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contĭnŭō (adv.): immediately, forthwith, directly, without delay

sălūto (1): to visit out of compliment, to pay one's respects to, to wait upon a person

rūs, rūris n.: the country (opp. to the city), lands, fields; a country-seat, farm, estate. Acc.: rus, in answer to the question whither? quom rus homines eunt, to their country-seats

pĕrĕgrē (adv.): abroad, away from home

cālo, -ōnis m.: any low servant, drudge, groom for horses

pasco, -ere, pāvi, pastum: to feed, nourish, maintain, support

petorritum, -i n.: an open four-wheeled carriage

curtus -a, -um: shortened, clipped

Tărentum, -i n.: a town of Lower Italy, founded by the Spartan Parthenians, now Taranto

mantĭca, -ae f.: a bag for the hand, wallet, cloak-bag, portmanteau

lumbus, -i m.: the part of the body about the hips, the loins

ulcĕro (1): make sore

armus, -i m.: the shoulder where it is fitted to the shoulder-blade, the fore quarter

sordes, -is f.: squalor, lowness of rank, stinginess, niggardliness

Tīburs, -urtis (adj.): of or belonging to Tibur, an ancient town of Latium on both sides of the Anio, now Tivoli; Tiburtine

lăsănum, -i n.: a chamber-pot

oenŏ-phŏrum, -i n.: a large wine-vessel

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