Some Math

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The following explanatory model was presented by Lawrence H. White.

These are the terms used in the formulation

?= expected profit

r b =rate on bills

rd=rate on deposits

C= operating costs

L=expected liquidity costs


P= % adjustment cost for impending specie deficiency. Assumed to be constant

X= net specie outflow during the given period

P(X? N,D)= the pdf of X given N and D


?=rb- rdD- C- L

C= f (S,B,N,D)

L= g (S, N, D)

L=  ?s? p(X-S) P(X? N,D)dx




From these partial derivatives, it follows that expected liquidity costs decrease when S increases. Also, L increases when N and D increase. Finally, let us solve this using a Lagrangian:

?(S,B,N,D,K)= rbB-rdD-C-L+ ? (K-S-B+N+D)






r b-CB=-C B-LS=CN+LN=rd+C D+LD

White, Lawrence. "Competition and Currency: Essays on Free Banking and Money." New York: New York University Press, 1989.