Mission Statement
The Big/Little program offers a unique opportunity for students to become a mentor to an underprivileged child from Carlisle. Being a "big" is a tremendous opportunity for service to the community and personal growth. By investing their time, energy and themselves, students are able to develop a special relationship with a youngster who needs the one-to-one attention that only a "big's" friendship can provide. The main goal of the program is to provide children of the Carlisle community who are in need of mentoring with that opportunity. These children benefit immensely from pairing them with a constant person, one of Dickinson's students, in their lives. This mission statment can be found here.
Recreational activities and field trips are organized by the program coordinators to enhance this relationship. The program coordinators and leaders provide guidance and advice for the mentors as how to work with the littles and what to do with them. Bigs and Littles meet at least once a week for two hours. The Dickinson Big/Little program hosts special outings and events occasionally throughout the semester.
There are small problems with scheduling. Because the Bigs and Littles have to set up meeting times on their own, there is occasionally the problem of cooperation and schedule conflicts.