NYU Queer Union

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Many colleges and universities across the nation have set up support systems for students in dealing with issues regarding non-heterosexual students. Most have organizations that are open to these students as well as heterosexual students in order to promote togetherness and to demote segregation between the two groups.

NYU Queer Union is a group that actively seeks to pursue this goal on the campus of New York University. NYU Queer Union is the only umbrella organization for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) issues at NYU.

According to their website (http://www.nyu.edu/clubs/queerunion/home.htm):

In past years, Queer Union members have joined many historic queer demonstrations, such as the Weinstein sit-in, organized by Sylvia Rivera to allow for one of the first LGBT student dances recognized by a university administration in the United States. Queer Union members were active participants in ACT-UP and numerous LGBT organizations in New York City and throughout the world. Queer Union was also integral in organizing the first ever College Queer Leadership Conference at Princeton in the spring of 2004. In addition to activism, Queer Union organizes a number of events on campus for LGBT students and allies including Diva Ball in the fall and Masquerade in the spring.