Bryan's social software page

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Bryan's social software page!

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This page was created by Dick Cheney. In an undisclosed location, nicht wahr?


The landscape Web apps: Friendster, LinkedIn, Orkut; Eliyon protocol: FOAF (mine) reputation systems (Slashdot) movement: Social Software Blogging: definition and history

Dual origins: personal journals and hyperlinking
The platform revolution
     hosted:, LiveJournal
     servered: Moveable Type
     Drupal, Segue
more recent examples
     research: Smartmobs, Dan Gillmor, Infocult
     United States politics liberal and conservative
     Global blogs: Baghdad Burning, Salam Pax
     community regional
     Education and blogs
         o class blogs: Americans Abroad, Narrative Theory
         o faculty blogs: Dr. B at Purdue
         o student life
         o campus culture effects
         o innovative uses: Pepysblog
   o technology and education: Stephen Downes, NITLE Tech News and MANE IT Leaders
tools for knowledge: Blogdex, Waypath , Daypop
  tools for connection: Technorati, Trackback
social software and media reform: Memeorandum, OhMyNews, WikiNews


   * concept
  • examples: Portland Pattern Repository, WikiPedia

Social network theory

   * Cheswick and Burke's Internet Mapping Project
   * scale-free networks
         o bell curve
         o Barabasi, "The Physics of the Web" [2001]; Shirky on blogs and power laws

o Broder, Kumar, et al, "Graph structure in the web"