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conspĭcŭus, -a, -um: striking, distinguished, conspicuous

fiscus, -i m.: the imperial treasury

ubicumque (adv.): wherever

nato (1): swim

pĕr-ĕo,-īre, -ĭi (-īvi), -ĭtum: to be lost, destroyed, ruined, spoiled

lētĭfer, -fĕra, -fĕrum: deadly

cēdo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum: yield to

prŭīna, -ae f,: hoar-frost, snow

strīdeo, -ēre, di: hiss, whistle, creak

dē-formis, -e: ugly

hĭems, hiĕmis f.: winter

praeda, -ae f.: spoil, gain, profit

propero (1): hurry

velut (adv.): as if

urgeo or urgueo, -ēre: bear down upon, push forward

auster, -tri m.: the south wind

lăcus, -ūs m.: lake

subsum, -esse: to be underneath

dī-rŭo, -ere, -rŭi, -rŭtum: demolish

ob-sto, -āre, -stĭti, -ātum: stand in the way

intro (1): enter

părumper (adv.): for a little while

păteo, -ēre, -ŭi: lie open, stand open

cardo, -ĭnis m.: hinge

valva -ae f.: leaf of a door

excludo, -ere, -si, -sum: keep out

obsōnĭum, -i n.: food, esp. fish

fŏcus, -i m.: hearth

gĕnĭālis, -e: festive, festal, joyous

propero (1): hurry

laxo (1): stretch out

săgīna, -ae f.: a stuffing, cramming, fattening

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