Sources Used

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Introduction | Cases | Strategy Analysis | Aggregate Model | Conclusion | Sources Used

Bird, Graham. The IMF and the Future. New York: Routledge, 2003

BNB. Gross External Debt.

Claessens, et al., "Analytical aspects of the debt problems of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries," (1996)

Cox, James. "Argentina agrees to pay IMF $3B ; Avoids debt default to get fresh funds released." USA TODAY. McLean, Va.: Mar 10, 2004. pg. B.02

Green, Duncan. "Economics: Debate: IMF's Argentinian incontinence." The Guardian. Manchester (UK): Feb 10, 2003. pg. 23

Foreign Debt Down. down/id_11294/catid_23.

"IMF-Argentina deal upsets foreign banks." Emerging Markets Economy. London: Apr 8, 2003. pg. 1

"IMF says Argentina's economic recovery continues to be strong." Emerging Markets Economy. London: Jun 28, 2004. pg. 1

Lex Rieffel, “The Paris Club Owes Nigeria A Fair Deal.” The Brookings Institution, June 27, 2005

Nigeria. CIA World Factbook.

Pirian, Armenuhi. Bulgarian Brady Bonds and the External Debt Swap.

Sachs, Jeffrey. "Making the Brady Plan Work." Foreign Affairs (1989). <

Stiglitz, Joseph E. Globalization and Its Discontents. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2002

"The IMF-Argentina farce has a good while left to run yet." Financial Times. London (UK): Sep 28, 2004. pg. 18

United States. U.S. Department of State. Bulgaria Economic Policy and Trade Practices. Feb. 1994. Dec. 2005

Zimbalist, Andrew. "The Latin American Development Debate." Westview Press