Local Recycling Policies
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Local and Regional Recycling Policies
Carlisle has unique recycling policies, and in these pages we aim to compare policies in regional areas and produce suggestions to improve recycling in Carlisle, PA.
In Carlisle, recycling is free after the bin is purchased (for a nominal fee). Trash is collected in a "pay as you throw" program, where residents purchase green bags for $4 each and place their garbage in them for curbside collection. This policy has lead to a 61% recycling rate in Carlisle! To give some idea of typical recycling rates, Cumberland County currently has a 41% recycling rate, Pennsylvania recycled 36% in 2002, and 32.5% of our waste is recycled nationally. Recycling in Carlisle adds to the $23.4 billion added to Pennsylvania's economy from recycling.
Carlisle's recycling program includes glass, newspapers, magazines, aluminum cans, plastic (#1 and 2 only), and cardboard. Waxed paper (ie, juice containers), plastics #3-7, plastic bags, and cardboard contaminated with food (pizza boxes) are not part of the collection.
Read about the regional examples below to explore other recycling programs, and suggestions for improvement in Carlisle.
Delaware New York City San Francisco Rural
Carlisle, PA: Solid Waste and Recycling Program. Available online at: http://carlislepa.org/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={BF7DFF69-3625-4DC7-9323-D6C2062BF159}&DE={FC357708-5A1E-498F-8C58-8FD80F3AD752}
Cumberland County Recycling and Waste Authority. Resources and Links. Available at: http://www.ccpa.net/cumberland/cwp/view.asp?a=1619&q=471908
Pennsylvania's Recycling Page. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Available at: http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/airwaste/wm/RECYCLE/Recycle.htm