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vir viri m.: man; husband

epulae -arum f. pl.: dinner; banquet

adeo adire adivi(ii) aditus: approach; come to

idem eadem idem: same

ultimus -a -um: final, last

cena -ae f.: dinner, supper, meal

precor (1): wish, pray

ergo: therefore, so

diligo -ere dilexi dilectus: love, hold dear

tantum: only, merely

conviva -ae m.: guest, table companion

aspicio -ere aspexi aspectus: look, gaze at

tango -ere tetigi tactus: touch

iuvo -are iuvi iutus: delight, gratify

alter altera alterum: another

sinus -us m.: bosom; lap

apte: closely, snugly

subicio -ere subieci subiectus: place, set under

foveo -ēre fovi fotus: keep warm

inicio -ere inieci iniectus: throw, put on

collum -i n.: neck

volo velle volui: wish want prefer; be willing, will

manus -us f: hand

desino -ere desivi desitus: stop, end, finish, cease

miror (1): be amazed, surprised, bewildered

pono -ere posui positus: put, place, set

candidus -a -um: shinning white; fair-skinned

Atracis -cidis f.: a woman of the town Atrax in Thessaly, i.e., Hippodamia

ambiguus -a -um: changeable, doubtful, of double nature

raho -ere traxi tractus: draw, drag, haul

arma -orum n. pl.: arms weapons; fighting, war

silva -ae f.: forest

domus -us f.: house, home

membrum -i n.: member, limb

cohaereo -ēre cohaesi cohaesus: cling to, adhere to, connect to; adjoin

vix: hardly scarcely

teneo -ēre tenui tentus: hold, keep

facio -ere feci factus: make do

tamen: yet, nevertheless, still

cognosco -ere cognovi cognitus: learn

Eurus -i m.: east wind

tepidus -a -um: warm, tepid

verbum -i n.: word

fero ferre tuli latus: bear; carry off

Notus -i m.: south wind

ante: before

premo -ere pressi pressus: press; lie, recline on

torus -i m.: bed, couch

vultus -us m.: face, expression

comes -itis m./f.: companion, partner

modestus -a -um: modest; innocent

accumbo -ere accumbui accumbitus: lie beside

clam: secretly

pes pedis m.: foot

specto (1): observe, watch, look, at see

nutus -us m.: nod

loquax -acis: expressive

excipio -ere excepi exceptus: receive

furtivus -a -um: secret

efero referre rettuli relatum: return

nota -ae f.: sign

supercilium -i n.: eyebrow

vox vocis f.: voice

loquor loqui locutus sum: speak; say, utter

dico -ere dixi dictus: say state

lego -ere legi lectus: read

digitus -i m.: finger

noto (1): write

merum -i n.: wine

succurro -ere succurri succursus: come to mind

lascivia -ae f: pleasure, playfulness

purpureus -a -um: purple, dark red; blushing

tener tenera -um: tender; soft, delicate, gentle

pollex pollicis m.: thumb

gena -ae f.: cheek

aliquis -quae-quod: someone something; anyone anything; some

tacitus -a -um: silent

mens mentis f.: mind

queror queri questus sum: complain

pendeo -ere pependi: hang, hang down

extremus -a -um: extreme, the furthest or last part of

mollis -e: soft

auris -is f: ear

lux lucis f.: light

placeo -ēre placui placitus: please, satisfy, give pleasure to

verso(1): keep turning; turn over and over

anulus -i m.: ring

usque: all the way; continuously

mensa -ae f.: table

mos moris m.: custom, manner

opto (1): wish, wish for, desire

meritus -a -um: deserved

misceo -ēre miscui mixtus: mix

sapio -ere sapivi: have sense be wise

bibo -ere bibi bibitus: drink

iubeo -ēre iussi iussus: order command; request, ask, bid

puer pueri m.: servant, slave

leviter: lightly, gently, softly, quietly

posco -ere poposci: ask

reddo, -ere, reddidi, redditus: return

licet: it is permitted, lawful, allowed

saevus -a -um: cruel, harsh; vehement

prosequor prosequi prosecutus sum: pursue

foris -is f.: door gate; entrance

tantum: only, merely

ius iuris n.: right, duty

cogo -ere coēgi coactus: force, compel

verum: but, however

invitus -a -um: reluctant; unwilling

similis -e: like, similar, resembling

blanditia -ae f.: flattery, compliment; charm

taceo -ēre tacui tacitus: be silent

malignus -a -um: spiteful, grudging

votum -i n.: prayer

valeo -ēre valui valitus: be strong or powerful; prevail

quoque: too also as well

minus: less; not

ertē: certainly

inde: from that place, from there

nihil: nothing; not at all

qui- quae- quodcumque: who- whatever

fortuna -ae f.: chance, luck, fate

sequor sequi secutus sum: follow; escort, attend, accompany

cras: tomorrow

constans -antis: constant, unchanging, unwavering

nego (1): deny, refuse

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