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A Dofus drop is an item that is obtained in the game through killing a monster,sometimes the drops are dofus kamas. From the very beginning at level 1 and as high as you level up, you can obtain Dofus drops every time you kill monsters whether solo or in a group. All of the drops values certain cheap dofus kamas.If you are in a group, it can affect the drops you get and when you get them. Basically, each Dofus drop has certain values associated with it. These values affect what you can get and when.
The three basic values of the Dofus drop are the Drop Rate, the Prospecting Lock and the Drop Limit. Once you understand these better, you will be more prepared for drops and how to understand what you will get from killing monsters. The drop rate basically refers to the monster’s probability of dropping an item for you after it has died in combat. The higher the drop rate, the higher the chance that you will get a Dofus drop from a particular monster.
The drop rate can be increased by improving the prospecting of the player. Basically, the higher your prospecting skill, the higher the drop rate when you kill monsters. Each player will roll separately but when playing in a group, the group will statistically have a better chance of dropping according to how many players it has and the individual prospecting of each player. Basically what this means is that the more people there are in a group, the higher the chance of at least one person getting a Dofus drop.
The prospecting lock is the minimum amount of prospecting that a player or group of players needs to have before they can see a Dofus drop from monsters. If the prospecting lock is not met, there is no chance of getting the drop from the monster. The drop limit refers to the number of times an item can drop from a monster. Basically what this means is if a monster has a drop limit of 2, then only 2 of that item will be able to be looted from the monster after death. Even if more than 2 people win their rolls, only the first 2 will be able to get the item.