lĭbet, -ēre, libuit (impersonal): it pleases, is pleasing/agreeable
flecto, -ere, flexi, flexus: to turn, direct
ălumnus, -i m.: a nursling, a pupil, foster-son; native son (of a place)
vacat (impersonal): there is time, room, or leisure for a thing (+ dat.)
placidus, -a, -um: gentle, calm, mild
ē-do, ēdere, ēdĭdi, ēdĭtum: relate, tell, utter
uxor, -ōris, f.: wife
spădo, -ōnis m.: eunuch
aper, apri m.: wild boar
venabulum, -i, n.: hunting-spear
mamma, -ae, f.: breast
opes, opum f. pl.: resources, wealth
provoco (1): challenge
tondeo, -ēre, totondi, tonsus: cut, shear, clip
iuvenis, -is m.: youth, young man
sono (1): make a noise, emit sound
verna, -ae m.: a slave born in his master's house, a homeborn slave
umerus, -i m.: upper arm, shoulder
lăcerna, -ae f: a kind of cloak which the Romans wore over the toga on journeys, or in damp and cold weather
ventilo (1): to toss, swing, brandish in the air, to fan
aestivum (Adv.): in summer
digitus, -i m.: finger
sudo (1): sweat, perspire
suffero, sufferre, sustuli, sublatus: bear, endure, suffer
queo, -ire: be able, can
gemma, -ae f.: gem, precious stone
iniquus, -a, -um: unjust, unfair