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patruus, -i m.: father's brother, paternal uncle

aconiton, aconiti n.: aconite, a deadly poison

veho, -ere, vexi, vectus: bear, carry, convey

pensĭlis, -e: hanging

despicio, -ere: look down on

digitus, -i m.: finger

compesco, -ere, -ui: restrain, check, block

labellum, -i n.: lip

accusator, -ōris m.: accuser, informer

securus, -a, -um: secure, safe

fĕrox, -ōcis: wild, bold

ēnsis, -is m.: sword

stringo, -ere, strinxi, strictum: draw (a sword)

quotiens: as often as

infremo, -ere, -ui: bellow, roar

rubeo, -ēre: become red

frigidus, -a, -um: cold, chilly

praecordium, -i n.: breast, chest as the seat of feelings

lacrima, -ae f.: tear, weeping

galeo (1): cover with a helmet (galea)

duellum, -i n.: war

paenitet (impersonal): it causes regret (+ gen. of the thing regretted)

experior, -iri, expertus sum: attempt, try

tego, -ere, texi, tectus: cover, hide

cĭnis, -ĕris m.: ashes