Social Justice Committee

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YWCA Carlisle’s Social Justice Committee works to eliminate racism in the community by creating opportunities for community members to participate in educational programs and activities that directly promote anti-bias attitudes and behaviors. For the past year, the committee has held a series of “Continue the Commitment to Eliminate Racism” events. In 2006, the Social Justice Committee published a resource book called Building an Inclusive Community: Reports from Carlisle Agencies, Organizations, and Schools, which profiled the recent efforts of various anti-racism organizations and projects in the Carlisle Area.


April 26, 2005 - Annual Day of Commitment to the Elimination of Racism – Mary, a young hate group defector, and the PA Human Relations Commission spoke about how hate groups deliberately targeted alienated youth.

June 6, 2005 – A follow-up meeting, where community members came together to identify community action plans. YWCA decides to continue hosting community friendship events for adults and plans a Youth Leadership Conference.

October 18, 2005 – Students from 6 school districts attend YWCA’s one-day Youth Leadership Conference and work on strategies for outreaching to alienated students within their respective schools.

October 31, 2005 – Partnered with Dickinson College for a facilitated discussion following the college’s presentation of a play dealing with racism on a college campus, “Spinning Into Butter.”

January 19, 2006 – Facilitated discussion of the movie, “Crash.”

April 4, 2006 – As a follow up to a town meeting hosted by Penn State Dickinson School of Law, the Social Justice Committee invited community to participate in identifying anti-racism strategies or solutions that could be worked on together.

April 27, 2006 – Annual Day of Commitment to the Elimination of Racism – Students who attended the Youth Leadership Conference reflected on the experiences they had in reaching out to alienated students in their respective schools.

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