The Evolving Situation

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The Nepalese Conflict as a prisoner's Dilemma | Reference

The Evolving Situation after April 24, 2006

As of April 24, 2006 the political situation has taken yet another turn. The King has heeded to the SPA’s demand after huge mass demonstration for 19 days non stop. The Royal Government has changed its position from usurping all the power to delegating the power back to the people. This move was the result of the continued pressure put forth upon the King by the Seven Party Alliance initiated “Peoples’ movement” and the international Community. The US and India’s decision to not support the King in his recent moves and to change their stance on the on-going situation prompted the King to re-instate the parliament and bow down to the people’s demand. In terms of our Prisoner’s Dilemma scenario, a third party exogenous figure influenced the King’s decision to modify his strategy (SPA plus the international community). But, the Maoists are still positioned at their status quo strategy i.e. they have not changed their position. The consequence of the Maoists’ not changing their strategy and the King modifying his position is a situation where the outcome of the game is still “conflict”. Although the Maoists have mutually agreed with the SPA to follow its 12-point understanding, they have maintained status quo even after the King’s move.

After the King’s recent step, much of the power has been handed over to the SPA. It is now up to them to convince the Maoists for a concurrent strategy shift so that the outcome Peace is attained without further strike and bloodshed. As said earlier, the international community has played a crucial role in breaking the deadlock by agreeing to support Nepali people’s verdict after the Maoists join the political mainstream through an election of Constitution Assembly. With positive signal from the international community, the King and SPA, the Maoists have declared a unilateral ceasefire, which is a sign of flexibility which we have argued above. So, the situation in recent days has moved from outcome War to Conflict*. It depends on the evolving situation in the coming days whether they rebel’s key demand (election of Constitution Assembly) is fulfilled or not. This will determine whether the outcome Peace is realized or not.


The SPA has now been able to avert conflict between the two warring factions for the time being. Negotiation has been going on with the Maoists to bring them in the political mainstream by fulfilling their demands. Meanwhile, the international community has been playing a crucial role in defusing the crisis. It has extended support to the King and the SPA. Moreover, changing its earlier hawkish stance towards the Maoists they have now promised support in any initiation that would bring the rebels to the political mainstream. So the situation is evolving from outcome War to Conflict* and most possible Peace.

The Nepalese Conflict as a prisoner's Dilemma | Reference