lobortis non. Proin sit amet sem tortor, eget lobortis leo. Suspendisse adipiscing tellus vitae felis scelerisque vitae sodales lacus iaculis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec rhoncus, justo sed bibendum suscipit, turpis turpis porta ligula, lobortis ultricies ligula ipsum faucibus nibh. Phasellus sit amet laoreet lectus. Aliquam at lacus nunc. Pellentesque dapibus rutrum justo ut hendrerit. Nunc eu purus et sem vestibulum dapibus in quis odio.
File:Houseexample.jpgNunc facilisis, nisl a laoreet euismod, ante tellus aliquam mi, vitae gravida sem elit ut purus. Curabitur et dolor in tellus vulputate auctor quis id neque. Ut malesuada, nisi non suscipit facilisis, ante lacus tempor leo, et dictum orci turpis quis massa. Praesent quis erat sapien. In convallis rutrum molestie. Ut ultrices odio massa, a ultricies leo. Maecenas dolor arcu, tempus ac tristique eget, pellentesque quis magna. Morbi ante tortor, consequat vitae aliquet eget, lobortis eu eros. Quisque eget sem non risus sagittis suscipit id quis tortor. Vestibulum scelerisque vulputate velit, id ultrices velit posuere eu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce vel augue orci, eget aliquam nibh. Donec laoreet lacus quis tortor rhoncus pharetra. Vestibulum feugiat egestas neque viverra pretium.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu metus eget lacus scelerisque facilisis vel eget odio. Mauris eget augue eu tellus fermentum vulputate ac ac erat. Aliquam in magna a enim hendrerit pellentesque. Integer tristique mattis lacus, nec pellentesque enim imperdiet commodo. Cras vitae euismod nunc. Fusce convallis dolor ac arcu gravida feugiat. Quisque eleifend, lacus at porttitor hendrerit, lacus nibh lacinia urna, nec varius augue erat sit amet diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean egestas nulla sit amet purus lacinia eu congue quam congue. Mauris hendrerit, augue ac luctus feugiat, est neque euismod arcu, nec rhoncus turpis arcu sit amet magna. Etiam in ante dolor, eget accumsan purus. Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut mollis tempor, orci quam interdum est, sit amet aliquam elit dolor at est. Morbi semper nulla urna. Maecenas quis tortor risus, sed egestas enim.
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