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rĕ-pōno, -ere, pŏsŭi, pŏsĭtum: repay (a debt); retaliate
vexo (1): annoy, trouble, harass, plague, disturb, vex
raucus, -a, -um: hoarse, harsh, rough, grating
inpune: with impunity; without punishment
recito (1): read aloud, recite
tŏgāta, -ae f. (sc. fabula): a species of the Roman drama which treated of Roman subjects, the national drama
elegus, -i, m.: elegiac verses, elegy
margo, -inis, f.: margin, edge
tergum, -i, n.: back, rear; reverse or far side
necdum (= neque dum): and not yet, not yet
finio, -ire, -ivi, -itus: finish