Challenging the Media Monopoly SP11
Economics -> American Capitalism and Social Justice Spring 11

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in nunc odio, vel ornare magna. Aenean nisi augue, porttitor nec pellentesque ut, pharetra vitae leo. Mauris ac ante dui. Integer vehicula laoreet arcu. Nulla nisi erat, tempor vel venenatis sit amet, tempor ac nisi. Duis iaculis neque sit amet neque hendrerit non sagittis diam eleifend. Nunc ac neque eu arcu mattis blandit. Curabitur ac molestie lorem. Curabitur vitae orci vel lacus tincidunt consectetur ac vitae purus. Aenean justo sem, pharetra ut iaculis eget, pretium ac dolor. Pellentesque aliquet, tortor a adipiscing tristique, felis ipsum aliquet nisl, lacinia volutpat justo sem vitae sem. Nulla odio ipsum, imperdiet ut aliquet non, condimentum non diam.
Nunc blandit dui ut augue laoreet ut iaculis leo porta. Etiam a risus lectus. Proin vestibulum, magna id pulvinar accumsan, est urna malesuada libero, vel mattis urna nisi et nibh. Donec ac lorem vitae nunc tristique viverra sit amet ac mauris. Nunc eu accumsan dui. Vivamus justo lacus, vehicula eget congue nec, pharetra et massa. Integer varius diam vel dolor tincidunt ut tristique dolor euismod. Curabitur orci lacus, lacinia vel elementum sed, lobortis vel dui. Fusce feugiat pellentesque augue at volutpat. Fusce vestibulum, massa a facilisis porttitor, mi metus ullamcorper orci, posuere dapibus lorem lacus ac arcu. Vivamus quis elit quam, iaculis lobortis tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu tellus id augue convallis dapibus. Maecenas luctus ornare augue, eget ultricies massa egestas ac. Curabitur facilisis nunc dui. Suspendisse nunc nibh, semper a tempus vitae, tincidunt ut justo. Fusce gravida, sapien semper vulputate facilisis, velit sem molestie nisi, et condimentum lorem nisl quis ipsum.
Morbi vel nibh est. Nam a quam a turpis porta sodales ut nec eros. Nullam mattis, est vitae adipiscing egestas, mauris nisl accumsan ante, sed luctus ligula mi commodo elit. Cras vehicula sagittis augue, ac pulvinar nisi gravida ac. Mauris at lacus tortor. Fusce egestas quam sit amet urna porttitor suscipit. Nunc placerat vehicula eros, eget rhoncus leo mattis ac. Nullam laoreet varius enim, vel auctor quam lobortis non. Proin sit amet sem tortor, eget lobortis leo. Suspendisse adipiscing tellus vitae felis scelerisque vitae sodales lacus iaculis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec rhoncus, justo sed bibendum suscipit, turpis turpis porta ligula, lobortis ultricies ligula ipsum faucibus nibh. Phasellus sit amet laoreet lectus. Aliquam at lacus nunc. Pellentesque dapibus rutrum justo ut hendrerit. Nunc eu purus et sem vestibulum dapibus in quis odio.
File:Houseexample.jpgNunc facilisis, nisl a laoreet euismod, ante tellus aliquam mi, vitae gravida sem elit ut purus. Curabitur et dolor in tellus vulputate auctor quis id neque. Ut malesuada, nisi non suscipit facilisis, ante lacus tempor leo, et dictum orci turpis quis massa. Praesent quis erat sapien. In convallis rutrum molestie. Ut ultrices odio massa, a ultricies leo. Maecenas dolor arcu, tempus ac tristique eget, pellentesque quis magna. Morbi ante tortor, consequat vitae aliquet eget, lobortis eu eros. Quisque eget sem non risus sagittis suscipit id quis tortor. Vestibulum scelerisque vulputate velit, id ultrices velit posuere eu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce vel augue orci, eget aliquam nibh. Donec laoreet lacus quis tortor rhoncus pharetra. Vestibulum feugiat egestas neque viverra pretium.<ref name="lipsum">Ipsum, Lorem. "Lipsum text fill generator", Unknown, 1500s. Retrieved on 2010-04-20.</ref>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eu metus eget lacus scelerisque facilisis vel eget odio. Mauris eget augue eu tellus fermentum vulputate ac ac erat. Aliquam in magna a enim hendrerit pellentesque. Integer tristique mattis lacus, nec pellentesque enim imperdiet commodo. Cras vitae euismod nunc. Fusce convallis dolor ac arcu gravida feugiat. Quisque eleifend, lacus at porttitor hendrerit, lacus nibh lacinia urna, nec varius augue erat sit amet diam. Nulla facilisi. Aenean egestas nulla sit amet purus lacinia eu congue quam congue. Mauris hendrerit, augue ac luctus feugiat, est neque euismod arcu, nec rhoncus turpis arcu sit amet magna. Etiam in ante dolor, eget accumsan purus. Pellentesque imperdiet, leo ut mollis tempor, orci quam interdum est, sit amet aliquam elit dolor at est. Morbi semper nulla urna. Maecenas quis tortor risus, sed egestas enim. <ref name="lipsum" />
Class and Media Control
Efficiency Fairness Democracy
Media Education Foundation
Center for Media Democracy
Project Censored
Project Censored is an organization devoted to informing people about the role of free press in a free society; as stated in their mission statement, they want “to tell the News That Didn’t Make the News and Why.” In recent generations, a movement of modern censorship has erupted in which certain news stories are not being told to the public. Reasoning’s behind such censorship come from political, economic, and legal pressure. Project Censored believes that all stories should be told regardless of consequence because it is unjust for the public to be uninformed or misinformed. They attempt to make those stories not told by big media to counteract anything not allowing them to be told in the first place. In May 2011, the top censored stories included global plans to replace the dollar, accusations towards the US Department of Defense being the worst polluters on the planet, and human rights abuse continuing in Palestine.
The ideal of pluralist commonwealth that Gar Alperovitz explores in his work American Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy, fits into the ideas Project Censored is communicating. The belief that the economy should belong more to the public, in areas such as community-owned institutions and municipal ownership structures (i.e. taking a more democratic stance in smaller scales to contribute to the bigger picture), are a small piece of the decentralization of media that is being pushed for. If organizations are buffered before they are allowed to conglomerate in the manner that is seen today, it would allow for a more free-flowing media outlet allowing all news to be posted to the people. In terms of wealth, this system would allow more of the general public’s voice to be heard and more input would be given on spending. Because wealth would be held on behalf of small community-centered enterprises and such, wealth would be more appropriately dispersed and represented within a growing nation such as the United States.
Class-domination theory in G. William Domhoff’s Who Rules America? Challenges to corporate and Class Dominance suggests that the upper class, composed of many of the corporate community, has a great deal of influence within different areas due to its large distributive power. In terms of mass media, Domhoff believes that the upper class does not play a big role in the opinion-shaping process or in class-dominance theory. Project Censored would argue the opposite; media is heavily influenced by big corporate names. If a news story were to come out that would tarnish a corporate name, the company would do anything within its power to assure that it does not. Tactics used can be but not limited to threat of lawsuits, cutting of funding (if those connections are had), and government pressures. Michael D. Yates’s Why Unions Matter adds to this argument by explaining the misinterpretation of unions in media. The work that is done by these unions is left untold and only the more viscous headlines such as ones involving a violent outbreak in a protest make the front page. This in a sense could be a tactic used by big business tycoons to ensure that the organizations (unions) attempting to topple them are obliterated and put against to avoid issues.
Three shortcomings of capitalism defined by Bowles, Edwards, and Roosevelt in Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change are being overcome within Project Censored. In terms of efficiency, all work would be considered well used rather than wasted since unrecognized work is going noticed. By allowing these voices to be heard, we allow for more people to create ‘useful goods and services’ that can be appreciated. In fairness, it goes without question that all news will be treated as such with equality; no story can be turned down for implicit reasons. Democratically, the idea of free speech, being a guaranteed civil right, is being unhealed. With media being as influential as it is within this generation, the importance of free speech is crucial to having a well-rounded society. Project censored strives to assure that all voices are heard and that the American idealism of freedom is being upheld while mega companies attempt to mask such attempts.
The accomplishments and workings of Project Censored greatly play into the social justice issues faced in the country today. As the world takes further steps into a future of overflowing streams of information, those with power are attempting to keep their power within themselves to control what the public is told and ergo what they think. Project Censored has become one of many stepping stones attempting to create a more open environment in which freedom of speech is upheld and big corporation does not affect what people are being told. With this group and many others creating this safe space, it creates tension within society which then forces its inhabitant to think crucially about what their media is telling them; why is it that we hear only of victory but not of the suffering of another human? Why is it that we are assisting the poverty of other countries but not of our own? Without organizations such as Project Censored, society becomes nothing more than a brainwashed community of one-sided mentality.
Center for Digital Democracy
Goals of Center for Digital Democracy
The Center for Digtial Democracy (CDD) is focused on keeping the public informed, protecting the privacy of the public, and increasing the transparency of the online advertising industry. Digital media has become a major source of interactive advertising and marketing. Websites and social networks are closely analyzing individuals’ behaviors in order to essentially target them so that they buy the company’s products. Interactive marketing is a form of new media that engages individuals in what is being sold, which can put the general public at risk. CDD’s main concerns are making sure that that online advertising works to guarantee privacy for consumers, as well as making sure that the online advertising industry is held accountable to the public. In addition, they want to ensure that negative features of interactive marketing will not put the public in great danger. CDD is also seeking to promote global public health in the digital media. Although the digital media allows the public to obtain positive information regarding drugs and lifestyle choices, it also gives marketers the ability to promote the consumption of substances that could damage an individual’s health.
CDD is extremely focused on informing the public on digital health issues, digital marketing, and digital privacy issues. In order to reach the public, CDD posts numerous articles and press releases so that they can read up on what is occurring in the digital media world. In addition, CDD observes and analyzes new media marketplace developments, which allows them to keep the public updated on new events that are taking place. CDD also acts as an “early warning system” that alerts the public, journalists, and policymakers about new public interest issues. Lastly, CDD has been very involved with the Federal Trade Commission to promote both new policies that will oversee online privacy.
Ideologies of Domhoff, Yates, Alperovitz, Bowles, Edwards and Roosevelt vs. Ideologies of CDD
What CDD is trying to accomplish meshes somewhat with the ideas of Domhoff. The class-domination theory of power is Domhoff’s main idea in Who Rules America. The class-domination theory suggests that the upper class, which is comprised of many members of the corporate community, is a dominant class because it has large distributive powers that can persuade most Americans to consent its policies. However, Domhoff explains that the mass media, which is owned by members of the corporate/social upper class, does not play a major role in the class-domination theory. He states that the mass media is “shaped by forces outside of them,” which includes corporate leaders, politicians, and policy experts. In addition, Domhoff states that the media has very little influence in shaping the public’s opinion. CDD would agree with the fact that the digital media is completely controlled by the corporate/social upper class; however, where they would disagree is on the issue that the corporate/social upper class does shape public opinion, as CDD believes that the corporate/social upper class are the people who do in fact determine what information and stories are released to the public. Another idea in Domhoff is that the opinion-shaping network is a system in which the corporate/social upper class can promote its policies. In the opinion-shaping network, there are public relations firms and public affairs department that have a significant impact on the way information is released to the public. The public relations firms, which are controlled by large advertising companies that are owned by executives in the corporate community, look to target specific audiences whom they think could potentially threaten the image and profits of their clients (executives of corporations). CDD would agree with this, as they believe that the interactive marketing and advertising industry of the digital media allows individuals to be exploited. The members who run and own this industry are trying to shape the public’s general opinion so that individuals will buy the company’s product.
In America Beyond Capitalism, Alperovitz illustrates the idea that it is imperative to develop a more community-centered democratic market system corresponds with what CDD is trying to accomplish. CDD really wants the public to be informed about how the interactive marketing industry is putting their privacy in great danger, and explains the ways in which they can protect themselves. In addition, CDD wants to essentially create a democratic media system in which the interactive marketing industry is held accountable.
In Why Unions Matter, Yates articulates the idea that the media only tells one side of the story; for the most part it relays the opinions of the large corporations. Although CDD primarily wants to change the digital media and increase transparency of the online advertising industry, Yates’s idea coincides with what CDD believes because it wants to guarantee that the public is informed on issues from more than one point of view. In the online advertising industry, companies try to entice the public into buying their products, but the public is unaware of the dangers that exist when they interact with these companies online. This relates to Yates’s idea, as he states that when the public only hears one side of a story, they think that what they are hearing is true and do not realize that they are being tricked by the online advertising industry.
Democracy is said to be on critera of a successful economic system in Understanding Capitalism by Bowles, Edwards, and Roosevelt, which allows citizens basic civil rights and personal liberties. This idea strongly correlates to what the Center for Digital Democracy is trying to accomplish. CDD wants to protect the privacy of each consumer, as the online advertising industry constantly monitors consumers’ actions without them even knowing. CDD therefore believes that consumers’ rights have ultimately been violated because of these tactics performed by the online advertising industry, and they are seeking to ensure that consumers’ liberties are being protected.
This line of content will have a reference at the bottom of the page <ref>E. Miller, The Sun, (New York: Academic Press, 2005), 23-5.</ref>