Digital Collections at Dickinson
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Archives and Special Collections
- Dickinson College Chronicles. The annals of Dickinson College. Contains the Encyclopedia Dickinsonia.
- James Buchanan Resource Center. Includes several books on the life of James Buchanan, contemporary reviews of those books, Buchanan's published writings, and a selection of unpublished letters held by Dickinson College. An extensive bibliography and a detailed timeline of Buchanan's life is also available.
- Their Own Words. A collection of books, pamphlets, letters, and diaries, containing more than 23,500 pages of text, dating from the latter eighteenth through the early twentieth century.
Faculty-maintained Collections
- ICON: Archaeology. The ICON Archaeology collection consists of over 10,000 digital images related to the ancient history of the Mediterranean region. Images include dig sites, artifacts, and architecture. This collection is available for all Dickinson faculty and students to use in their teaching and research.
Purchased Collections
- American Civil War: Letters and Diaries. The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries contains more than 400 sources of diaries, letters, and memoirs, to provide fast access to thousands of views on almost every aspect of the war. This electronic collection includes 100,000 pages of re-keyed and indexed text, including 4,000 facsimile pages of previously unpublished manuscript material.
- Archives of American Art. Spanning the centuries since the founding of America to the present day, the collections of the Archives of American Art comprise the largest source in the world of primary source documentation on the visual arts in America.
- ARTSTOR. Database consisting of approximately 500,000 images covering art, architecture and archeology. Made up of 10 distinct image collections: The Image Gallery; The Art History Survey Collection; The Illustrated Bartsch, The Carnegie Arts of the United States Collection, The Huntington Archive of Asian Art; The Mellon International Dunhuang Archive; The Museum of Modern Art Architecture and Design Collection; Native American Art and Culture, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution; and Schlesinger History of Women in America Collection. Collections can be searched as a whole or individually. To connect to the ARTstor image collections, click on the orange Launch button in the lower right-hand corner of the ARTstor homepage. It is necessary to turn off your browser's pop-up blocker for ARTstor to work properly.
- Eighteenth-Century Collection Online (ECCO). Eighteenth Century Collections Online includes the full-text of nearly all English-language imprints and a host of other materials from the eighteenth century. The collection contains a wide variety of materials from books and directories, Bibles, sheet music and sermons to advertisements and works by many well-known and lesser-known authors, all providing a diverse collection of material for the researcher of this vital period.
- Index of Christian Art (Princeton). A database of Christian art which contains over 20,000 work of art records which are accompanied by over sixty thousand images in color and black and white.
- Naxos Music Library. Naxos Music Library is a comprehensive collection of classical music available online. It includes the complete Naxos, Marco Polo and Dacapo catalogues of over 85,000 tracks, including Classical music, Jazz, World, Folk and Chinese music. While listening, you can read notes on the works being played as well as biographical information on composers or artists in Naxos's extensive database.