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Home | Introduction to Happiness | Utility | Important Economists | Richard Layard | Layard's Lectures | Sweden

Interview: Happiness in Sweden and America Conducted and included by: Nick Young Vanessa Akerman 10'

1. Do people enjoy a better quality of life in Sweden or in America in your opinion?

“I believe that in Sweden you enjoy a better quality of life because healthcare and education is completely free. Thus, the burden of having to work long shifts and even having multiple jobs is not as frequent in Sweden as it is in America. So yes I believe we have a better quality of life, and because the average Swede tends to work less we have more time to spend with our family etc.”

2. Do you notice greater social class divides in Sweden or in America?

“There is absolutely much wider differences between low, middle and high income brackets in America. Due to Sweden’s long history of a Socialist government, income differences are relatively small. If you earn above a certain figure you pay "luxury tax" which is around 50 % on your income. Thus a lot of that money goes to people who earn less than what is required to support their family. This creates less class divides. The only problem with this is that it discourages many entrepreneurs since they pay an incredible high tax. Many firms move production and even headquarters abroad in order to avoid this tax, which in turn makes the domestic market and exports weak.”

3. Having experienced both countries where would you prefer to raise a family?

“I would raise my family in Sweden much due to safety issues. Sweden has a much lower crime rate. It also has free education and free healthcare. However, I would rather pursue my career in America since there are more oppurtunities here within all fields of business. Another important thing is that America allows you to earn a substantial amount of money without having to pay unreasonable amounts in tax. Many Swedes claim that it is impossible to become "rich" in Sweden.”

4. Are there any differences in living standards and social interaction that you find interesting?

“Sweden has a higher living standard, much due to the amount of tax we pay once again. Thus it is almost impossible to become homeless in Sweden due to the high benefits one gets when unemployed. Per capita America experiences more homeless people than Sweden. However, America is better at giving individuals the oppurtunity to go from "rags to riches". As previously mentioned I think this is interesting because you can start empty handed in America and make a fortune. In Sweden that is virtually impossible because such a large part of your income goes to the state. The benefits of this however, is incredible public transportation, infrastructure, health care and education. So both countries have pros and cons.”