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caelum, -i, n.: the sky or heavens

Lesbĭa, -ae, f.: poetic name given the woman loved by Catullus

ūnus, -a, -um: adj., one, alone, only; any, an ordinary

plūs, plūris: adj. & adv., more

atque: and

ămo (1): love

nunc: adv., now

quā̆drĭvĭum, -ii, n.: a crossroads

angĭportum, -i, n.: alley, lane

glūbo, -ĕre: peel

magnănĭmus, -a, -um: noble-spirited, brve, bold

Rĕmus, i, m.: brother of Romulus, legendary founder of Rome

nĕpos, -ōtis, m.: grandson, descendant

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