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egredior, -gredi, -gressus: leave
Aricia, -ae: Aricia, a town south of Rome on the Via Appia
hospitium, -i n.: inn
modicus, -a, -um: small
rhetor, rhetoris m.: teacher of rhetoric
comes, comitis, m.: companion
doctus, -a, -um: learned
inde (Adv.): from there, next
Forum Appi: a town south of Rome on the Appian Way
differtus, -a, -um: stuffed full, filled, crowded
nauta, -ae m.: sailor, boatman, ferryman
caupo, cauponis, m.: innkeeper.
malignus, -a, -um: stingy, surly
ignavus, -a, um: lazy, sluggish, listless
divido, -ere, -si: divide
praecinctus, -a, -um: girded, belted
tardus, -a, -um: slow, sluggish, tardy