ĭdĕo: adv., (w/ quod): for the reason (that)
spēro (1): hope, hope for; anticipate
fīdus, -a, -um: faithful, loyal, devoted
mĭser, -ĕra, -ĕrum: wretched, unhappy
perdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -ditum: ruin, spoil
ămor, -ōris, m.: love; personified, the god of love
cognosco, -gnoscĕre, -gnōvi, -gnĭtum: get to know; know
bĕnĕ: adv. well
pŭto (1): think
turpis, -e: disgusting, repulsive, shameful, indecent
mens, mentis, f.: mind
ĭnhĭbĕo, -ēre, -ŭi, -ĭtum: restrain
prŏbrum, -i, n.: disgrace, scandal
nĕque: conj., adv. and not
māter, -tris, f.: mother
germāna, -ae, f.: sister
ĕdo, ĕdĕre, ēdi, ēsum: emit, bring forth, yield; publish
ămo (1): love
quīvīs, quaevis, quodvis: whoever or whatever you wish; anyone, anything
multus, -a, -um: much; a lot of, many a; (pl.) many
coniungo, -ngĕre, -nxi, -nctum: join together; associate
ūsus, -ūs, m.: use; habitual dealings between persons; requirement, need
sătis: adv., enough
crēdo, -dĕre, -dĭdi, -dĭtum entrust; believe
dūco, -cĕre, -xi, -ctum: lead, take; take as one's wife; consider, reckon
tantus, -a, -um: so much, pl. so many; so great, such
gaudĭum, -ii, n.: joy, delight, gladness
culpa, -ae, f.: fault, wrongdoing
quācumquē: adv., wherever
ălĭquis, aliquid: indef. pron., someone, something; indef. adj., some
scĕlus, -ĕris, n.: crime, iniquity; a wicked act