China issues with US Oil
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United States vs. China
Two Economies Competing for the World's Black Gold
General Overview
- The Chinese economy has, over the past twenty years, experienced unprecedented growth. With an average growth rate of a little over 8% economic growth annually, China is quickly becoming an economic super power. Projections show that within the next twenty years China will consume almost if not as much oil as the United States. With the largest population in the world China has become the second largest consumer of oil. Some believe that China's growing demand for oil is one of the mane contributing factors in our recent hike in oil prices. The United States are in an even more sticky situation, they are consuming the most oil in their history and they are producing at a historical minimum. Their importation is at an all time high along with prics per barrel, this price shock is believe to create a stunt in economic growth. This website will take you threw the effects China and the world's economy are having on oil prices. It will also offer some projections as to what expect in the future.
Created by: Matthew Kurteson, Andrew Rowek, Hugh Tawney